Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 576

Qiye laughed at himself, and then he started the pre-production planning of special effects for the movie in New Zealand.

In order to make the special effects team have a general impression in the early stage, so as not to make a bias in the end.

Qiye gathered all the Jiufeng special effects team, game technology R&D department, Weta Studio and IMAX people in New Zealand, and conducted detailed exchanges.

The screen technology required by Qiye relies heavily on CG production. This is why in the "Fantastic Beasts" series that used this technology in the previous life, these pictures are basically focused on magical animals.

This is not only the choice of the market, but also the need for special effects. What could be more suitable for this processing method than these pure CG creatures?

Fortunately, with the development of the film industry, today's CG technology and motion capture technology are not only mature, but also much cheaper than they were at the beginning of the century.

At the current price, Qiye feels that if she shoots "Goblin Slayer" again, she can save at least $10 million in post-production costs.

But even so, in the pre-Avatar era, computer CG was far from reaching the so-called cabbage price.

Now directors still subconsciously choose props between cg and props, rather than pure CG.

Therefore, the biggest budget enemy of fz is still post-production costs, and CG is even bigger.

The only consolation for Qiye is that the 3D special effects cost will not be counted in the film production, but the Weta Studio and Jiufeng's game technology research and development department will calculate separately.

This also allows Qiye to splurge on 3D. As for whether the Jiufeng game technology research and development department will be hurt by him to plant potatoes in the second half of the year, it has nothing to do with him.

That's what Satoshi should worry about, not Kiryu Qiye.

After finishing the tasks and requirements, Qiye decided to let fz's special effects team first make a set of special effects shots to try out the effects.

The shot chosen by Qiye is the shot of winged blade insects attacking, because this picture can not only use the insects to fly out of the "frame" to verify the idea of ​​Qiye jumping on the screen, but the high-speed trembling wings of the insects are also very suitable for testing the 3D effect.

Using this lens as an experimental lens couldn't be more appropriate.

Of course, there is no Tong Yanye in these shots, after all, Qiye has not found any actors yet.

However, on the contrary, Nanya found the actors of Tosaka Tokimi and Yanmine Rimasa.

I don't know if it is a joke made by the world to Qiye, neither of these actors are Japanese.

The actor's name is Alan Rickman.

The name alone may be unfamiliar to many people, but he played a role I believe almost everyone knows, and that is Professor Severus Snape.

Although Father Rickman is 60 years old, his role as Professor Snape always seems to be around 40 years old. Coupled with the aristocratic temperament shown by the opponent's gestures, it is logical for him to play Tosaka Tokimi. Up.

Anyway, according to the setting, Shichen also has Nordic ancestry, and it is not surprising that he looks like a European and American.

Besides, Snape, starred by Ellen Rickman, lost to Heaven as a childhood sweetheart in Harry Potter. This time let him win once as a childhood sweetheart in fz. nice.

It's a pity that Yan Ye's actors must be Japanese actors, otherwise Qiye really plans to use James Potter's actors to act.

Although neither the professor nor the time minister ended up well, this kind of trivial matter doesn't matter, after all, you need to pay a corresponding price for what you want to get.

Qiye believed that Professor Snape's Spirit in Heaven must be understandable.

Wait a minute, it seems Aunt Rowling hasn't finished writing the Deathly Hallows yet?

Qiye felt that this kind of trivial matter should not be too concerned.

As for the other actor of Yan Feng Lizheng, everyone is familiar with him, that is, the mental boy who is always uninvited.

Yes, the actor of Yan Feng Lizheng is the famous teacher Xu, who is given the nickname "Lei Leopard Ao Bai" from Jianghu people.

When Qiye heard that the crew came for this one, her entire jaw was frightened and dislocated.

I gave you the right to choose an actor, so did you find me a golden lion king?!

After careful inquiry, Qiye figured out what was going on.

It turned out that Mr. Xu happened to be traveling in Japan in March, and by the way, he came to visit Japanese actor friends to talk about the past.

It happened that Mr. Xu's friend was going to participate in Yan Feng Lizheng's audition. Mr. Xu found it interesting and went with him.

The result was a match made by the casting team at the time.

According to Qiye's request, Yan Fengli was a solid old man.

This requirement makes the casting team very embarrassed. After all, normal people's physical condition will begin to decline after the age of 40. Where can I find an old man with muscles?

Although this problem can be solved by letting young people put on makeup, this is particularly demanding for young actors. The casting team has not found suitable actors for a long time.

Just when the people in the casting team were about to turn white, the bearded teacher Xu appeared in the eyes of the casting team.

At that moment, when the casting team saw this bearded man, it was as if they saw a peerless beauty, and immediately asked the bald bearded to audition.

Although the reporting staff of the casting team said that this process was very exciting, Qiye felt that this was because these big men drank too much urine and were working drunk.

"Director Kiryu, don't you know, that bearded man is really solid."

[Nonsense, can I not know?I haven't seen the scene where the teacher plays a difficult trapeze.

When Qiye heard the report from this group, she was really struck by thunder.

What made Qiye speechless was that Teacher Xu really agreed to the audition.

It is said that he originally thought that he would not pass because he was not a Japanese, so he participated in the audition with a playful mentality, wanting to see how the Japanese audition is different from the Hong Kong film.

It was probably preconceived. The auditors of the casting team were very satisfied with Mr. Xu's performance.

As for the nationality and language that Teacher Xu originally thought, the biggest problem is the least problematic in the fate crew.

As a large international crew, there is everything to say here. To ensure that the actors can communicate normally, Qiye equipped the crew with a large number of translations.

Besides, the action director in the crew was the first to make a Hong Kong film, so there is really no problem with direct communication.

Anyway, the final result is that after several rounds of auditions, Mr. Xu is only one last step away from becoming the actor of Yan Feng Lizheng-Qiye nodded.

Originally, Qiye felt that these people were too ridiculous, but when he saw the makeup photo sent by the casting team, Qiye found that he really couldn't refuse.

The muscular body of the other party made Qiye feel the strength of the other party. I have to say that Teacher Xu is indeed too suitable from the perspective of a strong and strong elderly, although Teacher Xu is still in his forties.

The only thing that makes Qiye feel awkward is that he thinks that if Mr. Xu really played the role of Yan Feng Lizheng

When Director Ken went to order the curse, Yan Fengli was shouting "I want it all", and then she would squeeze Holmes to death in the wheelchair.

So, if a strong man loses to a disabled person in a wheelchair, is it because of the "adult, times have changed" trick?

No matter how high martial arts is, it is always right to be afraid of the kitchen knife.

In short, before Qiye returned to North America, basically most of the actors in fz were identified.

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