Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 618

Sakura shook the two mountains in front of her chest. If she did such a behavior in normal times, it would definitely make Lily furious, but now her attention is no longer here.

In Sakura's statement, the story of Qiye and her love affairs has become the story of a domineering president Mary Su.

Although the plot is not much different from the actual situation, Qiye seems to have an inner taste.

However, he couldn't leave, because these two girls didn't know whether it was intentional or deliberate, they blocked the door of the room to prevent Qiye from leaving.

Just when Qiye was in the shameful and shameful public execution ground, in North America, Fox's "X-Men 3" finally entered the North American theater on the Memorial Day schedule in the expectation of everyone.


pS: I was dizzy in class, and I was in a state of collapse.

Seek comfort...(???︿???)

Chapter 378 Fox: How to lose the dragon riding face?

Memorial Day, this holiday may be unfamiliar to those who are not familiar with American holidays.

But in the United States, this is a very important holiday.

Beginning in 1868, May 30 was officially approved as a day to present flowers to soldiers who died heroically to defend the motherland.

However, because there may be a rest day at this time on May 30, many people will feel very depressed.

If you change the celestial dynasty, if you encounter such a situation, just postpone the rest of the day.

I don't know why the Americans are so persistent. In short, they don't do it.

But it must be fake.

Therefore, in order to ensure that Memorial Day can be a holiday, from 1971 onwards, Memorial Day was changed from the fixed May 30th to the last Monday of May.

This is indeed a good idea, everyone can enjoy this rest day.

But have you ever thought about the feelings of the dead soldiers?

It is said that the confession will be given regularly every year, but in the end, you have made it into a certain day to give the confession?

How do you make me pay the credit card on time!?

what?You said the United States is not interested in burning paper money?

Then it's okay.

For American soldiers, Memorial Day is a day to commemorate their comrades in arms.

But for most Americans, this is probably the equivalent of a long Dragon Boat Festival holiday.

It is very meaningful for Americans to be able to take an extra day.

The corresponding entertainment industry will also become more developed in this small holiday.

The most obvious is that the box office of the movie is much higher than usual.

Although it is only one extra day off, the total box office data for the three days is much higher than the previous weekends in May.

This thing itself is quite magical.

But none of these strange things can affect the mood of the executives of Fox in the 20th century.

Because their big production "X-Men 3" this year is finally going to be released.

The box office performance of this movie is not only related to the salary and year-end bonuses of the Fox executives, but also to the face of the Fox-Jiufeng battle that began in early May.

Therefore, the Fox executives are united and they ordered the entire company: This battle must be won!And you must win beautifully, and the winning Jiufeng is convinced!

To be fair, it is indeed a good choice for "X-Men 3: Last Stand" to be released at this time.

Because of the large number of spectators during the small holiday, the ability to achieve a good opening result will also promote the trend of the box office curve after the movie.

Everyone in Fox would like to think that compared to the new IP that fate started to emerge last year, their own "X-Men 3" is an IP that has been in business for several years.

There should be more fans of the movie, and the results should be better.

Coupled with the previous war of words with Jiufeng, although I helped Jiufeng publicize a wave, I also had a lot of free advertisements for this movie.

According to Fox's expectation, this movie should be a punch of "The Da Vinci Code", stepping on ubw, and winning this year's box office championship with a pretty awesome posture.

Although they changed the director and screenwriter for this movie.

But this is all right!

Because this time, the director of "X-Men 3" is not Brian Singer at all, but Bright Rattle, the good baby.

And the screenwriter of the movie is also the ultimate licking dog Simon Ginberg.

Although these two guys can't do anything except saying "Fox bosses are so awesome." and "Fox executives are really the best executives in Hollywood."

But this is no problem!

Because they are Fox’s own people, they say they will be successful!

Why the first weekend box office broke 140 million, our "X-Men 3" will directly break 200 million!

X-Men Dafa is good!Hell of Tenchurian Eagle!

It's a pity that Fox's headquarters is not in Japan. They don't understand Japanese and don't care about Japanese entertainment.

Otherwise they would know that in March of this year, a fellow Dongying named Wei Gong had the same idea.

And now he was seized by his wife, and he has also changed from the owner of a movie company to a filmmaker.


Keiji, who was filming "Korkai", sneezed.

"Uncle Wei Gong, you have a cold? If you have a cold, don't hold on and take medicine."

I am discussing the two rituals of the script with Kirishu and asked with concern.

"It's okay."

Keishi rubbed his nose with his fingers and replied, "I can hold it, thank you for your concern."

I don’t know that the two ceremonies said contemptuously: "You can’t stand it up and take care of me. You must not infect me. Let me say yes, if I catch a cold and postpone the filming, I won’t pay the penalty."


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