Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 584

Hey!Boss, you must have abused your power, right?!

So all the media and reporters saw that the film director Kiryu Nanaya, who appeared with Chairman Jiufeng, had a strong smile on his face at this time.

Although the reporters are a little curious why Qiye seems a little unhappy, is it because fate has encountered problems with the preparation of the new project?

But no matter how curious they are, the shutter speed is not slow, recording the legendary Japanese director from all angles.

"Stop being stern, and give my old lady a smile."

Shion took Qiye's hand and whispered a warning.

"Am I smiling?" Qiye replied helplessly.

"Are you laughing? It's uglier than crying!"

Shion hasn't been prepared to be too intimate with Qiye in public, and then he has no way out.

Unless Qiye makes it clear that he will marry herself, Shion, who is naturally cautious, does not intend to hang herself on the tree of Qiye.

Although Shion didn't think he could have other trees besides this one.

"Okay, please give me a smile, or I won't let you sleep tonight!"

[Hiss——what do you want to do?

Qiye took a breath, and he quickly made his smile more natural.


Shion nodded, and she took Qiye towards the theater.

As the red carpet ceremony came to an end, many spectators entered the theater with their tickets.

According to the organizer’s arrangement, the fourth to seventh rows in the front of the theater are reserved for invited guests, and the eighth row is for crew members. The next few rows are allocated to media and film critics. It's for the general audience.

Fate is now a big IP anyway, and there must be a lot of people invited.

Such an arrangement is certainly not fair to the audience, after all, there is no good seat from the beginning.

But for this kind of event, the audience must be more concerned about the atmosphere. If you really want to sit on the throne and watch a movie in comfort, you must wait until later, or go directly to other theaters.

Today, there will be more than one early premiere on May 4th. In other places other than AMC theaters, there are 3,600 theaters in North America that are also holding early premieres.

When it is officially released on the 5th tomorrow, ubw's opening will be expanded to 4,319 theaters in North America, with a total of 6,204 screens for screening.

The ability to achieve such a luxurious opening number is mainly due to the fire in the upper half of Fate, which gave the theaters full confidence.

In addition, there are no big movies during this period, so all the screenings during this period in early May were given to ubw.

As the second half of the big hit movie, ubw's early premiere attendance rate is not low, and all IMAX theaters are full without exception.

"A lot of people come."

Shion said contentedly when she walked into the theater.

"Because the premiere is full of fans, if the IP of fate is not satisfied with this seat, then we should give up as soon as possible."

Qiye curled her lips and said.

Ziyuan groaned: "How can you say that to our children?"


Qiye sprayed out, he stared at Ziyuan and asked, "Ours?"

Ziyuan replied: "The money I paid, the movie you made. Isn't fate our child?"

"I have nothing to say……"

Qiye shook his head. He was about to go straight to the seat and wait for the movie to start, but he was stopped by Peter Jackson.

"Seven nights." Peter Fatty said cheerfully, "I'll introduce to you, this is..."

"I know."

Qiye rushed to answer: "Happy meeting, Mr. George Lucas."

"Hello, Director Kiryu. Peter told me about you just now."

The father of Star Wars looked at Qiye up and down, and then stayed with Qiye's hand.

"Your movie is well made."

George Lucas smiled and said, "The upper part of the fate is very interesting, almost surpassing "The Revenge of the Sith"."

"Where, Fate and "Star Wars" are still far behind." Qiye made an excited look, "I grew up watching "Star Wars". It was the "Star Wars" series that allowed me to become a director. dream."

"is it?"

Qiye nodded vigorously: "Yes, I once had the idea to make Saber's sword look like a lightsaber, but it was a pity that I gave it up because the style really didn't match."

"Are you using a lightsaber King Arthur? That's really interesting."

George Lucas smiled happily, after all, everyone would like it to be touted.

"This is real."

Qiye said with regret: "It's a pity that Fate came out too late, and now "Star Wars" is over. Otherwise, it would be fine to let Altria play a cameo in the Jedi Knights, and her name would be Mysterious Heroine X All right."

"Haha, if I have a chance, I really want to see it."

Seeing Qiye chatting and laughing with George Lucas, Shion is still smiling in her heart, even though Shion is smiling.

[Who said that "the old movie "Star Wars" can be swept into the trash heap of history"?

It's just that Shion doesn't know that Qiye really doesn't like "Star Wars" movies, but he likes the money that "Star Wars" brings.


pS: One more owed!Try to pay it back tomorrow!??(°▽°)?

Chapter 358 Lucas and Industrial Light and Magic

Currently, few people know that George Lucas plans to sell Lucasfilm when he retires.

After all, in the eyes of others, Lucasfilm is definitely not for sale to the father of Star Wars.

But Qiye is very clear that Lucasfilm will be sold to Disney by Lucas for US$4.05 billion in 2012.

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