Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 483

Shion was smiling, but there was no smile in the eyes of the Queen.

"It has nothing to do with me!"

Qiye didn't believe Shion didn't know the whole story.

But it is a pity that women are unreasonable in such matters.

Because Shion is not angry about Nanya and Ryan's scandal, but the heroine who has the scandal is not herself.

Damn, the old lady is the authentic white, rich and beautiful lady with tens of billions of dollars in assets!

Except for blood and breasts, what is the point of that violent noble girl comparable to mine?!

Shion was sulking secretly, and the phone on her desk rang when she was wondering what to do with this flowery guy.

"Hey, Shion? I'm ready here."

"I'm coming right now, Brother Iwata."

Shion hung up the phone, she got up and patted Qiye on the shoulder: "You read your love story, I'll go to the game department for a meeting first."

After speaking, Shion walked towards the door with a smile.

"Ah, that's right." Shiyuan turned around and reminded Qiye, "I think you can think about it during this period of time, how do you explain it to Lin. I believe she must also know this."

Qiye's face collapsed at the moment Shion closed the door.

"Can I be forgiven for kneeling on the washboard? It should be possible? Or use the keyboard?"

Qiye, who was left alone, had no spine to think.


Just when Qiye struggled with what torture device she used to get her forgiveness.

At the same time, Trier's lounge also exploded.

"Wow wow wow!!! So romantic!!!"

Satsuki Yumi rushed into the lounge with a copy of "Friday". She pointed her finger at the photo of Nanya dancing with Ryan and yelled.

"Look at this one, there is this one, the fried chicken romantically said!"

A trace of longing appeared on Yumi's face: "In the British banquet hall, under the attention of thousands of people, dance with the big brother~ ah~ so envy~"

"let me see."

Rin snatched the magazine in Yumi's hand, and her face turned black after just two glances.

"Haha~ I'm so daring~"

If it's just weaving, it's fine, anyway, a man can't affect the overall situation.

But the woman of Ryan...

"Sister Lin..."

Yumi was frightened by Rin's aura, and she almost cried when she was timid.

"Sorry, return this to you."

Rin shoved the magazine back into Yumi's hands, and then walked out of the lounge aggressively, planning to buy a copy of "Friday" by herself.

As a result, Rin happened to meet Sakura who had come back from the outside, and even more coincidentally, the other party also had a copy of "Friday" in his hand.

"Have you seen it too?"

Although Rin didn't specify anything, Sakura knew exactly what she was talking about.

Sakura nodded: "Of course, otherwise what am I buying this for."

"What do you think about this?"

"I don't think it matters, and Qiye's thoughts are equally unimportant."

Ying said faintly: "I know exactly who he is. He is guilty. Unless this woman forces him to bed, she won't make mistakes."

"I suspect you are talking about me, although I have no evidence." Rin said with a small mouth.

But Sakura didn't care about Rin's complaints, she handed the magazine to Rin and said, "The most important thing is what that woman thinks. Look at this woman's sight."

Sakura pointed to a high-resolution photo.

Rin saw in the photo that Ryan was hugging his man's waist, raised his head, and looked at his male dance partner with a very unique look.

I don't know if this gaze is in love, but she knows that she would definitely not use this gaze to look at male friends with ordinary relationships.

[Damn it, does this big lion also have ideas for Qiye?

Seeing this, Rin and Ying glanced at each other, and they both clearly felt that something in each other's heart had knocked over.

"Sure enough, I still need to use a collar..."

He whispered with a sullen face.

"A simple collar is useless, I need a rope..."

Sakura's face was also not pretty.Does she feel that she is also shameless, and try cooking the rice first?

"It must be that your breasts are too small to control men." Sakura looked at Lin contemptuously, "Give me a chance and he won't greet that foreign woman's breasts anymore..."

"You dream! I will definitely grow up with his help!" Rin made a middle finger.

"Hey, you guys, why didn't they go up here?"

Yumi pointed to the last photo and asked others excitedly.

"I do not know……"

"Maybe? Even Kiryu-san should not be able to resist the other party's charm."

The foot-washing and maid trio entered a pure state of eating melons.

"Hmph~ Do you want to know?" Lily raised her head triumphantly, "I was there at the time~ I told you--"

"Hehe~ I will let her kiss!"

Rin suddenly said loudly.

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