Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 528

If there is a chance, Qiye plans to persuade Shion to buy Fox, and then all the executives rush to clean the toilet.

In this way, not only will Jiufeng Entertainment be more powerful, but Marvel will also be able to get the copyright of the X-Men character, and he can also sigh.

This is nothing short of profit and harm.

As for the thoughts of those Fox executives, who cares?

When they annoyed the traversers, they were already doomed.

The last male idol who antagonized Qiye is still in the nightclub to repay his debts by pole dancing for the rich woman.

"Decided, set a small goal for yourself first!" Qiye clapped her hands and said, "Let's buy Fox! Wow hahaha!"

Qiye's nervous behavior scared the assistant who was in charge of the recording.

"That... the Fitch producer?"

Kevin Fitch has long been accustomed to Qiye’s intermittent cranial nerve short-circuiting style. He said to his assistant: "Bring in the next audition actor, and when someone comes in, Director Kiryu will be normal."


pS1: Seven chapters are still missing, one step closer to paying off.


pS2: Fox's English is Fox, so it has the nickname "Old Fox".


pS3: Everyone should know about Disney's acquisition of Fox, but the Murdoch family only sold the film industry, and television and other Fox industries still remain.

As for why the Murdoch family only sold this part, this involves the group's diversification strategy.

Because the content is too complicated, Mijiang will not give you lessons, anyway, Mijiang has heard enough today._(:з∠)_

Chapter 324 What is the relationship between your role as Iskandar and me, Alexander the Great?

When Dawn Johnson walked into the audition room with his right foot, Qiye stopped messing around and started to observe the actor carefully.

The image of the king of conquerance played by Johnson makes Qiye shine.

Although the clothes on his body were made temporarily, it was very awkward because of the unfitting relationship.

But the other party's bohemian look has a bit of Iskandall's charm.

In all fairness, there must be a certain gap between Johnson's dress and Qiye's fz illustration.

But making a movie is not a cos. Compared to the mere closeness of the image, Qiye, as the director, is more interested in whether the actors can express the charm of the role.

From this point of view, although Johnson's performance is not 100% reduction, it is much better than other dead faces.

In the past few days, only Fan Bald, whom Qiye disliked very much, was able to achieve this level.

In fact, the performance of an actor is a very subjective judgment, and more often it is a subjective feeling of people.

When people particularly like a person, they will subconsciously ignore some problems and regard them as a standard.

Just like the diehard fans of certain celebrities, even if their idols just stand in front of the camera and say "one, two, three, four" like a zombie, the dubbing depends entirely on the post.

But in the eyes of those people, their idols are always the best.

This is what Qiye encounters now. In fact, the acting level of Johnson and Fan Guangtou is only in the middle.

But in Qiye's eyes, the one in front of him is more pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, when Qiya saw Johnson wrapped in a cloak and walked into the room with a dagger, Qiya felt like the other party.

However, Qiye still has the professionalism as a director. No matter how good he feels, he definitely needs to let the other party perform.

If the other party has not reached his qualification line, he can only say sorry.

Qiye stared at Johnson with his chin supported, and he gave Fitch all the affairs of hosting the audition.

"Then, you introduce yourself first."

Fitch’s tone was as if Teacher Wang was saying "Do you have any dreams?"

But Johnson didn't have any thoughts of smiling, he took a deep breath, and then began to introduce himself briefly to the judges in front of him.

Then Fitch asked Johnson to read a few lines, including the emperor joking with Weber, explaining to others that he is king, and taking the lead in the charge.

Finally, Fitch directed Johnson to take a few sword-swinging poses.

Thanks to his full muscles and large skeleton, Johnson is quite accomplished in these movements.

But Qiye also discovered a more serious problem with the other party-that is more than kindness but not enough power.

To put it more intuitively, the current Dashi Johnson lacks the kind of domineering that belongs to the king.

There is no problem with Johnson playing the King of Conquer in the situation where Weber gags, even the King of Conquer fighting on the battlefield can make do, but the kind of domineering leakage that can crush the opponent only by momentum is still Something is inadequate.

However, this part of the shortcomings is not hopeless, and can be compensated by specific targeted evil supplements.

It depends on whether the big actor is willing to do it.

"You performed very well. After two days, we will notify you if you are in the next round of auditions. Now you can leave."

After finishing all the projects, Fitch signaled that Johnson could leave.

"Thank you teachers and judges."

Johnson scanned the three behind the judges' table with the corners of his eyes, trying to get a glimpse of their expressions.

But both Fitch and Qiye are human spirits. Although they are not ventilating each other, their expressions are only polite smiles.

The assistant was only responsible for recording, he had no power to decide anything, so he kept recording blankly throughout the process.

Not being able to know the specific results made Johnson feel a little sorry, but he was told by his agent to know the principle of "Don't ask casually if you shouldn't ask".

[The line I just gave mentioned that my role is Iskandar. Maybe I can do some homework in this area.

Johnson did not know that the name Iskandar was the Arabic name of Alexander the Great.

After all, most of the time everyone used the title of the King of Conqueror was Alexander the Great, just as everyone rarely used [Suleiman (Solomon's Arabic name)] when calling Solomon.

The knowledge can only be regarded as ordinary Johnson, of course, will not care too much about this aspect.

But Johnson knows very well that since the role he played in is an ancient hero, there will definitely be relevant records, and you will definitely gain something to check at that time.

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