Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 619

Chesi suddenly felt that his life was very difficult.

[Hey, I always feel that I am less and less dignified.It's all the bastard's fault!

In his heart, Keishi uttered an incompetent rage towards a director who was traveling at public expense in Europe.

"Speaking of it." What thought of the two ceremonies, "I heard that Fox, who is fighting with Jiufeng this time, has a new movie to be released."

Keishi nodded: "Yes, it's called "X-Men 3". This movie is a big-selling series, and its box office performance should be good in North America."

Although as a Japanese filmmaker, Kiritsu is not very interested in the super-English theme, he still hopes that this film can beat Ubw at the box office in North America and the world.

This can be regarded as making Fox breathe out a bad breath for himself, after all, the enemy's enemy is his comrade in arms.

Although Kirishu doesn't care much about the fact that the group of people angered him into the hospital now, if he had the opportunity to see them unlucky, of course he would not miss it.

Of course, Keiji is still very realistic. He never expected "X-Men 3" to be able to do ubw at the box office in the Japanese market from the beginning.

It’s a well-known fact that Chaoying’s movies generally perform in the Japanese market. Except for the little spider who has been in special dramas, all other Chaoying movies have been published in Japan.

Therefore, the Japanese film market also has the nickname "Super British Cemetery".

Of course, many of these words are exaggerated and nonsense. In fact, the box office performance of superhero movies in Japan has always been pretty good.

Although compared with other film markets in the world, people win weekly box office champions from time to time, and occasionally break a record or something.

The performance of the Japanese market is indeed a bit shabby, but at least the publisher is still making money!

Otherwise, why so many super-English films will be introduced into Japan every year, it is not profitable.

In the 20th century, Fox didn't know that in Japan, which was separated by the Pacific Ocean, a colleague was quietly cheering them up.

But this does not prevent them from smiling at the first day box office results of "X-Men 3" at this time.

According to the currently aggregated data, thanks to the high-quality reputation of the first two titles in the "X-Men" series and the verbal warfare of the previous ubw, "X-Men 3" has a very good first day box office performance, winning a full $43.1 million. The results.

This result is nearly 5 million US dollars worse than ubw, but the big guys on Fox didn’t care. After all, "X-Men 3" had not started its large-scale premiere on Thursday, and it is normal that there will be a gap. thing.

If "X-Men 3" has a large-scale premiere on Thursday, then according to the current results, it will definitely win ubw.

But Fox's middle-level employees feel a little worried about the current situation.

Their concerns are in the comments after the first day of box office.

Whether it's film critics' comments or audience comments, their attitude towards "X-Men 3" is not friendly.

Critics felt that the film was worthless, and it was also a group drama, but the character image of "X-Men 3" was far different than that of ubw.

After ubw is over, everyone can clearly remember every master and follower in the movie, and feel happy or sorry for their experiences in the movie.

But "X-Men 3" is completely different. The whole movie hardly creates any character image. If it weren't for "X-Men 2", even the main characters such as Wolverine and Magneto would have or not. Any difference.

Everyone is acting as a tool person, and their meaning in the movie is to complete the task in the movie assigned to them by the director.

But the problem is that all characters are instrumentalists, so who is the leading role?

Unfortunately, no.

So "X-Men 3" gets 55% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes, which is not enough.

In fact, the influence of film critics' evaluations on the box office of movies is not as free as it was in the last century, but the problem is that "X-Men 3" not only has a bad reputation for critics, but also the audience's reputation is not much better.

Many viewers reported that the movie is almost completely out of touch with "X-Men 2". Except for the Phoenix Female Piano, which is somewhat connected, almost everyone else has a fault in the story.

In particular, many of the characters that appeared in the second part disappeared directly in this movie, which gave many fans who have been following this series a strong sense of frustration.

They feel that the characters they like are worthless in the eyes of the film production team.

The whole movie is a hurried appearance for the characters, and then hurriedly rushing to the end of the characters, the opening is inexplicable, and the ending is rushed.

Fox employees are very worried about this situation, but they are helpless.

After all, their own executives saw that the win-win situation had come to the fore. They only saw the excellent results at the box office on the first day, and they paid no attention to these criticisms.

How could it be possible for them to have this first day's box office performance?

There are many movies with a bad reputation but excellent box office in history, and "X-Men 3" should be one of them.

Let’s not talk about it. Look at Michael Bay’s movies. Which one is not the reputation of film critics and audiences, but the box office is inconsistent?

It is also prepared to hold a celebration ceremony in the board meeting room in advance without waiting for the results of the box office statistics for the first weekend.

"Mr. Ganopoulos, will it be too early to celebrate? Will you wait until the box office comes out on the first weekend?"

Faced with the concerns of his subordinates, Jim Ganopoulos paid no attention to it.

"It's okay, what's the surprise with such first-day box office results?"

"The reputation of that film critic..."

"The era of film critics has long passed, and now the audience's feelings are the most important."

"The audience's reputation is not too good..."

"The audience just buys tickets to watch the movie, they will comment on the movie ass!"


The subordinate found that his boss could not persuade him to go in, so he could only persuade him to think too much.

On Memorial Day Monday, Fox executives held a simple celebration party in the board room.

At the meeting, Chairman Ganopoulos was full of expectations for the upcoming box office results of the first weekend, and he even took the initiative to open a bottle of champagne.

But the facts have proved that there is no result in everything, and the probability of encountering the flying dragon is still very high.

Just when Jim Ganopoulos was holding a wine glass and was planning to start with his own boss Murdoch and continue to pay tribute to his pet dog.

The official statistics of the first week's box office results directly helped him to end the nearly 10 minutes of thanks in 30 seconds.

The box office of "X-Men 3" was only $90.43 million in the first weekend.


pS: Because of Brian Singer's stinging character and some scandals, Fox replaced him at X3.

The result is X3's poor reputation and unsatisfactory box office, so Fox could only invite him back as an editor during "X-Men: First Class", and then let him be the director during "Reverse the Future".

However, the impoliteness of "Apocalypse" made Fox once again cross the river to demolish the bridge and drive away Brian Singer. I can only say the face of the capitalist.. Tsk.

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