Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 620

As for X3's screenwriter Simon Ginberg, this man is really a model who licked everything in the end.

The X3 failure not only didn't let this guy get out, but Fox let the old man continue to work as a screenwriter and producer in the X-Men project.

In other words, this guy has been promoted.

By the time "Black Phoenix" Simon Ginberg also became the director, the most powerful executor of the entire project.

There are also conspiracy theories that Fox deliberately used this guy to dig a hole for Disney.

This... who knows?╮(╯▽╰)╭


pS2: For py time on weekends, I recommend "Can't Ignore Tomorrow's Tyra" by the same author [Shen Xian].

Those who are interested can go and have a look.

Chapter 379 Exploring "Iron Man"

The first weekend box office of more than 90 million US dollars looks pretty good, after all, this result is only one step away from breaking 100 million in the first weekend.

But for a movie that received more than $43 million on the first day, this result meant an avalanche of decline.

Because the box office results of the first weekend did not even arrive at three times the first day, there is no other reasonable explanation other than that the box office results on Saturday and Sunday are much worse than Friday.

To some extent, "X-Men 3" has many similarities with the ubw that was released in the previous few weeks. For example, they are all big summer movies, and they are all fan movies, and there are many movie roles and different abilities. Wait.

In this case, we will use ubw as a comparison.

If you don't count the results of the premiere on Thursday, ubw's box office for the first three days was the highest on Saturday, followed by Sunday, and Friday as the first day was the lowest.

The above is the normal box office performance of a popcorn movie three days before its release. However, the first day of "X-Men 3" is the highest, and the situation of lower than one day on Saturday and Sunday is simply abnormal.

This can only show that the movie has a huge problem, which will cause the audience to abandon the movie.

But now it's too late to say anything.

After all, the movie has been released, and the audience's reputation cannot be changed.

Fox executives who don't have time gems can't adjust their time back to before the movie is released.

Of course, if there is a gem of time, maybe Fox is more likely to adjust the time back to before the film project was established.

However, the worst thing for Fox executives, including Jim Ganopoulos, is far more than this.

With the bad reputation of "X-Men 3", the box office performance of the movie is getting worse every day.

Fox tried to use the influence of his own media group to reverse this terrible situation, but it only backfired.

Although the negative news of "X-Men 3" is not visible on Fox-owned TV stations, this does not mean that other TV stations will not broadcast the bad box office results of "X-Men 3".

More importantly, the negative news of "X-Men 3" is spreading almost all the time on Fox's rather weak platform on the Internet.

In 2006, those who went online were young people who were the main force who bought tickets to watch movies in the cinema.

As a result, these target audiences are constantly being affected by these negative news, how could the box office of "X-Men 3" still have a healthy trend.

You must know that the reputation of ubw was not so much a polarization, but rather a quarrel between two fan groups.

Except for those diehard Fox fans who deliberately discredit ubw, most people have rated this movie above the average.

However, this situation does not exist in "X-Men 3", and the poor performance of the film is unacceptable to most audiences.

Fans of X-Men who were supposed to be on the same front with "X-Men 3" and attacked the voice of criticism in order to maintain the reputation of the movie, this time stood on the opposite side of the crew and Fox.

As the saying goes, the depth of love is the utmost responsibility.

In order to maintain the reputation of the X-Men and the fate fans, how enthusiastically these fans fought, but now they spray "X-Men 3" and criticize how bad they are.

A well-known superhero movie review user on IMDB commented after watching "X-Men 3":

"I used to think "Fantastic Four" was ugly enough, but I didn't expect "X-Men 3" to be worse. The whole movie is totally unknown, and the personality is almost completely collapsed. Fox will us two movies and characters The resulting emotional connection is completely destroyed! This is an unforgivable felony!

"In short, I won't watch the next superhero movie produced by Fox in the first place, unless the movie has a good reputation."

This IMDB user has a high degree of attention on superhero movie reviews. When many users choose to watch a superhero movie, they will read his review about the movie before starting.

Although there are not too many audiences who do not go to the "X-Men 3" movie because they have read this review, the impact on the box office of the movie is still very large when most audiences say that the movie is very bad.

So although "X-Men 3" barely won the championship during the Memorial Day holiday, it is still far behind the kingly dominance when ubw was first released a few weeks ago.

Of course, relying on the accumulated fans of the first two "X-Men" and the guise of special effects movies, "X-Men 3" can still get more than 150 million box office in the North American market, plus various overseas National box office, film guarantee is definitely no problem, and it will not affect the establishment of other films in the "X-Men" series.

But it is obvious that this result is far from what Fox executives originally expected, let alone comparable to ubw.

At the beginning of May, everyone wanted to let Jiufeng see how good he was, but he wanted to wait until the end of May but it would be the result.

Looking at the increasingly bleak box office data of "X-Men 3", Fox's chairman Jim Ganopoulos couldn't help but let out a sigh of impermanence.

There was a lot of sadness on Fox's side, but there was a man who was as depressed as Fox's.

This person is no one else, but Shion.

Originally Shion prepared a series of damage and insidious tricks to deal with 20th Century Fox in "X-Men 3", just waiting for the movie to spoil it.

There was no action on Shion, so "X-Men 3" collapsed first.

Afterwards, Fox's side was the end of the wall and everyone pushing, which made Shion feel embarrassed to fall into the ground, after all, this group of people was really miserable.

To make it clear, Shion’s feeling at this time is—I haven’t tried hard yet, why did his Fox fall first?

In fact, only Qiye knew that she had a lot of influence on "X-Men 3".

The first is the box office of the first weekend of the movie. Because of my relationship, the original score of over 100 million (although only a little over 100 million) was compressed by only more than 90 million.

The total box office performance in North America has changed from more than 200 million US dollars to only around 150 million.

The overseas box office is still difficult to count, but Qiye estimates that under the influence of ubw, it will definitely be a lot less.

Part of this is due to the quarrel between Fate and the X-Men at the beginning of the month.

Because of the excellence of ubw, many people regard "X-Men 3" as a good movie comparable to ubw. These young people who like to express their opinions on the Internet are also the first round of "X-Men 3" audience.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

When they find that "X-Men 3" is far from ubw, these viewers will think they have been deceived.

"X-Men 3", which was originally able to score 6 points, became a substandard work in their eyes. Such sentiments and word-of-mouth will naturally have a significant impact on the box office of "X-Men 3".

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