Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 549

But this time, because of the addition of the four seasons, in order to ensure the continuity of the shot, he needs a more detailed script than before.

So Qiye started a whole script group to arrange the scripts of fz and hf in more detail.

At present, Lao Xu and Siji have both come to Hollywood from Japan, and became a member of the script group under the appointment of Qiye.

For this reason, Qiye also specially took two days to participate in the seminar of the project script group.

This meeting has a very high standard. In addition to the producer and first director of Qiye, there are also the second director of the project Four Seasons, Lao Xu, the second in the script group, and action director Li Tongchen.

In addition, there are several screenwriters hired by Qiye Trouble, Jiufeng and Marvel, who are mixed in Hollywood, also participated.

Of course, for meetings of this level, these screenwriters have no right to speak. All they have to do is to record the tasks assigned in the meeting and then complete them.

Although the location of the story this time is still in Fuyuki City, and the main line and frame of the film have not changed much from the fz and hf of Qiye's previous life.

But compared to the sunny ubw, both hf and fz have a stronger dark style element.

Without the sunshine that ubw sergeant long yearning for [the partner of justice], what fz and hf have is cruel reality and cold killing.

Therefore, the naive plot of ubw Sergeant Lang persuading Shen Er to correct evil and return to the right does not exist.

Any naive idea will deteriorate in these two cruel wars and eventually become one of the causes of tragedy.

The change in this style is huge, and Qiye doesn't know if he can manage it.

Especially whether the mainstream audience in North America can adapt to this style, Qiye still has some concerns.

You must know that no matter how dark the Hollywood movies are, they will follow the basic Hollywood law. Although fsn is a bit counter-regular, it does not exceed too much.

However, although Lao Xu's script with a strong desperation will definitely harvest a group of diehard fans who are particularly fond of Hei Shenmiao, it is not very clear whether Qiye can get the approval of most people.

This is also the main reason why Qiye found these veteran Hollywood screenwriters. They need to put forward reasonable opinions on this story, so that the story of fz can be naturally accepted by North American audiences, or it should be more westernized in aesthetics.

As for the HF of the TV series, let alone, anyway, the North American TV series audiences even watch "Song of Killing and Fuck" so happy, HF, this kind of story of bugs in apples, will not have much problem.

Qiye looked at the people in the conference room, and finally turned his gaze on Lao Xu, saying: "Lao Xu, film making and writing novels and making Galgame are completely two concepts. I will not ask you to adapt to this right away. Change, but I hope you can think more about it when writing the script, and don’t bring your previous bad habits. What we are making is a holy grail war with the concept of globalization."

Lao Xu nodded. During this period of time, he has already taken out the script outline of hf and fz, but this can only be said to plan the general direction of a story, but there is a way to show the story. A lot.

But even so, Lao Xu was still a bit unwilling. He asked in a tentative tone: "Can you keep the characteristics and core of the original (fiction) as much as possible?"

"Ha ha."

This is Qiye's answer.


pS1: An obvious problem with the action scenes of old-fashioned Hong Kong movies is that the shots are basically prohibited. The fighting scenes are basically handled in a slow motion or accelerated playback.

Only when special shots, such as broken hands and feet, need to use props, will the shots be edited.

Of course, the final results are satisfactory, and the biggest contributor still has to thank the actors with solid basic skills.

As for now, the old ones that can be hit can't be touched anymore, and the ones that can hit have no basic skills, so short shots are unavoidable.


pS2: Regarding the large number of asterisks that appeared in the chapter yesterday, most of them are related to the name of Qiye, and some passages have been affected.

Because the sensitive word logic of the current platform is based on the sensitive operation of the above and below paragraphs, there are often misjudgments.

When I jumped out of the sensitivity, Mi Jiang had asked Lian Xi. Lian Xi meant that it didn't matter. Just submit it directly, and the review will be done.

At that time, Mijiang thought it meant that it was displayed normally after submission, and was removed from the pending review section after review.

Who knows what Xi actually means is to display it with an asterisk first, and then change it back after reviewing it.

However, the audit was off work at night...emmmmm

At present, Mijiang has been modified by phonetic notation. You only need to refresh the previous chapter. The operation process of Mijiang has been explained in the previous chapter. If you don’t know, you can also see the picture above.Remember, it was refreshed in the previous chapter, not this chapter.

Chapter 336

If there is anyone present who is most looking forward to this meeting, and at the same time the one who is the least reconciled to the content of the meeting, then this person is undoubtedly Xu Yuanxuan.

As a Japanese galgame scripter, it is undoubtedly an honor to be able to participate in a film with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, and is also one of the main creators of the story.

Among other things, how many Japanese screenwriters can write scripts for Hollywood manufacturers?

And it is not the role of a tool person, but the kind of treatment that will really put your name in the movie screenwriter subtitles.

But Lao Xu was also unwilling, because although he provided a summary of the story and was able to become a member of the script group, his actual authority was still limited.

Although Lao Xu also knows that as a newcomer (from the screenwriter), he cannot have much autonomy, but as a creator, he still does not want his story to be changed beyond recognition.

"The Shining" is one of the greatest horror films in the world, but because of the deviation of the plot from the original, the original author Stephen King was dissatisfied.

So Lao Xu looked at Qiye with anticipation, hoping to get the support of the other party.

"Well, the works created by Mr. Xu Yuanxuan are indeed fascinating."

Qiye first said something fair.

But as the director of a commercial film, Qiye also has his insistence. After all, he is responsible for the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"But we must realize that this movie is more of a story made to European and American audiences. Although I really like Lao Xu's tragic description of each character in the story. However, I still hope to be able to do so when the whole story is dark. Leave some leeway."

Qiye's words made Lao Xu sink in his heart. He seemed to have a hunch that this movie might show a result he didn't want to see.

Four Seasons also expressed his own opinion: "Yes, I also think that blindly dark and desperate, although it is very good-looking in novels, but as a commercial film, I think it is better to move closer to popularization."

Although Siji does not make commercial films, how could he as a director fail to understand the key points?

Even though Four Seasons looks a bit simple-minded and has well-developed limbs, the art films he makes will not make investors lose money. It can be seen that he is not ignorant of film business.

Four Seasons emphatically said: "Mr. Xu Yuanxuan's script is great. When people join a realistic war for an idealized purpose, they are doomed to have a tragic ending. This idea is still very good. "

Qiye nodded slowly on the side: "Old Xu, I can guarantee that there will be no changes to the plot outline, but the character settings must be changed."

Then Qiye emphasized once again: "You can't let Altria, the heroic and heroic knight king in the world, become a little girl who can only daydream in the previous setting. Not to mention. The character settings in your works have been erratic."

[But in this case, the characters are not fun at all...]

The old bluffed his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

The game he made in Nitro+ is completely in line with his own creative artistic conception. It is a typical Japanese tragic work that is deeply loved by black and deeply disabled fans.

In fact, it is not only Lao Xu, but there are always more or less tragic colors in Japanese works.

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