Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 502

"Director Kiryu, are you announcing your relationship with Miss Ryugu?"

"Director Kiryu, may I ask if you are in love with Miss Ryugu, does it mean that you and Lin Bao will start a new collaboration?"

"Director Kiryu, are you engaged to Miss Ryugu?"

In the face of these and the original scandal with Ryan, it was almost a matter of changing the soup without changing the medicine. Qiye was much calmer than last time.

"Ms. Longgu and I have known each other very early, and the relationship between us has always been very good.

"Although I have some business cooperation differences with Lin Bao, this does not affect our relationship."

Qiye replied with a solemn expression, and he only gave a light explanation to the issues that the reporters were most concerned about.

"So far, the relationship between Miss Longgu and I is just a pure brother-sister relationship. That's it."

After talking about Qiye, Illiya disappeared from the reporters' eyes.

This kind of formulaic answer will certainly not satisfy the reporters, especially the meaning of Qiyehua in and out of words, with a strong taste of overshadowing.

What is "up to now"?

Are you planning to wait until the time comes to shoot directly?

Also, what is meant by "pure sibling relationship"!

When the affair between you and Liangyizhi came out, you said it was a "pure brother-sister relationship."

When Miss Wetting from the United Kingdom and you are unclear, you say it is a "pure friendship".

Now Miss Longgu, you are a "pure sibling relationship" again...

There really is you, Kiryu Nanaya.

Why did you say anything!

So on the second day, the title of the "Weekly Fact" about the Seven Nights scandal was "Shimen!friend!Brother and sister!...The pure relationship left to Kiryu Qiye is running out."

"Hahaha! It's really fun!"

At the breakfast table, Shion patted the table and pointed to the article in "Weekly Fact" and laughed wildly.

"Then you and Rin are'pure director-actor relationship'? Hahaha!"

Qiye drank the milk in her cup silently, turning a blind eye to Shion's exaggerated expression.

Shion rested his chin with one hand, and his legs kept dangling.

"So how about this? You and Sakura are a'pure ex-boyfriend relationship'?"

Qiye still ignored her. He lowered his head to deal with the sandwich that Shion brought back from Lawson's convenience store last night.

Just like Shion said when she moved in, after living with Shion, Qiye did not worry about her three meals.

It's just that most of the food prepared by Shion is taken out, and more than half of it is bought from the Lawson convenience store under the Jiufeng Building.

Even if it is not ready-made food, Shion prepares simple meals like chicken breast salad (chicken breast is still sliced ​​by Qiye).

However, this eldest lady is a standard ten-finger that doesn't touch the water, and asking her to cook by herself is embarrassing her at all.

Even if Shion is willing, Qiye is still not willing.

In case of food poisoning and hospitalization, wouldn't the cohabitation with Shion be exposed directly?!

Of course, Shion really didn't know what to say about this question. She had already started reading recipes during this time, and she was going to give Qiye a surprise.

Well, Shion intends to keep it secret first, at least until he can distinguish between salt and sugar before showing off with Qiye.

"Well, how about the relationship between me and you is the "pure boss and employee relationship"? Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Shion was a little angry seeing Qiye keep her head buried.

Qiye felt something strange on her cheeks.

When he looked up, he saw that his female boss was looking at him with a smile, while her fingers were poking on his cheeks.

"Hey, I think about the house loan I gave you..."

Shion raised her eyes and said in a threatening tone.

[My Queen Mother, I was wrong.

"I think it would be better to have a'pure cohabitation relationship' between us."

Qiye's tone brought a hint of softness.

"Well, this is good."

Shion was very satisfied. After seven nights, she started to eat her own sandwich.


Feeling that the atmosphere on the table is a bit subtle, Qiye asked in a low voice: "How are the preparations for the awards season?"

"Don't worry, I'm mobilizing my relationship. I am going to fully attack "Sanchome" during the awards season. He wants to eat alone. Let's dream!"

Shion laughed. She seemed to think of something very interesting.

In fact, Shion didn't put the focus of this year's awards season on Japan at the beginning, and her goal was to target the North American awards season just like Qiye.

Even if the academics don't like commercial fantasy movies, but they have won some corner technology awards, in the eyes of the two of them, Fate still has this strength.

It's just that Keishi's approach is a little bit... well, too much.

From the beginning of its establishment, Jiufeng Entertainment aimed to focus on the North American market and supplemented by the Japanese market.

However, Jiufeng's capital is too strong, or Jiufeng is too rich.

This leads to even if Japan is not the main business area of ​​Jiufeng Entertainment, it still shows amazing explosive power.

Of course, one of the reasons for this is that Lin Bao's previous eating habits were indeed a bit ugly.

Just like in the last century, Jiufeng ruled the world during the red and white machine period and adopted the all-evil royalty system.

When Jiufeng was strong, of course no one dared to say anything, but everyone was holding back grievances.

So after Sony launched the PS, countless game makers turned their backs one after another, leading to the direct collapse of Jiufeng's game empire system.

Although in the Japanese film industry, Lin Bao's eating style is not as excessive as Jiufeng back then, but it's not much different.

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