Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 527

At this time, the makeup artist walked in with costumes and props.

"Well, it looks like there is no need to touch up makeup." The makeup artist was satisfied, "Come on, put on this suit."

With the help of the makeup artist, Johnson put on this ancient Greek-style armor.

Because the muscles on his body are too big, and the clothes for this audition are not customized, Johnson feels that the clothes are very tight.

"A bit out of breath."

"It will be just a moment. If you get this role, I will definitely make a costume for you."

The makeup artist said funny, he also thought that Johnson's tightened up and down look a bit ridiculous.

"I borrow your good words."

Johnson showed a friendly smile. It should be scary for someone with a body shape like him to smile, but the makeup artist felt a touch of kindness instead.

"Come on. This is your prop."

The makeup artist handed a dagger over.

After receiving the short sword, Johnson took a closer look. He has no research on history, and he doesn't know which legend comes from this simple short sword.

It is also possible that the crew randomly found an ancient style dagger. After all, it was just an audition and not a formal filming.

"What do you think about me?"

Johnson wielded his short sword in a pose.

"Very handsome, like a majestic general."

The agent gave a thumbs up.

"Then I'm going."

Johnson felt like a student about to take an exam, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Johnson did not feel that way when he participated in the audition of Scorpion King.

[How long have I not been so nervous?I still remember the first wrestling match.


The agent reminded Johnson when he opened the door: "Don't ask anything that shouldn't be asked! Just do what they say."

Although people are naturally curious, there must be a degree in everything.

Losing the character because of talking too much, it would be a shame.

"I know, it's not my first audition. Let's see my performance."

Johnson winked his eyes at his agent.

In the audition room, Qiye took advantage of the gap between the audition to discuss MCU-related matters with Kevin Fitch.

"So, Universal still refuses to let go?"

The news that Fitch gave Qiye was not so good.

After the "Iron Man" project was on track, Qiye and Marvel started the preliminary planning of their second project "Invincible Hulk".

The reason for opening "Invincible Hulk" is also a helpless move, because the copyright of the characters has not officially returned to Marvel.

Marvel can't do it even if it wants to shoot.

As for "Guardians of the Galaxy", an 18-line hero, even Qiye would not choose to establish a project before the establishment of the Marvel brand.

In the end, Marvel chose to choose the role of Hulk just like the original world.

The reason is also very simple. One is that the role of Hulk is very popular, and the other is that Hulk’s personal film has just experienced a failure in 2003, which will make the copyright owner's Universal talk easier.

In fact, it is not just Hulk, X-Men and Spider-Man, who are leading roles in Marvel comics, Marvel also applied to the copyright owner, hoping to borrow IP to shoot movies.

But without exception, these requests were rejected.

It’s normal to think about it. After all, when your store is booming, someone asks to borrow the best products you sell to open a branch, and most people will refuse.

Needless to say Sony here.

There are not many series of movies that Columbia has taken out now. As the most successful series in its hands, how could Spider-Man come out.

However, Sony still let go of Thor's copyright, because the "Thor" project is really unable to continue after it gets into Sony's hands.

Taking this tasteless project to take some cash flow from Marvel is not a loss in Sony's eyes.

Compared to Sony, which communicates well, Fox is too much here.

It is said that the people who lobbyed by Marvel in the past were ridiculed by them, and even boasted that if "Iron Man" failed, they were willing to spend $1 to buy all the rights of the remaining characters in Marvel's hands.

"Anyway, when the time comes, your company's role is to give it to others and nobody wants it."

Fitch was showing Qiye the face of the Fox executive with a vivid expression.

"Anyway, the Japanese named Kiryu won't be proud of it for long. By next year, his funny movie will be stepped on by "X-Men"!"

After Fitch said this sentence with a very arrogant expression, his face straightened.

"That guy said so."

"Fuck the old fox, it's a bully to be an old man!"

Qiye punched hard on the table.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Qiye would really like to say "Thirty years in Hedong and Hexi in thirty years, don't bully the young and poor".

"There's no way, those small-minded people have recorded the hatred of "Fantastic Four" until now. They think that without your fate, the movie will be a success."

"Successful to his old mother! That kind of junk movie..."

Qiye cursed halfway and closed her mouth quietly.

Because he remembered, "Fantastic Four" would have been a success if he hadn't made such a sway.

Otherwise, how did the previous "Fantastic Four 2" come from? It's not because of seeing this project to make money.

"Old fox, please remember it to me." Qiye gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let you find a chance..."

Qiye remembers clearly that the Murdoch family sold out the film industry a few years later due to various problems.

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