Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 489

"Miss, do you know why I moved in?! What if you are discovered by the paparazzi?"

"Don't worry, you won't find it."

Ziyuan handed the plate to Qiye, and she confidently said, "I left from the Jiufeng Building 2 hours earlier than you. Those paparazzi only stare at you, so they don't care where I, a person outside the scandal, goes.

"So you don't need to worry too much. Come on, have some potato salad."


Qiye sighed, he picked up the fork placed on the table and ate the dinner Shion had given him.

"When you go back, be careful not to be photographed by paparazzi."

Qiye said vaguely with food stuffed in her mouth.

Ziyuan answered, "It's okay, I live here today."


Qiye turned her head away at the last minute, so she didn't spray Shion with the potatoes in her mouth.

"Ah, let me talk about it first. Not only today, I will live here during this time."

"what's the situation?!"

Qiye couldn't deal with the mashed potatoes and salad dressing on her body, and asked loudly.

"Because I don't have a place to live now."

Shion replied with a shrug.

"I don't believe it!"

Qiye patted the table and stood up, "Then where did you live before I bought the house? Don't tell me your big boss, where do you sleep on the street."

"Stay in a hotel."

Shion replied calmly: "I have houses in Kyoto and New York, but there are really none in Tokyo."

Probably after reading Nanya's skeptical eyes, Shion Tanshou explained: "You must know that Tokyo was just a branch at the beginning, and Kyoto and New York were the head office and the first branch of Washimine."

"A liar, how many years has the Jiufeng headquarters moved to Tokyo?!"

"Yes, it's a pity that I haven't been able to find a good house." Shiyuan picked up the tea cup, and the old god took a sip of hot tea comfortably, "I am not like someone, who has low requirements for the house. I have to look at a house by my own younger brothers and sisters. Remind not to step on the pit."

"You all know..."

Qiye's momentum suddenly withered, and he shaved his cheeks embarrassedly.

Ziyuan said triumphantly: "Don't worry, I have already found the house, but because of the complete renovation, I can't live in it in a short time.

"Besides, staying in the hotel is really uncomfortable, and it doesn't feel like home at all. So, Qiye, this time is interrupted."

[No hotel, do I have it here?

Although Shion gave the reason, Qiye still doubted the other party's attempt.

"Hey, you don't lose money when I live in."

Shion's face flushed slightly, she raised her neck and said, "If you don't have me tonight, you must be using instant noodles, right?"

Qiye's eyes are even more speechless

"With you, it's just replacing instant noodles with potato salad from Lawson convenience store."

The taste is so familiar, it is the simple meal sold in the convenience store under the Jiufeng Building.

Since Qiye had eaten it several times, he ate it as soon as he tasted it.

"Don't be wordy, do you like it or not!"

Shion made a big red face, and she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I can't help it. Today is the first day I live in, and I have to prepare a lot of things."

"What are you going to prepare?"

"A lot of things! Toiletries, makeup remover, my usual cosmetics, as well as pajamas and changing clothes! Well, I have to buy a few sets of underwear."

Shion squeezed his fingers and said, "Qiyah are you not as shy about what kind of underwear? I'll buy that kind of underwear when I arrive. After all, living together might be inconvenient."

[This lady definitely plans to stay here for a long time.

Qiye suddenly had this idea in her heart.

As for the idea of ​​expelling Shion, Qiye hadn't thought about it.

But this proposal flashed in Qiye's mind and gave up.

Let alone a good relationship with Shion, although I don't know if Shion's claim of being homeless is true, since the other party said so, Qiye still couldn't refuse her from the perspective of a friend.

More importantly, Shion paid the money when he bought the house.

So Qiye could only stare at Shion, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that Qiye didn't respond, Shion complained, "Really, Qiye, you really didn't mean it at all."

[Should I say "Welcome in" to you and then pull up a banner?

Qiye roared in her heart.

But Qiye couldn't say this sentence, he could only sigh and continue to eat potato salad.

Probably satisfied with Qiye's fate, Shion handed Qiye another sandwich.

Well, the sandwiches are also bought from Lawson convenience store.

Qiye tasted the taste, which was exactly the same as the taste that he and Lao Xu had at noon today.

After eating and finishing everything, Qiye walked to her room silently, Shion happily followed behind him.

When he reached the second floor, Shion suddenly stopped Qiye.

"Now, when you didn't come back, I walked around the house and I picked this room."

The woman pointed to the other master bedroom in the house with a lush white jade, and said: "I just tried it. The bed in this room is very comfortable. I like it very much. So, that room will belong to me in the future."

This sentence made Qiye immediately like an enemy: "You have seen all the rooms, where is my room?!"

"Don't worry, I didn't go in and look at your room. I just took a look and came out. However, I still want to remind you not to throw your woman's stockings casually."

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