Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 595

Shiro Wimiya began to chant the spell, and at this moment everyone in the theater was boiling.

But the attentive audience could hear the difference between Shiro Wimiya's spell and Archer.

"Different from the Heroic Guardian Palace, does the director want to make it clear that they are not the same person?"

Although no one answered herself, Miss Arong already knew the answer herself.

"My whole life was [Unlimited Blade Works]."

Just as God said "Let there be light" to the chaotic world in the "Bible", Shiro Wimiya also created his own world with these words.

It is still a wilderness full of swords, but there are no gears in the sky, and the horizon in the distance is not pulsing with burning flames, and some are just the red sky close to the setting sun.

It is not a parody of Heroic Guardian, what Shiro Guardian now shows is his own [Infinite Sword System].

Shi Lang opened his eyes, he drew a long sword stuck on the ground and pointed it at the golden servant not far away.

"It's going on, Hero King. Is the stock of weapons enough?!"


pS: I always feel that the red A in the original text of ubw is difficult to directly show that Shi Lang's glittering eyes are made, so Mi Jiang changed the red A to the saint widow.

After all, Hollywood movies, this kind of plot is more acceptable.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 364 The Fifth Holy Grail War Ends

The invincible Mr. Jin fell down again after being chopped off his elbow.

Hey, why do you want to say it again?

In short, Mr. Jin slammed into Jingzhou again, and was sullied to death.

But to be honest, when did Mr. Jin not die under his carelessness?

Although speaking from the timeline of this world, ea has appeared in the audience's sight for the first time.

But everyone doesn't know exactly what this thing is for, it's probably a super treasure, but it's a pity that the human body was separated by a sword and an elbow before it was used.

In fact, Shiro Wimiya's last battle in the movie, from the moment he released [Infinite Sword System], there is no suspense.

No matter which country’s cultural story is, when the plot progresses to this point, the ending will be similar.

The protagonist will defeat the villain, and evil will never be able to match justice.

Unless the author deliberately commits evil, he trips over a stone when Shiro Goomiya cuts to Mr. Jin and is killed by the opponent.

But this kind of deliberately disgusting plot will not exist in this summer film. After all, the production team makes the movie to make money, and it is not deliberately disgusting.

So Mr. Jin knelt, because of the plot and story needs, he had to play GG.

After being headshot with a dagger by Archer in the distance, he was completely swallowed by a black hole.

As the king with all the treasures in the world, he died on an unknown dagger in the end.

This is not ironic, but it is the best ending for this arrogant king.

After killing Gilgamesh, Archer dragged his last breath and rescued Shirou.

At the moment the morning sun rose, Archer and Rin bid their final farewell.

Archer's hedgehog hair that had been standing upright was finally put down, and the audience finally recognized that this guy was indeed Shiro Eimiya.

"Unexpectedly, just changing the hairstyle, the temperament will change so much."

Shion sighed like this. She turned to look at Qiye as if she was thinking about something interesting.

Qiye felt a bit cold on the back of his neck, and even though he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, he explained in a hurry.

"Ahem, this last shot was taken by Sugiyama. I made him Archer and took this shot."

"What? I said that this guy looks too gentle." Shion pouted boredly, "I want to try various hairstyles for you."

"Forget this kind of thing."

Qiye said helplessly while pinching the bridge of her nose.

At the end of the film, with the official end of the Holy Grail War, the entire Fuyuki City seemed to return to calm.

The various events that took place in the Holy Grail War, such as the school's enchantment incident, the disappearance of the priest in the church, and the last battle at Liudong Temple, were simply defined as an "accident."

No one knows the fierce war that took place in Fuyuki City, and no one knows what kind of tragedy Fuyuki City and the world have avoided with the efforts of Shiro Weigu and others.

But there are still some changes. The boy who liked to take a wooden knife to go to war and justice at night has disappeared. Instead, he is a rookie magician who started to study seriously from scratch.

Despite having the ability to open the inherent barrier, which is called a miracle, Shiro Weimiya worshipped Tosaka Rin as his teacher and began to learn magic from the beginning.

That innocent boy had grown up after all, and he began to care about himself and the things around him.

He began to know how to cherish, he began to remember, he began to look forward to it.

Perhaps, there will be another day.

With the blond king, or the annoying guardian, or someone else.

After all, he, Shiro Weimiya still has his own future.

The end screen of the film began to be released, and the screen showed bits and pieces of the Holy Grail War.

But after reviewing this Holy Grail War, the scene of Rin and Shiro Wimiya studying in the UK appeared.

In order to elicit fz, it is also to pave the way for future monthly plans.

In these pictures, Luvia and Dou Sen played Elmero II as guest appearances. While showing the ending of the protagonists, they also paved the way for the follow-up.

At the end of the credits, there are still two Easter eggs that are customary in the Seven Nights movie. One is that the second king called Rin and Shiro to ask about the beginning and end of the fifth Holy Grail War.

When he heard them fighting side by side with the Knight King, a trace of entanglement appeared on his face.

Rin was very curious about how this excellent lecturer of the Clock Tower cared about the Holy Grail War.

"Lecturer, why are you so interested in this matter? Obviously only from the Far East..."

Webber looked into the distance, and he replied in a nostalgic tone: "Because I have also galloped on that battlefield with a certain king."


With a scream, the first easter egg ends.

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