Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 550

This style is called tear jerking by fans-it can also be called stomach medicine if it is ugly-is a feature unique to Japanese cultural works.

So even if audiences in other countries can be moved and understood by it, it is difficult to be included in the works of their own countries.

Even if it is forced to learn, it is just a four-different image.

Seeing what Old Xu seemed to want to say, the few screenwriters who had been silent from Hollywood spoke.

One of them said: "What we need is to tell the story in a Hollywood way, your story provides us with creative inspiration, but it doesn't mean we need to follow your rhythm."

The other screenwriter was even more rude. He looked at Lao Xu condescendingly, and said in a slow voice: "No matter how good your story is, your story is totally unworkable in Hollywood. , You are too obsessed with the darkness of human nature. We in Hollywood need to show the bright side of human nature! This is the most beautiful and strong part of human nature."

Everyone present can hear that the words of these two screenwriters are full of Hollywood arrogance and jealousy.

In their opinion, working for a Japanese director is already frustrated.

But someone is a well-known director anyway, and holding his nose can be considered a recognition.

But what happened to this guy named Xu Yuanxuan who came out of nowhere?!

As tool writers, they can't have a name in the movie alone, they can only put a small name on the screen of the final screen.

This unbalanced mentality made them feel very dissatisfied with Xu Yuanxuan, and even resisted.

"Okay, this is a discussion meeting, not a criticism meeting. Although Lao Xu's story is a bit unpopular, his story ideas are still very good."

Qiye hurriedly raised his hand to stop these two guys and told them not to continue talking, because he knew that these two people would definitely be miserable in the future.

Sure enough, Qiye found that Lao Xu's eyes on the two screenwriters had become very kind.

Qiye knew this look very clearly, Lao Xu was going to preach to these two screenwriters.

Lao Xu has a habit. He especially likes to preach his work to people who disagree with him.

In his own words, it is to let the other party penetrate into his own work and let them feel the warmth of love in the work.

Then he gave a very in-depth explanation of the content, including his creative ideas and ideas

Qiye had been engaged in this way by Lao Xu at the beginning, even if he had a strong antibody to [Xuyuanxuan Virus] in his previous life, he was depressed for three days.

[I hope these two people can carry it, right?Otherwise, it would be miserable if they were infected with the disease of "Cannot write Happy End" like Lao Xu.

If it’s a Japanese screenwriter, it’s okay. After all, tragedy is still a big audience in Japan, but in Hollywood...

In the style of story creation that focuses on family fun, it's terrible to not be able to write a happy ending.

During the whole process, Master Li didn't speak much.

His identity in the crew is the action director, and he basically has no say in the script.

But this does not mean that he will not leave his own mark in the movie.

When it comes to discussing the movie action, it will be his home court, Li Tongchen.

"Master, you are the action director of this movie, and the fighting part is your best part." Qiye said at this time: "So I want to hear your plan."

"I need to know the concept you want to express in the action part, so that I can better design the action part."

Although Master Li is the highest-ranking among all the people present, he does not have the arrogance of relying on the old.

Perhaps it was because of his failure in his youth that he had a clear understanding, or that he had been away from the set for too long to let him know that there was a generation gap between him and the current era.

In short, Li Tongchen spoke kindly like an ordinary uncle Wang leading the house.

"Kid Kiryu, the theme you want to express in your movie will have a great influence on the presentation of violence. Whether you think about violence is commendatory or derogatory, depending on the lens, it will have completely different effects."

Qiye nodded: "Well...I will let them put the corresponding concepts in the script."

"One more point." Li Tongchen said: "Alexander the Great's king's army is okay, but is it necessary to open up some joints in the battle part of the early-stage army of the sea monster?"

It has been said before that Laoxu’s story structure has a strong Japanese style, which has advantages and disadvantages.

In terms of the shortcomings of the story scenes, the most obvious shortcoming in Laoxu's story is that it has the usual small family spirit of Japanese creators.

In his previous life, Lao Xu has kept this shortcoming to a minimum after various creations.

However, as his early works, fz still has such a situation.

Let alone in this life, the creation time of fz and hf is earlier than Lao Xu's previous life.

So of course, in the battle scene, Qiye made drastic changes to the original scene.

All kinds of battles are how fierce they are, and how the scenes are destroyed.

In short, it is to give the audience a sense of pleasure that is worthwhile.

Among them, the battle of the sea monsters is a more important one in the middle of the war, and its status is comparable to the seven nights version of the fsn mid-campus melee.

Therefore, the original scene where the Self-Defense Force only sent two fighters was changed to a parade of various US military combat weapons in the 1990s with a wave of Qiye's big hand.

Airplanes, tanks and missiles, Qiye plans to go all over again.

Moreover, according to the setting that the sea monster belongs to the K-type monster and can reduce the san value, Qiye also arranged scenes of human army infighting and fighting with square servants such as sabers.

Dear, do you want to see King Arthur's knife slash the M1 tank?

We have it in this movie.

"We are already in contact with the military. They are very interested in our requirements and will send personnel and equipment to cooperate at that time."

From a long time ago, the military has been very active in showing its equipment in major production movies.

As everyone knows the reason, I won't start here.

In fact, the military representative even hoped that Qiye’s movie could show a new generation of equipment, but Qiye’s setting fz was in the 1990s, so the military’s proposal was directly rejected.

This has dispelled the enthusiasm of the military to a certain extent, but if they can make a fortune, they will certainly not refuse.

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot."

After Qiyeyi shot his forehead, he reminded Li Tongchen: "The battle part of this movie will be produced in 3D. Father, you should take this part into consideration when designing the action."


pS: The next day in Nanjing, Mijiang went to Xuanwu Lake and Qinhuai River Confucius Temple. The scenery felt pretty good.

Unfortunately, the commercialization of the Confucius Temple is a bit heavy. Although the riverside scenery is beautiful, the surrounding shops give Mijiang a sense of sight of Hangzhou Hefang Street._(:з∠)_

Tomorrow Mijiang will leave Nanjing and go to Taizhou, where there are many authors and friends of Mijiang, and everyone will be noodles together.

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