Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 504

For this reason, the various Sao operations on both sides continued, calling Qiye Dao hooked.

Obviously, the influence of awards is not comparable to that of the North American awards season, but the wonderful story is no less than that of large-scale awards such as North American Oscars.

This made Qiye truly realize what is called a temple demon, the wind is strong, and the water is shallow.

In fact, everyone in the Japanese film industry knows that there must be a battle between Jiufeng and Lin Bao, and it is decided who is the real boss of the Japanese film industry.

It's just that no one thought that this battle would come so early, many years earlier than they thought.

In fact, whether the cause of this battle was to cut his mouth without hesitation, or whether to do so deliberately to trigger a counterattack by Jiufeng, it has long been meaningless.

Now everyone is waiting for the final result of this war. Will the new king of Jiufeng ascend the throne, or will Lin Bao still sit on the throne, or will both lose, and other companies will follow the trend?

Although I don't know if Lin Bao chose this time deliberately, to some extent at this point in time, it can be regarded as pinching the seven inches of Jiufeng.

After all, Jiufeng’s focus is still on the North American awards season. It is obviously more important to gain a foothold in North America than Japan.

As for Lin Bao, Jiufeng's state with one hand tied is one of the few situations where they have the opportunity to guarantee a battle.

Therefore, Lin Bao cares more about the outcome of this battle than Jiufeng.

If they can't even beat Jiufeng like this, then they really have no hope.

Therefore, Lin Bao kept mobilizing his relationship in the movie circle, trying to use his extensive network to hinder Jiufeng.

Because of Jiufeng's lack of power, the only methods that can be used can only be simple and rude to open the way with money.

But you have to admit that although money is very vulgar, sometimes it is really effective.

After all, money can't solve all problems, but it can solve most problems.

In this way, time is slowly approaching January.

As the time for the announcement of major award nominations is getting closer, even non-film entertainment professionals have already smelled the smell of gunpowder from the film industry.

Not to mention the film critics in the movie circle, they have become agents of both forces

Today, a certain film critic said that Japanese Oscars should respect art as much as North American Oscars.

The next day, another film critic would stand up and retort, saying that the award is not determined by the lower the box office performance, so that everyone should not release the movie.

In short, at this point in time, these film critics and the newspapers that published their articles have tacitly understood whether the pants they wore in private wrote about Jiufeng or Lin Bao.

Of course, the one who jumped the most joyously was Oemiya Kiritugu himself, who has been in the Japanese film industry decades ago.

This time, he used the network of connections he had established since the time of the director for many years to exert influence on the Japanese academia.

According to a small report secretly given to Qiye by Illiya, Kirishu has recently begun to frequent places where members of the "Oscar Society of Japan" often meet in an effort to influence more people.

According to Ilia, it seems that Qiye invited Kirishu to play a role at the [Baozhiying Painting Award] ceremony that stimulated her father.

"Really, how old he is, and he is like a child."

Illya complained on the phone: "Isn't it because my mother and I are trying to pull him into your cast of Ernie Chan during dinner every day! Do you need to be so angry?"


[Girl, are you sure you are fanning the flames?!

Anyway, when Qiye heard these words, his whole heart collapsed.

"A commercial film like "fate" can be nominated for a Japanese Oscar, which is already the biggest compliment in itself."

Just when Yiliya was colliding with Qiye and told him about her father's movements.

In a coffee shop, Kei Shizheng resolutely said to a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties.

"Tianhai, "Fate" is a pure one step, no compromise to art, non-realistic commercial film."

Keiji's tone of speech became more and more excited, "The so-called Oscar, shouldn't the rigor of art be maintained? Do you plan to see this last art sacred land also be eroded by business?!"


The woman who was called Tianhai by Kirishu said with a smile, "How did I hear that your stupid dad feels upset because your daughter is talking about that kid every day?"


Keishi reminded him with some discomfort.

The woman didn't show any expression of fear at all: "Oh, when we were dating back then, I was called Renjia Youxijiang. Now that I am married, I am called Renjia Tianhai."

"Tianhai, can we not mention this?"

Keishi sighed helplessly.

If it weren't for this time he was forced to do nothing, Kirishu really didn't want to come to this ex-girlfriend.

To this end, he also deliberately reported to his wife and took the initiative to find Serra as his watchdog.

The name of the person sitting across from Kirishu is Amami Yuki, and like Sayuri Yoshinaga, she is a famous goddess in the Japanese entertainment industry.

But what few people know is that Tian Hai Yuxi had been dating Kirishu for a while when he first debuted.

At that time, Kiriji was still a small figure who didn't make a big splash, working as a stage director for the Takarazuka Opera Company.

The two people met at that time.

It's a pity that Tian Hai Youxi didn't plan to get married because of career, so the two separated.

Amami Yuki stayed in the Takarazuka Opera Company and continued to play in the stage play, while Kiriji entered the film director industry and met his current wife Alice Phil.

After that, Chee-si quickly became famous, and even now he has become Lin Bao's boss.

Tian Hai Youxi achieved excellent results in stage plays and turned to the direction of TV dramas and movies.

Up to now, Tian Hai Youxi has become a big actress, it can be said that it is a pivotal existence in the entertainment industry.

Perhaps for pure power, Tian Hai Youxi is completely inferior to the Lin Bao family headed by Chesi.

But as a member of the "Japan Academy of Oscars," Amami Yuki's influence in the academy is better than that of Lin Bao, whose reputation has been broken.

That's why, Chee Si would risk being punished by his wife to kneel on the durian shell and also come to find his old lover's relationship.


Tianhai Yuxi smiled and said, "You said I helped you this time, what can you give?"

The ex-girlfriend's words made Che Si suddenly sweat, and he cast a guilty look at Serra who was standing at the door.

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