Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 591

"It's a contract!"

Because the plot reversed too quickly in a short period of time, although the audience understood what was happening, their brains did not fully react.

But now it is different. When Rin reads the iconic words, everyone who knows the plot of Fate knows what she is doing.

Many viewers started to recite with Rin, but more viewers clapped vigorously when they made unclear howls.

"Swear in Saber's name! You are my lord, Rin Tosaka!"

Ling Li's hurricane swept across the church, and the once famous king finally got back her due strength.

It should have been this contract from the beginning, and the Master corresponding to him finally got the king.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!" *N

Seeing the majestic Knight King on the screen, countless fans yelled in excitement, this is their cry for the return of the king in their hearts.

In order to highlight the difference between Saber at this time and the previous one, Qiye specially did the picture processing here.

Lily was covered with soft light all over her body, which made her look holy like an angel.

At the same time, Lily's silver-white armor was treated with special effects, as if it was on fire, and heat waves like transparent flames continued to emerge.

By comparison, the injured Archer at this time looked like a sick chicken.

Poor, weak and helpless.

And Altria's such a powerful posture is Saber's true posture, the hero of the sword known as the strongest Servant!

Beautiful, powerful and edible.

Unwilling Archer wanted to bypass Saber and attack Shirou, but he was beaten back by Saber in one round.

Obviously, Saber, whose body was filled with magic power, could completely crush Archer who had lost his master.

Compared to hand-to-hand combat, Saber can now crush 10 such semi-disabled Archers without panting.

But as Archer said, as an archer, he has his own way to win victory-to open the hook.

"I am the bone of my sword."

With the sound of countless spells that appeared in the trailer, the appetites of the audience were lifted.

The plot of ubw completely exceeded their expectations, and they desperately want to know why Archer would want to kill Shirou in the future.

"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works."

Boiling flames are running around in the lens, and something similar to a white line is constantly swimming between the ground.

In just an instant, Archer, Saber, Shirou, Rin, and all those in the church were surrounded by flames.

The scenery of the original world was suddenly replaced by the scenery of the desert.

A ruthless iron foundry appeared in everyone's sight.

Flames are surging, gears are spinning in the air.

In this endless wilderness, there are only endless swords extending to the end of the horizon.

These swords are the composition of this world and the essence of Archer.

The dry general Moye, the Akahara Hound, and the pink shield that Archer used before were all woven from this world.

Shirou understood everything just by seeing this scene.

The white-haired man standing by himself is himself.

"This is... an inherent barrier?!"

Both Rin and Saber expressed surprise, because they never thought that Archer's trump card would be this.

"Could it be...Archer, you are..."

Saber looked at the former master who was being protected by herself. She already had an answer in her heart, but the answer was too crazy for her to accept.

Archer himself was very satisfied with the expressions of everyone present.

"Guess it?"

"But why? This is really ridiculous, you would... you are obviously Shirou, why do you want to kill yourself?"

Then Lily told the fact that everyone present had guessed, but most of the audience did not know.

"What The F**k?!"

This news is really shocking. Although many people had a general guess about Archer's identity before this, no one wanted to believe it when it was really exposed.

The audience hoped that Archer could deny it, but it was the affirmative answer from the red follower.

"Yeah, I am the result of this kid's ridiculous ideal, a ruthless executioner."

Archer replied Saber with a disgusting taste, "This is what I got at the end of that ideal, a tomb with only a sword and a life with nothing."

Archer took out the holy sword of the same style as Saber and threatened it: "Don't get in the way, Saber. As long as you dare to move, I will use your holy sword to destroy everything around you!"

I have to say that Archer is really obsessed with Shiro Weimiya. In order to prevent Saber from interfering, he even said: "When I kill the kid, I will complete the task and leave. At that time, you and your master will almost You can win."

Archer's proposal is very tempting, if it was Altria of fz, she might nod her head and agree.

It's a pity that this is not an old fictional story, and Altria's master is not Eomiya Kiritugu of the Fourth World War.

So Saber directly rejected Archer's proposal.

She said that she was dignified King Arthur, and the Knights of the Round Table carried the handle. Of course, she needed both the old and the new masters.

Then, Rin was taken away.

After all, Saber had problems with his position when he said this.

She shouldn't stand opposite Archer and say this, but should push Archer into a blind spot and then put it on.

After all, one of her two masters was behind him, and the other was behind Archer.

That's all right, Archer directly grabbed Miss Lily's current master, dropped a sentence like "See you on the school playground after school" and ran away.

Only Saber and her former master were left there with big eyes and small eyes, and their faces were all bewildered.

"it's a pity."

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