Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 525

It's just that the actor's quality is there, but Van Diesel's other aspects are good.

If there is a bit of hype about the contradiction between Fan Shaotou and Johnson in "Fast and Passion", but other negative news about Fan Shaotou really can't be washed away.

Although Van Diesel was a successful actor in the future, he appeared in some mainstream commercial films with fairly good box office results.

From this point of view, hiring can only be regarded as a van Diesel who has just touched the edge of a second-line actor, and it can be regarded as a good deal.

But the problem is, this guy is really a very unique kind of shit-chucking stick.

It is really a talent to be able to achieve that no one from the producer to the distributor likes him.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy can make the audience like it, and every time the movie box office can make money, he would have been thrown into the trash.

At least from the perspective of being a person, Dawn Johnson, who has the same personality, is much better than Fan Guangtou in EQ.


Qiye picked up her eyebrows, and he rummaged through the list of actors again.

But Qiye didn't find any information about Dawn Johnson, and it seemed that the other party did not participate in the audition.

This is also normal. After all, Qiye's audition was half a whim, and it hasn't spread in the circle. It's normal that the big guy doesn't know.

Qiye carefully recalled his own memories. He remembered that Dawn Johnson, like Van Diesel, were big action actors who were still active on the screen after 2010.

Even from the perspective of the actor's status, Johnson's coffee position is still above Fan's head.

After all, Johnson is rare. After 2010, in the era of the decline of superstar film production mode, he can still manage the box office by himself.

Moreover, the other party looks rough, but in fact it is funny and humorous. More importantly, the tendon in that suit can make people feel safe.

"Well, it might be suitable."


Fitch did not hear Qiye's words clearly.

"Fitch, do you know the big guy starring in "The Scorpion King"?"

"I'm slightly impressed, is that Universal movie?" Fitch asked thoughtfully.

"Oh, I know!"

The assistant who was sitting on the side taking notes called out.

"you recognize?"

Qiye and Fitch both turned to look at him at the same time.


Being stared at by the two big guys at the same time, the little assistant was a little frightened. He curled his neck and said: "The actor's name is Dawn Johnson. He played the role of Scorpion King in "The Mummy 2."

Because of the good response from the audience, Universal later made a special film "The Scorpion King" with him as the main character.That's all I know."

"Well, it's him."

Qiye nodded, what the assistant said was similar to what she remembered.

"In this way, you try to give this actor an audition invitation, let him participate in tomorrow's audition." Qiye said to Fitch, "I want to see his performance."

Unlike Downey, who is already proficient in acting, the actor Johnson has not yet become a superstar in the future.

Whether the semi-finished Dushi Johnson can become the King of Conquest Iskandar, Qiye has to wait for the audition to make a decision.

Qiye passed the audition sent by Marvel to Dawn Johnson.

The existence of this man who will become one of the most popular actors in North America and even the world at present does not have the aura of that kind of superstar, but with a hint of immature.

In 2001, Johnson played the role of Scorpion King in "The Mummy 2".

Relying on the muscles he trained as a wrestler, he conquered an audience and starred in the spin-off film "The Scorpion King" the following year in the "Mummy" series.

In terms of investment and rate of return, "The Scorpion King" is definitely a successful commercial film.

Johnson thought that this would be the beginning of his superstar journey, but he didn't know that Universal suddenly changed the direction of the "Scorpion King" series.

After several negotiations to no avail, Johnson had no choice but to withdraw from the project.

This was a lose-lose decision for both the producer and the actors. "The Scorpion King 2" eventually became a crappy B-level film that could only be released offline.

This series that might have become a global cash cow was abandoned.

As the lead actor, Johnson had to waste his time in Hollywood, completely wasting his popularity in the "Scorpion King" series.

In recent years, in addition to starring in a low-cost production of "Megatron Everywhere", Johnson's copy of the cos Stallone's "First Blood" from the character setting to the plot can be regarded as a failure.

I was immersed in the North American film market without even a splash.

The audience will of course not care, after all, there are not 100 or 99 such failed films in Hollywood every year.

But for the lead actor Dawn Johnson, this failure greatly frustrated his career as an actor.

In this situation, when Johnson received an audition notice from Marvel, he took it without hesitation.

The preparation of the "Iron Man" project is not a secret in the circle at all. This superhero movie with an investment of hundreds of millions is still attractive to Johnson now.

For this reason, Johnson deliberately spent the whole night trying to make up the "Iron Man" comics, just begging not to ask questions during the audition tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Dawn Johnson rushed to Marvel's office in Hollywood to prepare for the audition.

What he didn't expect was that this audition was far more formal than he thought.

From the moment he arrived in the dressing room, his body no longer belonged to him, but was taken over by a professional makeup artist.

For three full hours, Johnson had to accept the fiddle of the makeup artist.

Such a cautious situation confuses Johnson.

Generally speaking, the first round of auditions is done by fooling around twice.

This kind of treatment is usually placed in the second round of auditions.

Of course, there is also a special situation, that is, the person in charge of the project is very optimistic about the actor from the beginning, and wants to confirm his own expectations through makeup.

If it is the latter, it means that the probability of being hired is high.

It's just that Johnson really can't think of which role he will play in the movie as his big image. There is no such image in the comics he made up yesterday.

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