Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 577

Before leaving New Zealand, Qiye received a call from Mr. Longgu Nengcheng.

Because of Shion's affairs, Qiye directly forgot the agreement with his father and fled to North America.

So the old man who didn't wait for Qiye directly called him.

At the moment when he received the call from the old man, Qiye was shocked and sweated, because he had really forgotten the agreement with the old man.

Fortunately, the old man thought that Qiye was busy preparing for a new movie, so he didn't go deep into the responsibility of his missed appointment.

"That's it, Kid Kiryu." The old man said with a smile, "We Lin Bao intends to start our own "Kingjing" series."

"Yes, the copyright belonged to you at the beginning." Qiye replied, "But if you want me to be a producer, you have to wait until June. I didn't have much time before."

"The producer doesn't need it." Nengcheng replied, "Kirushi said he didn't want to see you recently."

"What does this have to do with Kirishi...Uncle?" Qiye Haoxuan did not forget to add a title to Kirishi's name.

"Because he is the director of the new "Kingjing"."

Can answer in a natural tone.


pS1: If you don't have any idea about the jump screen effect mentioned by Michan, you can take a look at the first IMAX advertising image.


pS2: Regarding Mr. Xu, Michan actually refused at the beginning, until I saw Yan Feng Lizheng's personal design...


pS3: Mijiang will start Pokémon at 11 o'clock this evening. Although this game does have a lot of disappointments, it is still time to play.

This is probably the most helpless part of Mijiang as a diehard PM series fan._(:з∠)_

Chapter 353 Lin Bao Saves Himself

Being able to become an old man ignored Qiye's surprise, he continued: "Last time I lost to you, Kirishu was very unwilling, so he planned to make a movie of his own to beat you upright."

"Uh... I'm not a big demon."

Qiye felt that Kirishu was just looking for trouble, and he hadn't heard of any other guy who had already become the boss who was doing his younger brother's work again.

Isn't this not doing business properly?

I don't know that the old man is very happy about Kirishi: "It has been a long time since I saw that kid Kirishi is so motivated, and Ai Li is very happy too."


Qiye was full of black question marks. He felt that he didn't quite understand the thinking mode of the Longgu family.

"That kid has always been a bit proficient and low-handed since he took over the North American branch, and Kirishu hasn't learned about the current film market for a long time, and the thinking of running a film company is more conservative than my old man. This is not the same. A good thing." Nengcheng said hesitantly, "This time he can start learning how to make movies again, which is a good thing for him in the future."


Qiye smiled awkwardly. Since the old man didn't blame himself for slapping his son-in-law, he didn't want to worry about eating carrots.

"But company business..."

"Aili has now taken over the operation of the company, and I will also assist as a consultant." Nengcheng said relaxedly, "Although you did win this time, Lim Pao is still Lim Pao, and we can't fail. ."

"Okay." Qiye didn't want to stand up with the old man, what if he scared him out of a heart attack again, "Longgu old man, you call this time to tell me that I don't need to be the producer of the "Kingjing" series. Is it? If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

"No, it's just incidental." Nengcheng denied Qiye's guess, "I mainly want to talk to you about another matter."

"What's the matter?"

"Can you agree to let the characters from Fate appear in the "Kiakai" series?"

Let Fate's role appear in "Kiakai", this is the main reason why the old man called Qiye.

Earlier, when Erque was separated from Lin Bao, Qiye, in order to ensure the integrity of the Xingyue story, had given the copyright of the "Kingjing" series to Lin Bao, but still obtained the right to use the main characters. .

At that time, everyone thought that Qiye wanted to wipe the oil of "Kingjing", hoping to borrow the heat of "Kingjing" to promote his own new IP, just like last year Marvel negotiated with Sony on the use of Spider-Man copyright.

The only difference between the two is that the former Qiye succeeded, and the latter Marvel failed.

But what everyone didn't expect was that although Qiye obtained the right to use the character of the air world, he did not use the character of "air world" in fate, so he directly pushed fate to the world-class IP.

In this way, the roles of the "Kingjing" series have become somewhat dispensable in the eyes of the current [Erque Studio] employees. Many of them feel that the roles of Liangrii and Aosaki Orange are in the fate series. Being on the stage is simply exalting them.

Now they [Erque Studio] have the only role of these characters, it is just to expand the copyright library of their own studio.

It's just that the old man Longgu Nengcheng saw the other side of Qiye's thoughts, because he had read Qiye's proposal on Xingyue's film and television universe plan submitted to Qiye.

At that time, Keishi thought it was too risky to develop a new IP, so he did not agree.

After that, everyone will know.

The old man Nengcheng saw a business opportunity from this old plan. He hopes to be authorized by Qiye and get the right to play the role of fate in "Kingjing".

In this way, the use of fate’s IP may be able to allow the "Air Land" series to enter the North American market. After all, "Air Land" is indeed a big IP in Japan, but the potential in this region is almost the same. It's hard to go up a step.

And the old man's idea is not based on speculation, but supported by data.

Since last summer, the audience of offline rentals in North America and the [See Moon] website about "Magic Girl Ilia" has suddenly increased.

Everyone knows that this special drama is the original case of the fate series, and even the boss Gilgamesh has appeared in this TV drama.

Countless moon scholars began to study this TV series, trying to analyze the plot of ubw.

And those passers-by fans of fate hope to learn more about fate.

Therefore, since the second half of last year, whether it is the number of hits on [See Moon] drama or the offline DVD and video rental list, "Magic" has been among the best.

This gave the old man Longgu Nengcheng a lot of inspiration. Since "Magic" can keep up with the popularity of fate, there is no reason why "Kingjing" cannot.

After all, when Qiye was designing, both fate and "Kingjing" were stories that happened under the same worldview.

Even if the "Kingjing" series cannot become as popular as Fate in North America, it can at least gain a group of loyal fans.

The North American market is much larger than that in Japan. Just pick out a little bit of oil and water to make Lin Bao eat very comfortable.

In fact, the old man has been thinking about Lin Bao's next strategy since the end of the Oscar in Japan.

Judging from the current situation, Lin Bao will definitely not be able to take his position as the leader of the Japanese film industry in a short time.

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