Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 594

If I ignore that Shiro Wimiya and Archer are now dying, this situation can be considered a happy ending.

As for how Rin Tosaka escaped, according to the plot revealed during the battle between the two Eimiya just now, the audience already knows what happened on Rin.

Lancer's Master is Rin's senior brother and teacher Kyori Kenmine, as well as the murderer who killed Rin's father Tosaka Tokimi.

Unfortunately, due to the length of the movie, Qiye’s theory of Pleasure for Father Mapo cannot be well developed, which makes the character’s depth in ubw a little shallow.

But relying on Uncle Matsushige's superb acting skills, everyone still got a deep impression of this character who played less than 30 minutes in the two movies.

It is enough to be able to do this. After all, regarding the role of Father Mapo, there are many places to dig in both fz and hf. Here in ubw, let him make a gorgeous soy sauce.

Compared to Father Mapo, the person who is more sympathetic to the audience is Lancer. As a great Celtic hero, but with such an unreliable master, it is really embarrassing to end with suicide as the ending.

At this point in the development of the movie, the story is almost told, the relationship and contradictions between the characters have been clearly presented to the audience, and the rest is the end.

Therefore, Mr. Jin, who played most of the movie Soy Sauce, finally remembered his role as the boss.

So when the protagonist team had relaxed their vigilance, Gilgamesh appeared as a great devil and attacked Shiro Weigu who was already unable to move.

At this moment of crisis, Archer stood up to protect his past self, pushing Shirou away and letting himself endure Gilgamesh's attack.

Here, Qiye deliberately added a scene to Archer.

At the last moment, Archer spoke to Shiro Eimiya, who was under his protection: "That was when I was called [Eiya Shiro]..."

"I don't want to listen to your past!"

Facing his stubborn self, Archer just shook his head. He looked at Tosaka Rin, whose eyes were completely dull in the distance, and whispered: "I am blindly pursuing my ideals, and I haven't been able to detect her intentions. late..."

"Shiro Weimiya, you said you wouldn't become me, right?"

Red A put his hand on Shiro's shoulder and said, "Then you remember this sentence for me! The really important thing is easy to lose. Once you lose it, you can no longer use your hands to attack."

"This is my first and last help from the Palace of Heroes."

Qiye gave the red A the opportunity to pretend not only to add drama to the back figure, but also to allow the audience to deepen the impression that Shirou Shiro and Heroic Guardian are not the same person.

Only by looking at these two roles separately can the audience better understand the theme of the protagonist's growth in ubw.

Then the plot is not much different from the original ubw.

Gilgamesh told Saber about the nature of the Holy Grail, and then he left the Einzbern castle and grabbed Shinji Makiri as a container for the Holy Grail outside.

Then there is the final literary drama part before the end of the movie. In order to give Shiro Weimiya the ability to open the inherent barrier to defeat Gilgamesh, he buffed him.

Well, everyone who thinks of R-level replenishment will go out and face the wall for 5 minutes.

The final battle of ubw did not have the scene of a group battle among the followers as everyone imagined. Shiro Wimiya played against Gilgamesh, Altria played against Kojiro Sasaki, and Rin was going to save Shinji Makiri.

The battle between Saber and the gatekeeper is a continuation of the battle in the last fate.

Although Kojiro's miraculous swordsmanship is very strong, the ultimate winner is undoubtedly Saber.

After all, swordsmanship is no better than the protagonist's halo. Although Altria is not the hero and heroine of this movie, she is also the backbone of the protagonist team.

If it is before the movie begins to show, the audience will definitely look forward to this battle. After all, Saber's popularity can only gain a lot of popularity just by debut.

But now, everyone is even more looking forward to the outcome of the battle between Shirou and Gilgamesh.

There are indications that Shiro Weimiya will use the inherent barrier that Archer has shown in this battle, which will undoubtedly be the biggest attraction of the whole movie.

However, Shiro Weimiya did not release the inherent barrier at the beginning of the battle, just as Ultraman would not directly emit light after he came on the field, no one would use a big move at the beginning of the battle.

But relying on the ability to generate projections, although he was suppressed by Gilgamesh everywhere, he was able to fight back and forth.

"The current Shirou Shirou has reached the level of a follower, right?" Shi Zhifeng looked stunned, "This is at least an inhuman battle."

On the screen, Gilgamesh threw 4 treasures at Shiro, but Shiro Eiya responded with the same treasures.

The camera stretches along with the speeding treasure, which is a useful technique for the image to express high-speed moving objects.

At the moment when the treasures collided, what was presented was not each knocking down each other, but an exploding fireball, the shock wave of the explosion spread outwards, and the ground appeared as a crack like a spider web.

In this battle, Qiye showed his destruction aesthetics to the fullest.

The building of Liudong Temple was completely vulnerable to various treasures.

In order to make the audience feel the most extreme picture experience, Qiye did not simply use the shooting of the treasures, but showed the characteristics of different treasures as much as possible.

Although due to the excessive number of treasures, most of them are displayed as explosions, but ice, fire, thunder, cutting, etc., many treasures still show their proper characteristics.

"It's awesome! This is the battle we want to see!"

All the audience felt that this last battle was so igniting that it had far exceeded their expectations.

Indeed, Shiro Wimiya’s opening setting was not likable, far from the astonishing of Saber, but as the audience witnessing the growth of this young boy, he was already attracted by this tough and unyielding big boy.

Especially for those female audiences, the two roles of Shiro Weimiya and Archer almost inspired their motherhood.

At this moment, in the theaters where ubw was shown all over the world, countless audiences were applauding for this young man who worked hard for his justice partner.

"Ah! Ah! Come on, you are the best now!"

"This guy is so handsome with a sword in one hand!"

"Compared to Archer, who is already well-acquainted, the young Shirou is a bit cuter."

Those female audiences who had been indifferent to Shirou before, thinking that he had seized the leading role of their idol Archer, changed their positions at this moment.

"This is crazy too."

Listening to the comments from people around, Miss Arong commented with a wry smile.

As a veteran film columnist, she can of course see that Shiro Wimiya on the screen is an effect that the director deliberately wanted to create.

But Miss Ayo kept nodding her head, and she also had to admit that Archer's identity was the finishing touch in shaping the role of Shiro Weimiya.

Relying on this, who is not Wei Gong Shirou, the protagonist's image was immediately elevated.

In the case of a full score of 10, if Miss Arong was asked to evaluate the movie, she would directly score 11 points.

That's right, the extra point is given to Shiro Weimiya alone!

"It should be coming soon, infinite swordsmanship." Miss Arong sat up straight, her eyes looking forward to the screen.

Shiro Weimiya, who had been squeezed in two movies, finally came to the highlight moment that belonged to him. After using all other means to defeat Gilgamesh, he used his hole card.

"I am the bone of my sword."

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