Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 592

Sitting below Lily said uncomfortably: "If you don't care how good you are, then you will survive in the ruined castle. Unfortunately, reality is not acting."

"Yeah, what a pity."

Rin Sha said with an affair: "If acting is realistic, I can kiss me in the castle with Shinji and I will discuss how to give birth to Rin."

Lily pondered twice, and then she patted the armrest: "Damn, really!"


pS: On weekends, there are classes and more changes. Let Mijiang take a break today.

The current update guarantees two more changes, plus more reliance.

Mijiang plans to take advantage of the opportunity to pay off the debts and save some manuscripts. As for the rest, I will wait for a reward._(:з∠)_

Chapter 362

The contradiction between Lily and Rinzhi has been around for a long time, and the things they talked with each other privately are basically normal.

In fact, the relationship between these two girls was pretty good at first.

No, it should be said that the relationship between the first few girls was very good.

But since Rin's sneak run on Qiye, the relationship between everyone has become more subtle.

As the saying goes, don't suffer from lack and suffer from unevenness.

Since everyone was on the same starting line, they didn't care too much. Anyway, Qiye's pot of soup was there and didn't drink it.

As a result, Rin ran away successfully and delivered the soup directly to his room.

Now other girls don't do it.

It’s good to have soup for everyone to drink,


You said fair competition, but Rin Tosaka drank and drove once, even if the end was settled?

Can this Nima bear?

Everyone is saying that one step beyond is a genius, and one step beyond is a lunatic.

This argument is also the same in the relationship between men and women. Those who go beyond half a step to kiss a small mouth are still Jiyou, but if they hug them directly, they are the big devil, an enemy that must be defeated.

Well, this theory is what Lily said herself.

Anyway, as long as the final winner is her sister, no matter how many steps other people have exceeded before, Lily will not care too much.

But Rin is really too much.

Lily knows the relatively conservative character of Orientals, coupled with Qiye's originally less active character.

Unless there is an irreconcilable conflict between Nanaya and Rin, otherwise, Nanaya will probably live like this with Rin.

How can this be?

Lily wouldn't let this cooked brother-in-law fly away.

So during this time, she invited Qiye to attend her sister's birthday party, and she went to the battle with Qiye to audition in London.

In addition to increasing the favorability degree for his sisters, it is also to reduce the favorability degree between the two people as far as possible to alienate Qiye.

But sometimes things are not as beautiful as everyone thinks. Just when Lily tried her best to disturb the relationship between Huang Rin and Qiye, the operation expressed the need for her and Rin to show love in front of everyone.

In order to cooperate with the publicity of ubw, Trier's operation arranged Rin and Lily's Weibai cp strategy very early.

It can't be said that it is to cooperate with the movie promotion. More should be the operation hope that with the light of Lily, Rin in Trier can enter the international market.

The former sisters of Rin and Sakura's CP operations are also laying the foundation for this CP operation, which can be regarded as an exercise.

From the effect point of view, the [Sisters Tosaka] plan has had a good response, except that Rin is very upset that she has since added an older sister in her 30s.

This time, Wei Lily CP was depressed by Lily's turn.

If it were a year ago, she might be happy to be a good girlfriend with Rin.

The two of them are now in a competitive relationship, how can they...

[Hmm... Do we two seem to have such a clear sense of CP?Doesn't Altria feel better with Shirou in the movie?

Looking at the screen, in order to witness the result of the battle between the former Mizuhiro and Archer, Saber, who didn't even care about her current Mizuru, Lily couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Of course, it would be more difficult for her to accept the operating arrangements for her to be a screen lover with Sugiyama.

It's one thing to act in front of the camera, but it's another thing to promote it in the name of a couple.

Except for the director of Qiye, Lily has no idea of ​​letting other people partner with herself as a fake couple for publicity.

As for why Qiye is okay, of course it's because he is his prospective brother-in-law. You must watch him carefully before your sister wakes up to Qiye.

As for another Rin who is about to be targeted for publicity, she is full of expectations for this publicity.

Since her relationship with Qiye was exposed, this little girl has often avoided herself, and often planned private activities between their sisters and Qiye.

Rin thinks this is a very good opportunity to get to know his competitors, and he can also put some eye drops on it.

She didn't expect Lily to turn to her side, but it would be good for her if she could inspire Lily's enthusiasm for her sister and break up the pair of sisters.

As for the fact that doing so might lead to the addition of Lily as a competitor, Rin didn't care much.

There are too many women robbing men with themselves, and this little golden girl is no different.

[Compared to this three-no product that needs no chest, butt butt, long legs without big legs, that woman needs more attention.

Rin cast her gaze on Shion who was sitting with Qiye. Even though the young lady was sitting on the surface, she could still explain many things by grasping Qiye's hand tightly.

Probably noticing Lin's gaze, Shion turned to look at her little idol——


The standard Shion sneered at her face.

[This old witch!

Although Shion was not much older than himself, Rin still gave this title in his heart.

Most of the audience didn't notice the fights of several girls in the theater. They were already deeply attracted by the story of ubw.

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