Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 524

And Qiye was not surprised, and rejected him again: "No, my style is completely incompatible with "Iron Man", and I will be very busy this year. It is estimated that it will be next year when the schedule is vacated. You can't wait. Up."

After saying that Qiye was about to leave, he suddenly thought of another thing.

"Fitch, I know you have been in Hollywood for a long time. Can you recommend a few actors?"

Kevin Fitch has been the producer of Marvel movies since 2000. Of course, his producer and the current producer of "Iron Man" are completely two concepts.

The current Fitch in the "Iron Man" project can be said to exist under one person and above ten thousand people, except for Qiye, he can not be a bird.

And Qiye himself believes in Fitch's abilities, so she rarely asks about the specific matters of project preparation, and only controls in the general direction.

In other words, Fitch is the leader in the actual operation of the "Iron Man" project.

But in the past, Fitch could only be said to be a small role with the name of a producer.

His only role in joining the crew is as a consultant for the original comics.

It's a pity that all he can do is to give some constructive comments, and in the end, he won't have anything to do with him.

For example, in "Fantastic Four" that failed last year, Fitch raised objections to the character of Dr. Doum in the movie.

However, someone from Fox said, "Do you know movies or I know movies?!"

But having no power in the crew does not mean that there is no knowledge. After so many crews, Kevin Fitch's talent in watching actors is almost full.

What kind of actor suits what kind of role, he can almost tell at a glance.

"What kind of actors do you need? White, black, or a minority?" Fitch asked curiously.

"A young little fresh meat, with good acting skills, and the other a big muscular man, both white actors."

Qiye plans to start with the Rider group first. After all, Webber is one of the three male protagonists, so he must be cautious in casting roles.

Weber needs to change from a young man to a mature one, which requires relatively high acting skills.

The other actor priority of Conquer King is behind Weber, because Qiye is more concerned about the interaction and spark between him and Weber’s actors.

Even if there is an actor that is very suitable, Qiye will not consider him if he is not in harmony with Weber's actor.

"Big actors say it, I'll just sort out a list for you when the time comes." Fitch said hesitantly, "but it's hard to say a young actor with fresh meat. You also know that being young means inexperienced, no Everyone is born to act like Downey."


Qiye is also a little helpless. The few new-generation actors he knows who have good acting skills are mostly born in the 90s, or even born in the 95s. Now this time period is really too tender.

For example, Qiye once considered letting the Dutch brother star in, but he was born in 1996, and it is impossible for him to appear before he is 10 years old this year.

After thinking about the actors who are about 20 years old this year (Weber is set to be 19 years old in FZ), the only person who can name Qiye is Robert Pattinson, the male protagonist who has starred in the "Twilight" series.

But this guy's acting skills are recognized as inadequate, almost the same virtues as the little meat actor in the East, and every movie he plays is an expression from beginning to end.

This situation should be said to be very common, and it cannot be said that it is a special case of the entertainment industry in any country.

Generally speaking, such an actor rises quickly but falls quickly, and is considered a typical meteor-like character.

But such an actor is not what Qiye wants at all.

"Um... I have a suggestion. You can go to the UK, where there are many actors from academic classes, maybe you can find the right one."

Listening to Qiye's complaint, Kevin Fitch said after thinking about it.


pS1: Yesterday, I forgot to say that it is true that the network platform has added a double-speed playback function, so that bad film and television workers resist this.

Not long ago, Netflix was planning to add this feature to its streaming media app, but it was shocked.

The forced Netflix can only mean the suspension of the installation.

Well, typical American dishes.


pS2: There will be classes today and tomorrow, so there is a high probability that 2 will be more...Michan, try to add more, but if you can’t add it, please forgive me._(:з∠)_

Chapter 322-I'm Sorry

Qiye listened to Fitch's opinion and planned to go to England to find some actors.

But it is impossible for him to fly to the UK right away, which is simply unrealistic.

You know he has just got off the plane for less than 4 hours.

In the next few days, Qiye stayed in California and began the first round of auditions for the cast of King of Conquer.

First of all, I have an impression that it will be more convenient to go to England to choose the actors of the princess.

There are indeed many candidates for big muscular actors in Hollywood, especially Zhu Yu, who turned from a bodybuilder to an actor in the last century, Schwarzenegger, who is full of muscles is not uncommon.

However, most of these actors are not good at acting. Most of the actors are just stern from beginning to end, even with few expressions.

Qiye didn't know if it was Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and other heroic actors from the 1970s and 1980s. In short, these actors were reluctant to make a smile.

If you play Uncle B, these guys should have enough acting skills, but they are simply not up to the role of King of Conquer.

Regardless of the five big and three thick styles of the Conquer King Iskandall, he is a muscular man.

However, he is a true hero with a typical rough but subtle, bold and unruly personality, and a very charming character.

Think about it, too, if people are not so charming, it is not worth a certain man with cirrhosis of the kidney to follow for a lifetime.

So Qiye didn't want to find a facial paralysis in this role, but the reality is that most of the big guys are dead faces with facial paralysis.

Can't you guys make some expressions?

They are really hemifacially paralyzed, Uncle Mark's expression is richer than you!

"Well, this is my mistake."

Qiye pinched her eyebrows and said, "I shouldn't take it for granted that such actors are easy to find."

"It should be Kiryu, your request is too high."

Fitch said with a wry smile, "Isn't that actor named Van Diesel alright?"

Qiye looked tangled, and finally sighed: "What he said... let's forget it."

Although the other party's acting skills are not excellent, it can be regarded as one in the sky and one underground compared to other facial paralysis.

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