Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 622

Although the time under Qiye is not too long, Luvia can be regarded as an actor in the same line as [Erque Studio].

Qiye always cares for himself.

"Very good, there is no eldest lady's air. The performance is also perfect. He is the star of the crew."

Kevin Fitch's impression of Luvia is indeed very good.

"Where's Downey? He didn't do that kind of thing, did he?"

Qiye made a smoking action, and Fitch immediately understood it.


Fitch shook his head confidently: "The employee at Jiufeng looked very closely. He didn't have a chance. Of course, I don't think he still has that habit."

It seems that Downey’s performance on the set really moved Kevin Fitch. You must know that he was worried about using Downey.

"I really admire you. I signed this baby for half a million dollars."

Fitch said with a look of fascination: "This sale is really a bargain, and his prodigal son's return experience fits perfectly with Tony Stark. There is no better promotional material than this."

"Yes, but the price of "Iron Man 2" will increase."

When the second sequel was filmed after the success of "Iron Man", the actors' pay must go up, which can be said to be a certain thing.

Not only actors, but also creative people like director Jon Feiru have to raise their salaries.

The ultimate goal of everyone following your project is fame and profit.

Even in an ordinary company, if the boss does not give employees a salary increase for one or two years, the employees will definitely be distracted.

Once he finds a suitable opportunity, he will quit without hesitation and will not have any memories for the old company.

The purpose of signing the long-term contract is to prevent the partner from using the sequel as a threat, and the Lions open their mouths to make an offer that is beyond the ability of the other party.

It is very stupid to squeeze one's collaborators at will if they have a long appointment.

Not to mention "Iron Man", the same is true for Qiye's fz project.

Lily's remuneration directly increased from a total of US$4 million for the two fsn films to US$7 million for the upper and lower fz films.

This is because Lily is an actress. If Lily is a male, the price will at least be doubled.

But for the "Iron Man" sequel project, the most price increase is undoubtedly Robert Downey Jr.

The price of the first film of 500,000 US dollars was suspected of overlord clauses, and the second film was paid at least 8 million US dollars for Downey.

But in the end, it's hard to say how much. After all, considering Marvel's more than ten-year development plan, a one-time price increase must not go up too much.

Of course Kevin Fitch knew this situation. He said relaxedly: "That's fine, he is worth the money."

Downey's performance was perfect. As long as he doesn't make any more negative news, Marvel is happy to raise prices to keep him.

"The casting of "Invincible Hulk" has begun?"

Qiye asked about the second project that Marvel is preparing.

Fitch immediately reported on the preparations: "It's getting started, the actors of evil spirits and brains have been selected, but the choice of the protagonist Bruce Banner has not been decided yet."

"what happened?"

Fitch replied a little hesitantly: "We kind of like Edward Norton."

"Why, he refuses to sign a long contract?"

Qiye asked rhetorically.

"No, it's just that he is a little worried about starring in superhero movies. He hopes to get the right to adapt the movie script to ensure his image."

"Ha ha."

Qiye sneered twice. He had heard in his life that Norton changed a lot of dialogue about Banner's character when he played "Invincible Hulk". Now it seems that what he said is true.

Marvel will choose Edward Norton Seven Nights to understand, after all, the other party perfectly interprets patients with schizophrenia in "First Fear" and "Fight Club".

It can be said to be the perfect candidate for Bruce Banner.

But as an afterthought, Qiye knew that Norton's performance in "Invincible Hulk" was simply not good.

Although Norton's handsome image made him play Bruce Banner not too bad, he showed very little about the internal conflicts of the role.

You should know that even for superhero characters like Spiderman and Batman, their movies often show the protagonist's struggle between hero and ordinary people.

But as a character with a dual personality as a character's selling point, Banner of Norton couldn't feel this at all.

This is also the most failed aspect of the movie.

Not to mention the script, Marvel gave this guy the right to change the script.

"Tell Norton, we will not give him this right, he is just an actor."

Qiye thought of something, he asked the crew and the chores, borrowed pen and paper and wrote a series of contact information.

"If Norton refuses, you can contact him."

Fitch took the note, and he saw the contact information of Mark Ruffalo written on it.

"The Hercules he played in Fate is good and a good candidate."

Since he was the one recommended by his boss, Fitch would not explicitly refuse.

Even if the opponent will not be used in the end, he will at least let the opponent enter the final round of auditions.

"Has the script of "Invincible Hulk" been finalized? Has the role of linkage with "Iron Man" been finalized?"

"It's almost there. Both Nick Fury and Black Widow will appear in the movie. We are going to choose Scarlett Johansson for the role of Natasha. Her rider skills in fate are very suitable for Black Widow..."

Having said this, Fitch gave Qiye a strange look.

"How do I think we Marvel is going to become your fate exit follower concentration camp?"

[Hmph, don’t you know that I pulled Doctor Strange and Loki into the fz.

After Kevin Fitch's reminder, Qiye recalled his own fz actors and found that except for the first line of [Erque Studio], the other casts were really luxurious.

If you put it 10 years later, the salary of these people is estimated to be an astronomical figure.

[Perhaps when filming fgo in the future, the actor's salary pressure will be almost the same as the "Endgame" of the previous life.

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