Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 623

Thinking of this possible situation, Qiye couldn't help but feel yearning.

Although so many remunerations will definitely hurt, but with so many well-known actors gathered together, this incident itself should be said to be the glory of the director.

Qiye was a little bit engrossed in her thoughts, and didn't even notice the intermission.

But someone noticed him

"Director Kiryu."

The footsteps sounded from the side, and Qiye turned to look.

He found Robert Downey Jr. approaching, with a motion capture device still hanging on his body, but Downey didn't seem to care.

"I finally saw you, I always wanted to thank you for coming."

Downey showed a friendly smile on his face and took the initiative to hold Qiye's hand.


pS: Edward Norton drastically revised the script, but because the scope of the revision was limited to Banner's dialogue part, he did not make a name for the screenwriter.

Because the leader of the "Invincible Hulk" project is Universal, Marvel pinched his nose to recognize it, but immediately kicked Norton away.

But in the final analysis, it is because of the pay issue. After all, Norton loves to force it to reduce the points, but it is his pay that really makes Marvel make up his mind.

After all, Uncle Mark is too cheap.

Most of the film series did not extend the original actors because of the money issue, although this reason is rarely used when it is announced.

Because talking about money is too vulgar.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 381

"I just think you fit this role well."

Qiye smiled faintly.

Although Robert Downey Jr. was indeed one of Qiye’s favorite actors in his life, he did not show the obsessive performance of his brother.

Let’s not say that Qiye’s current status is far above that of the other party. As a top member of Hollywood, he excitedly asked the actors what was going on for autographs.

"Where, I wouldn't be able to get this role without you."

Compared to Tony Stark on the screen, Downey is far less ostentatious.

But Qiye believes that it is definitely not the other party's nature, but because of the long-term setbacks before let him know how to behave in the world.

Being able to tame a prodigal son so obediently, Qiye was kind of wanting to see Downey's current wife Susan, the little pepper in the real world.

It's a pity that Downey's wife, the producer, didn't have a site visit, only the good friend Ed, who was arranged by Qiye, stood on the edge of the set.

[The more I look at these two, the better they match. I would have known him to make him a cameo as the Oriental Roddy.

Qiye retracted his gaze, turned to look at Downey and asked, "How does it feel to play Tony Stark?"

"It's really tired, the dying kind."

Robert Downey Jr. sighed for a long time. Although he had changed his unruly character, his broken mouth and tongue still existed.

After hearing Qiye's questioning, Downey immediately vomited.

"In order to play Tony Stark well, I not only have to work out for more than 2 hours a day, but I also have to wear these equipment on the set to act. It is simply torture."

While talking, Downey called the assistant beside him to help him take off the motion capture device.

"It's not bad. It was even more uncomfortable when I filmed the Mark 1 scene before. The heavy guy made me take a break for 10 minutes, otherwise my body would not be able to bear it."

Although Downey kept complaining, he didn't ask for any changes.

He is not so much complaining, but rather simply complaining while chatting with friends.

"Well, filming must be very hard."

Qiye nodded, "I fate the crew, Lily, she practiced fighting poses for more than 3 hours a day."

In order to ensure that Lily showed the handsome side of Altria in every frame in front of the camera, Lily not only had to participate in training before shooting.

During the shooting process, the practice of the knight sword was also maintained.

This is still when Lily has the basis of knight training.

When shooting "Brother Killer", Rin not only practiced how to shoot arrows, but also corrected her accent.

At the busiest time, Rin only sleeps for 3 hours a day, and can only use makeup to hide the dark circles in his eyes.

Downey nodded with deep sentiment: "Yes, everyone always thinks that we make commercial films easy, but in fact it is not the case at all."

"That's natural."

Qiye remembered a joke in her last life saying that Downey and Depp are the happiest actors in the world, because they don't have to do anything and they can get tens of millions of dollars in salary just by acting in front of the camera.

Those who say such things probably have never experienced filming themselves.

It seems that in the inherent concept, it is really hard work for actors to appear in literary and artistic films, while the roles in commercial films, especially the vase role, are enough.

Because of their poor acting skills, they are just fooling the audience at will.

Qiye certainly does not deny the existence of such actors, but any role that impresses the audience can not be played casually.

In addition to contributing their beauty in front of the camera, the vase actors also put in a lot of effort.

To know that a well-prepared movie, in order to create a sense of the real world, the preparatory work is definitely not like a literary film, just find a few actors to start shooting.

For example, Orlando Bloom who played Lancelot in fz.

Although this guy's acting skills are indeed a bit second, the other party also paid a lot when he played his famous role, Legolas.

In order to be able to pull out the most handsome bow posture in front of the camera, he continued bow and arrow and fitness training for several months, even straining his muscles.

This is not to mention that Orlando Bloom nearly paralyzed his tossing lower body in order to shoot the mounting posture that almost violates physics.

Don't think that everything will be fine if you have a substitute. Many shots cannot be solved by a substitute.

In "Fast and Furious 7", Paul used brain maps to solve the actor problem because the actor passed away.

Otherwise, you can try this hand in other movies?

You are lucky not to be sprayed to death.

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