Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 490

Shion blinked at Qiye and disappeared at the door of the room.

Qiye stood in the corridor with a dazed expression, his mouth opened wide, unable to even speak.

The stockings Shion found were dignified, which was left over from last night.

At that time, Qiye accidentally tore the silk stockings because of the fierce battle.

So Rin left the stockings in the house casually.

Seven nights in the morning because of the hurried going out to work, but did not clean up, and turned out to be caught by Shion.

As for why Rin can enter Qiye's villa surrounded by paparazzi.

In fact, her method is the same as that of Ziyuan, avoiding the paparazzi by staggering the time of entering and leaving the community with Qiye.

Moreover, the car Rin was riding in did not depart from the Jiufeng Building. As long as he did not drive the window, the paparazzi outside could not be sure who was in the car.

And the paparazzi have not been able to enter the community yet, so they don't even know which villa the car is parked in.

In order to allow Rin's car to enter smoothly, Qiye also specially ventilated the property...

"Damn it, when she (Ziyuan) came in today, she must have made a slap in the face and drove in the car yesterday."

Qiye patted his forehead, and he finally guessed how Shion came in.

Ba% used the same car as Lin came in yesterday, maybe even the driver is the same.

Reminiscent of the smile of the security guard when I went home today...

"I said why she told me so kindly that she was giving Rin a holiday... Mother, the women's routines in the city are too deep."

In this way, the new home of Qiye has not lived in a full month, and there are new permanent residents.

In other words, there is a hostess?


pS: Today is still a tough time for class. Try to increase it at night._(:з∠)_

Chapter 305 The Instinct Engraved in Genes

Qiye thought that Shion would move in with such a big fanfare.

But in fact, Shion really just lived in.

She seems to really regard this house as her own home, living in the villa at her own pace.

That said, but Qiye didn't know what Shion's normal life rhythm should be like.

All night, Qiye didn't see her again except when she saw Shion brushing her teeth in the bathroom while washing.

Compared to other places in the villa, Shion seemed more interested in just nesting in the room she chose.

"So, is there any difference between staying here and staying in a hotel?"

Qiye asked when she saw Shion in the restaurant early the next morning.

"What? Do you still want me to take any action? Then I will attack you at night tonight."

Shion said provocatively to Qiye, the other party's tone was true or false, and Qiye was not sure whether the female boss really thought that way.

But backing off at this time violates his reputation as a skinny.

Therefore, Qi Ye Si Duck said stiffly: "Are you sure you are coming, believe me or not to you?"

Qiye circled her hands into a circle, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Shion curled his lips: "You can take care of the stockings on the bed first. I don't like the taste of other women."


Qiye's face immediately became awkward.

In the end, Qiye replied helplessly: "I really lost to you, okay, but you have to promise me a few requests in advance."

"It's funny, do you think you are the head of Disney or the bald head of Sony? You dare to make offers with me? Don't forget you still live in that apartment without me?"

Shion put down the cup, and she made a respectful look.

"However, you are still my landlord anyway, so I'll just listen to it hard."

Qiye rubbed his temples and said his request.

Of course, Qiye didn't say that the excessive request was a common condition for renting.

For example, wash clothes separately, don't bring strangers to the villa, and don't mix up toiletries and tableware.

This piecemeal condition amused Shion.

"Are you the landlord or rent a villa with me?"

Qiye didn't answer directly, he stretched out his hands and gestured an X in midair.

"The most important one! No night attack!"

"Night attack?"

Shion sneered contemptuously: "You only slept for one night and you have enough stock? You are all 30 years old, so energetic? You give me a little time, don't flash."

"I'm serious, what would Rin think if he knew it!"

Qiye frowned and said.

"Well, I promise you that."

Shion looked at Qiye deeply, but when he saw his expression resolute, she finally nodded and agreed.

Looking at Shion who should have looked on her face, Qiye felt a sense of guilt.

If it weren't for him to be anxious and get the bait under Shion, things would not have developed like this.

[Would you like to take Rin over?Forget it...If you get caught by a paparazzi, you really will die.

In the end, Qiye's solution was to hang a sign with Rin's name on the door of a second bedroom.

Even though Qiye knew that this kind of muddy method was definitely not a problem, when Lin came back, it would definitely make a lot of trouble.

But sometimes, covering one's ears and stealing the bell is not the solution.

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