Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 585

To say that this sale is not a good deal.

Qiye felt that it was a bargain.

Not to mention that Lucas has a bug-level special effects studio like Industrial Light and Magic, and a Star Wars IP alone is worth the price.

As the largest IP in the film industry, the surroundings of the "Star Wars" movie are simply the existence of Fate Gaoshan looking up.

Although there is no basis for cooperation between Jiufeng and Lucas, Qiye saw George Lucas for the first time today.

But what if?

Touching and not getting pregnant, since George Lucas is standing in front of him, wouldn't it be a pity not to try?

Of course, Qiye also knew that it was not realistic to want to impress George Lucas with just one meeting.

But you can't go wrong with making a good impression.

"Mr. Lucas, how about making Lily a guest in the next "Star Wars"?"

Qiye made a look of excitement and asked tentatively.

"The Revenge of the Sith" is the final chapter. From the perspective of the story, "Star Wars" is all over." George Lucas said without concealment. The same thing has been repeated countless times.

Qiye sighed, and said regretfully, "It's a pity."

Anyway, it is also someone who has performed in front of the camera, Qiye pretends to be like that.

"Kiryu, do you like "Star Wars" very much?"

Qiye didn't answer directly, and asked, "Who doesn't like Star Wars? It is a miracle in movie history. It is my lifelong dream to make Saber a cameo."

"Don't regret it, no matter how beautiful the story is, there will always be an end." Lucas patted Qiye on the shoulder, "Now is the age when you young people work hard."

Qiye nodded slowly. He just wanted to test whether the other party had any idea of ​​selling Lucasfilm, but he didn't ask at all.

But it's normal to think about it, who would disclose this kind of business secrets to the person they met for the first time.

It's just that Qiye didn't know if she had left a good impression on the other side.

Or, try to go further?

Thinking of the other party's other identity, Qiye pulled Shion by her side this time.

"Mr. Lucas, this is my boss Jiufeng Shion."

"Ah, hello, Miss Jiufeng."

George Lucas was obviously more enthusiastic about Shion than Qiye.

"Hello, Mr. Lucas, you can call me Shion."

In front of outsiders, Shion is always a personable daughter, and she bows slightly to salute Lucas.

"Miss Ziyuan." Lucas didn't entangle with the title. "I heard that Jiufeng Entertainment has many new movie projects to prepare recently?"

"There is this plan, fate's new project, and the Marvel movie series."

Shion didn't hide it from Lucas, and it was not difficult to know the news in the position of the opponent.

George Lucas added: "I hope we can continue our cooperation in the future. The cooperation between Industrial Light and Magic and Marvel on the "Iron Man" project is very happy, and we are both very good business partners."

Hearing this old man say this, Qiye knew why Lucas was so enthusiastic about Shion. People came to talk to Shion this time, and the director himself was just incidental.

To put it bluntly, this old man is here to discuss business.

As an emerging big movie company, Jiufeng Entertainment has no shortage of special effects large-scale production movie projects.

Whether it is the fate series or the Marvel series, a large number of special effects lenses are needed to support their stories.

Although Jiufeng also has its own special effects production team, although Jiufeng's team is high-end in the world, it is definitely not top-notch. Many special effects require other special effects teams to do.

Secondly, with the development of the film industry, film special effects are divided into more and more detailed ones. After all, the number of members of a team is still limited. In the face of more and more special effects tasks, outsourcing is inevitable.

In the past, Jiufeng has always been closer to Industrial Light and Magic's rival Weta Studio. Both the "Brother Kill" and the fate series have cooperated with each other.

However, "Iron Man" produced by Marvel recently outsourced special effects to Industrial Light and Magic.

George Lucas probably thought there was a chance to dig a corner, so he came to explore his mouth.

After learning about this situation, Qiye immediately stood up.

He smiled and said: "Of course, Industrial Light and Magic represents the world's top special effects technology. We at Jiufeng attach great importance to this business partner."

George Lucas was very surprised to see Qiye Answering, he quickly looked at Shion.

Shion didn't expect Shion to just smile; "Yes, I mean the same as Director Kiryu, Jiufeng and Industrial Light & Magic are good partners. If you have the opportunity, the first choice is Industrial Light & Magic."

This answer surprised Lucas. He originally thought that Qiye and Jiufeng were merely a business partnership.

And now it seems that Qiye's position in the Jiufeng family is very high, at least it is certainly not just a general director.

Otherwise, based on Qiye's impolite behavior just now, Shion couldn't smile like he does now.

"Director Kiryu, I wish you a continuation of the success of the previous film."

Qiye noticed it, and this was probably the first time George Lucas was looking at himself this evening.

"Thank you for your auspicious words and hope that the movie tonight will not disappoint you."

Although a little speechless for this snobbish old man, Qiye still kept a smile on her face.

After Lucas left with Peter Fatty, Shion smirked and asked, "How is it? How does it feel to be ignored by my idol?"

"It's okay." Qiye said casually after confirming that the other party could not hear him, "I have never liked "Star Wars" anyway."

Although the settings of the Force and the lightsaber are indeed very interesting, the characters and the plot of Qiye are completely different.

If the earliest version of Star Wars in the last century was due to chronology, then the Trilogy of the Star Wars Prequel is obviously out of sync with the times.

But this does not affect the IP value of Star Wars.

In European and American society, "Star Wars" has long been out of sentiment and has risen to a cultural phenomenon. Unless 4 to 5 movies are screwed up in a row, there will always be people paying for the Star Wars movies.

Not to mention the huge peripheral interests.

"Do you think Lucas will let "Star Wars" out?" Shion tapped Qiye on the head with a folding fan. "You want to eat peaches and be stupid, right?"

Indeed, based on Lucas’s past deeds, it’s really hard for anyone to think that the other party would directly throw away the "Star Wars" when they retire.

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