Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 526

[Maybe an original character, or a magical character?

This kind of situation is not uncommon in comics, including not only bad revisions, such as Dr. Du Mu in "Fantastic Four", and images that have become classics in movie history, such as the Green Devil in "Spider-Man 1."

However, Johnson gradually discovered that something went wrong, and the makeup that the makeup artist prepared for him was somewhat biased towards the ancient style.

Johnson, who once appeared in costume movies, believed that his judgment could not be wrong, but this only aggravated his doubts.

It's just that as a young actor, Johnson didn't dare to ask. Don't look at him as a bit silly, his emotional intelligence is not low at all.

This highly confidential role shows that it is very important to the film, so important that the crew does not want any information from the outside world.

That being the case, Johnson knew that he just had to be a quiet muscular guy and waited for others to tell him what he wanted.

So Johnson quietly asked the makeup artist to put on his makeup, and then glued his red hair and beard.

"Okay, how do you feel?"

The makeup artist clapped his hands and asked.

"Well... it feels a little itchy."

As Johnson who has been bald for a long time, he is really unaccustomed to his naked head with a pile of fake hair.

"Don't catch."

The makeup artist warned, and then he pointed to the bread and water on the dressing table.

"There is still some time before the interview. If you are hungry, you can eat some pads first, but be careful not to take off your makeup."


Johnson nodded.

But after the makeup artist left, Johnson only drank a little water through a straw.

The more this is the time, the more important it is to distinguish the priority.

You won’t die if you are hungry for a while, but if you lose your makeup, you have to say goodbye to the character.

"Dawn, you can never guess what I saw just now."

Johnson's agent walked into the dressing room with excitement.

"It's Nanaya Kiryu, I saw him also there when I passed the audition room just now!"


pS1: Weber's persona is undoubtedly white, this is a setting, there is nothing to say.

Harry Potter also has black hair, but he is also white. Don't think that Europeans and Americans have only blond hair._(:з∠)_


pS2: It's like an infinite liver pool. I really want to play games. It's like glue!

However, Mijiang needs codewords and classes..._(:з∠)_

Chapter 323 Thirty Years of Hedong...Add more

"The director of fate?"

There are very few Japanese in Hollywood, so as soon as his agent said it, Johnson reacted.


Johnson's agent nodded vigorously.

"I remember he was the producer of "Iron Man"? It's not strange to be here."

"So, what I'm going to say next." The agent said mysteriously, "I also saw the costumes and props that you will need to audition, a set of Greek-style battle armor and a short sword. "


Johnson's eyes lit up immediately. It wouldn't matter if it were just an ancient character, but when the name is associated with Kiryu Nanaya, it will trigger a wonderful chemical reaction.

"I remember that Fate's shooting has all ended?"

When Johnson said this, his voice trembled slightly, which was obviously suppressing his inner excitement.

Compared with the uncertain "Iron Man", the role played in the already popular fate is obviously more in line with Johnson's expectations.

In fact, not many people in the circle are optimistic about "Iron Man".

The reason why Marvel is able to smoothly advance the progress of the work of "Iron Man" is that in addition to the new gold lord father, Jiufeng, there is also a well-known director Kiryu Nanya as the producer.

Relying on this name, Marvel flicked many actors and practitioners into the "Iron Man" project.

Johnson heard that before Kiryu Qiye became the producer, Marvel couldn't find a screenwriter, so no screenwriter dared to take the job.

This is also a common problem in Hollywood-always chasing winners only.

But after all, compared to godsons like "Iron Man," pro-sons like Fate will definitely receive Kiryu Nanaya's attention.

If there is a choice, Johnson believes that most of the "Iron Man" crew members have abandoned their projects to join the fate.

"Didn't the second half of the fate movie be released in early May of this year? Maybe it's a brand new project of Director Kiryu?"

Johnson said in a self-comforting tone.

"Surely such a big-selling work will not only sell one, right?" The agent saw it more clearly, "It is not a film based on real events like "Titanic". How could this kind of fictional story not be serialized? ."

"Yes, it's like the "Star Wars" series." Johnson nodded.

"Yes, you must perform well later, you don't need me to say you also know how hot fate is now, right?"

The agent excitedly said: "Think about Mark Ruffalo. He just played a supporting role in it. Now he has a lot of appointments. You know before that, he was too small to be too small. ."

Relying on the role of Uncle B, Uncle Mark has now become a representative of Hollywood's ruthless character.

Even though Uncle Mark's Hercules is just a motion capture role, this still cannot resist the enthusiasm of fans.

This is what everyone yearns for in large commercial films, not only because of the high pay but also because it can quickly increase the popularity of the actors.

"Dawn, I have always believed that you can become a big star, but you are not very lucky." The agent patted his client's shoulder and encouraged, "We were not lucky in the previous "Scorpion King". This time you must Seize the opportunity!"

"I know."

Johnson nodded cautiously.

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