Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 503

In fact, when a family is in a monopoly position in an industry, it is really unavoidable to be ugly.

For example, the high share of the Steam platform.

When the empire was at its most glorious, people in the system would certainly not have any opinions, nor would they dare.

But when there are challengers, this system will quickly collapse, even if the original big boss is not pulled down from the throne, there will be a situation of competition among the heroes.

Because Jiufeng suffered such a loss, they knew how dissatisfied the small film studios and independent producers were against Limbaugh.

Therefore, under the dual circumstances of Jiufeng's Jin Yuan offensive and Lin Bao's bullying, countless filmmakers and small companies who once attached to Lin Bao began to turn their backs.

Although the Japanese branch of Jiufeng Entertainment was established less than two years ago, it has surpassed the second-ranked Toei, and has become a presence only under Limbo.

And began to attack Lin Bao's status.

The most awesome thing about Jiufeng's company is never how many games they have made, nor their feat of saving the world's game industry.

But they have a condition that most companies don't have-time.

You know, more than one hundred years have passed since Jiufeng's company was founded.

The name of the century-old shop is no joke.

Over the past 100 years, Jiufeng has experienced ups and downs, and they have experienced almost all the situations that the company may have experienced.

These experiences are the most precious things in Jiufeng, because it can save Jiufeng from making many detours when moving forward, because they have already walked through it long ago.

Similarly, this also allows Jiufeng to accurately find his position when facing various opponents, and then formulate the most effective counterattack plan.

Therefore, when Jiufeng entered the Japanese film circle, he aimed at the most vulnerable place of Lin Bao from the beginning.

Lin Bao, who had been lying on the merit list for a long time, had already lacked the ability to react and was caught off guard by Jiufeng.

Lin Bao's film empire is at a very critical time. Although it will not reach the critical moment of life and death, if there is no other way, it will only be a matter of time before being beaten down by Jiufeng.

Faced with such a situation, Lin Bao will of course fight back.

But Jiufeng's fate is too strong, so strong that it won 19.7 billion yen in the box office in Japan.

Whether this achievement counts Fate as a local movie or an imported film, Fate is the existence of the Japanese box office champion.

Although Lin Bao is planning to move his "Kingjing" series back to one city, the project has been stranded because they have not yet found a suitable director to succeed Qiye.

Under such circumstances, in order to show the Japanese film circle that he is still the real boss, Lin Bao plans to lead Jiufeng in the awards season.

So Kirisi pushed the movie "Sanchome" and publicly stated on countless occasions that this movie will become the dominant player in the awards season.

"Although this movie is not the box office champion like a certain movie, it will definitely be the best movie this year, and it will be recognized by all awards."

Although Keishi didn't specify which movie it was, is it still necessary to guess this kind of thing?

And your sister Ziyuan is not the kind of person who doesn't fight back after being ridden on her face—unless the person riding her face is an unscrupulous director.

So, as Qiye expected, this year's Japan awards season will be a bloody storm.


pS: The title pinches him "The time left for the Chinese team is running out." It comes from a quotation from football commentator Liu Jianhong.

Later, some people used it to make fun of things that have been repeated many times in the same situation, but with a few different things.

For example, after [Dragon Ball Super] Saiyans with various hair colors appeared on the stage, they were teased that "there are not many colors left for Saiyans".

Speaking of Chinese football, it is estimated that most people feel the pain.

In fact, China still has a strong football team, and it is still a national team~

That is the Chinese blind men's football team.This team composed of disabled people has achieved very good results.

In 2010, he won the third place at the Blind Foot World Championships, the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Paralympic Games, and the fifth place at the London Paralympic Games in 2012.

In the 2013 Asian Blind Football (5-a-side) Championship finals, defeated the Japanese team to win the championship.

He won the 4th Blind Football Asian Championships in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013.

Both the 2014 Blind Football World Cup and the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games won fourth place.

2017 Blind Football Asian Championships champion.

Third place in the 2018 Blind Football World Cup.

On October 6, 2019, the Chinese Blind Football Team of the Asian Blind Football Championship won the Asian Championship.

Gee, although the blind football game is not much comparable to the 11-a-side game of the able-bodied.

Chapter 312: I'm too difficult

Kiritsu's speech was like a war book, which made Washimine, who didn't care about Japanese awards, started paying attention to Japanese film awards.

You know, before Lin Bao spoke, Jiufeng's attitude towards the Japanese Film Awards was that he could get the best, and it didn't matter if he didn't.

After all, the academy atmosphere of Japan's film awards is lighter than that of North America, and they do not exclude films that are commercially successful.

As long as the film meets the expectations of film critics, then there won't be much problem.

Under such circumstances, Jiufeng believes that even if he can't win a Grand Slam with fate, he should be able to win many awards.

Therefore, at the beginning, Jiufeng Entertainment only cared about the awards PR in North America.

It's just that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind keeps on, and Shion's hand suddenly makes Shion feel extremely angry.

So during this period of time, Shion has increased its public relations efforts for the Japanese Film Awards. As long as there is an award for "Three Chome", Fate will also apply.

Then used various methods to prevent "Sanchome" from getting the award.

In the same way, after Lin Bao saw Jiufeng doing this, of course he wouldn't let the other party succeed.

Suddenly, the entire Japanese film circle was jumped over by the gangsters on both sides.

Some small prizes are okay, because Jiufeng and Lin Bao are not very attractive because of their not-so-famous relationship.

However, Japan’s four major film awards, headed by [Japan’s Oscar], [Blue Ribbon Awards], [Japan Daily Movie Awards] and [Film Reward], have become the focus of the battle between the two sides.

Fortunately, several other awards, especially the [Japan Oscar] controlled by Japan’s five major film companies, have become the hardest hit.

In the "Japan Oscar Association", the organization unit of the Japan Film Academy Awards, the Jiufeng and Limbao departments are now incompatible.

And still forcing other middle factions to stand in line.

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