Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 632

In fact, Qiye also considered this lens to be made in full CG, but after comparison, he found that the cost of using half-real and half-CG would be cheaper.

The main problem lies in the handling of Hassan's cloak. If Qiye wants to get the real feeling of being blown by the wind, the cost of various CG modeling will be very high.

The same situation is not only Qiye, even other film crews will encounter the same problem.

In Hollywood, except for directors like Nolan who are crazy about real-life and film shooting, or directors like Cameron who are in order to achieve their desired effects regardless of cost, most directors will choose more cost-effective when shooting shots. The one.

In fact, as far as Qiye knows, even if CG technology develops to 2020, there are still many lenses that need to be taken with real-life models.

Especially in daytime scenes, the shortcomings of CG technology will be very obvious.

This is why since 2000, large-scale commercial films have had more and more night fights in order to cover up the flaws of CG technology.

At present, the most used shots for actual shooting are heavy vehicles such as large trucks and explosion scenes.

The former is because the current CG technology is difficult to show the heavy texture of the heavy guy, lest the audience will think it is fake.

For example, in the opening scene of "Captain America: Civil War", the truck rushes into the gate. The truck is real, not CG.

As for the explosion scene, the same is true. No matter how the technology develops, the explosion effect made entirely by CG still cannot match the feeling of real physical explosion.

At least until Qiye Rebirth, it was still the same.

What the Hollywood special effects team does is more based on realistic explosion shots, and then uses CG processing to achieve those shots in the director's mind.

But why is this?

No matter how real the CG production is, everyone can still know that this is not a real explosion, but a pure computer simulation.

This is difficult even for Qiye to answer, but he doesn't think it's just a matter of technical ability.

Qiye felt that the feeling in this was very mysterious, even he couldn't explain it in professional terms.

If I have to say, maybe those explosions are real in this world, right?

Therefore, these lenses will have an extremely realistic charm.

The explosion made by CG is not comparable to the actual explosion because of the lack of this sense of reality.

It's just like boys will be born with the soul of steel and will like mechas. This may be the instinct in human aesthetics.

Qiye also admitted that this may be his own paranoid thought, but which director is not paranoid?

As the person who presents the images in her mind to the audience, Qiye feels that she only needs to achieve the desired effect and the audience can recognize it.

The first two shots of fz went smoothly, which was a good start for the entire project team.

But in the next few days, various minor problems during the shooting began to occur, and the shooting progress began to slow down.

Neither Qiye nor Four Seasons paid too much attention to this, after all, this is a normal movie shooting situation.

If every shot is as simple as the first two shots, wouldn't anyone be able to make a movie?

In front of the camera, both Johnson and Dousen are standing on the wheels of supernatural power produced by the crew. The scenes that are now being shot are the scenes where the Emperor appeared in front of everyone.

The set still uses the same set of the previous confrontation between Saber and Lancer, but because the plot has already experienced the relationship between two servants fighting, the set of the set has become quite messy.

Unlike the original animation, which just stepped on the floor, in order to show the destructive power of the followers, Qiye had to toss the pier built by the set group very badly.

If you want to describe it, it's probably the emperor driving the bullock cart and plowing the entire pier aside.

Although it was brushes and sabers that caused this tragedy.

In addition to the setting, another difference is the location of the camera.

Although Dou Sen had a tender face, his height was not short. Although Johnson had the figure of a black iron tower, he still did not reach the height difference between Webber and the Great in the original work.

Since the hardware indicators are not up to date, it is necessary to make a fuss about the external environment.

The emperor is not Uncle B, and this role cannot be solved with CG special effects.

All the shots involving the Great and Weber cannot use ordinary shooting methods, but have to undergo special processing.

We must first raise the height of Johnson. The item box that was originally used to smooth out short actors’ height is again in handy. This makes Johnson’s physical effect higher than Dousen’s original height difference. One head.

Fortunately, the Great Emperor had a cloak, which could perfectly cover the item box under his feet.

In the processing of camera shooting, Qiye also adopted a special technique to let the audience feel the absolute height difference between the two characters.

Qiye chose the more commonly used lens processing technique in special shots-forced perspective.

To explain it in academic terms, it is to use the illusion of optical and visual confusion to make the lens picture show the feeling of deformation of the subject.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the illusion of human visual perception to make the person watching the picture produce the illusion that the subject in the picture is forced to enlarge or shrink.

The most used of these are Japanese special cameras. After all, in order to create the oppressive feeling of huge monsters, special film directors have gone through countless experiments and have already figured out a set of effective and effective methods.

Qiye naturally took these technologies and used them. Anyway, there is no copyright in this thing.

In front of the camera, Johnson smashed his arms and yelled to the camera: "Both sides will take it for me..."

However, Johnson only said half a sentence before he was stopped by Qiye.


The other actors on the set looked at Johnson, because no one had moved just now, and the person who made the mistake was definitely not himself.

And Qiye's subsequent words also confirmed this.

"Johnson, what did you just say? It's the first time I know that Alexander is an American!" Qiye yelled at Johnson with the director tube, "Where have the Greek accents you trained for months gone?! When you went to the toilet just now, did you rush into the sewer with [BEEP——]?!"

"Sorry, my fault."

Johnson immediately realized his mistake, he hurriedly lowered his head to admit it.

Compared with his big figure, it looks a bit strange, giving people a feeling of identity dislocation.

But Qiye is the biggest in Fate's crew, and even Four Seasons can’t overrule Qiye’s decision, let alone Johnson, a newcomer actor.

In fact, even when Johnson becomes a world superstar in the future, he is absolutely weak in front of Qiye.

After all, the director and the actor are two food chains. When the two sides are of the same grade, the actor is always the weaker one.

"Come over again! Johnson, if you speak American accent again, I will throw you to Greece and stay for three months!"

Qiye said viciously.

"All departments will reconfirm again, and start again in 3 minutes!"

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