Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 633

Qiye's words made everyone on the set like amnesty. You must know that when Qiye was swearing just now, no one in the audience dared to speak out, and everyone was chilling.

"Don't you think that Senior's anger is getting bigger and bigger?"

Zhi, who was sitting on the edge, secretly asked several elderly people around him.

You should know that Qiye's temper was not very good when she was filming "Kingjing", but she certainly wouldn't interrupt the actors and scold them like she does now.

"Probably because the director's temperament grows in proportion to their coffee status."

Mako Katsura didn't care much, anyway, Qiye couldn't scold her anyway.

On the set, after the on-site note called "Action" again, Johnson once again assumed the style required in the script.

"Both sides put away the weapons for me. In front of this king!"

A leisurely roar, but also with a Greek accent.

It's just that because of the lack of the relationship between the sacred cow and the late lightning special effects, the current emperor looks a little rudimentary.

But this did not affect the mood of Johnson's performance.

He introduced himself to Saber and Lancer with dumbfounded expressions in a very harsh tone: "My name is Iskandar the Conqueror. I participated in this Holy Grail War and gained the rank of Rider!"

Blasting your family home is a rather stupid act in the Holy Grail War, because the other party can guess your abilities and weaknesses as long as they know your real name.

That's weird.

In fact, in most fate stories, there are situations where the real name is reported at the beginning, or the real name is exposed due to various circumstances.

The so-called protection of one's real name from being exposed can only be done by a few followers.

This has nothing to do with the followers are old antiques, but to allow the audience to have better senses.

While keeping one or two followers' real names increases the sense of expectation, exposing the real names of most followers can give readers a clear understanding of the role positioning.

This makes it more helpful for them to bring into the story, instead of ignoring the wonderfulness of the story in order to guess the real name.

Just as the setting of the real name that cannot be exposed casually in the Holy Grail War, Webber, as the Great Master, will of course be very angry at the thunderstorms of his followers.

"What are you guys doing, idiot! idiot!! Big idiot!!!"

Dou Sen tried to make a bluff, he tightly grasped Johnson's coat and shouted.


Then Webber died with just one look.

[Are you an angry little wife?!

Many people in the crew are holding back a smile, looking at Dou Sen's watery eyes full of fear, many female characters have a maternal glory.

"Now, I said Xiao Zhizhi."

Masako Katsura stabbed Zhizhi's arm and asked in a low voice, "You explain Tiannian CM, should I make two books of these two people?"

There is no stubborn weaving, what kind of book can a rotten female aunt come up with? It's not a [BEEP——] L book.


pS: Anyway, since "Thor 1", Michan feels that Dou Sen is born to be a host 23333

Chapter 387: This Guy Is Afraid Not A Fool

Because this scene is a live recording, although everyone wants to laugh, no one dares to make a sound.

If someone really dared to disturb the recording at this time, Qiye would definitely nail this person to the wall.

Although actor NG is the norm, if the actor is okay, Qiye must be zero tolerance for a problem.

In front of the camera, after shutting up his favorite concubine, Iskandar still flickered the two followers in front of him.

"You fight each other to get the Holy Grail. I have something to ask you before you fight."

As he said that, he showed a big smile: "I don't know what each of you expect for the Holy Grail. But think about it now. Is your wish more important than the ambition that encompasses heaven and earth? ?"

[This guy is not a fool.

Except for Webber, who was already scared, everyone present had this idea.

Of course, it's useless to just think, everyone needs to show it on their faces.

But this little trick is not a big problem for Lily and others.

Seven after confirming that there were no problems with the expressions of several people, he did not stop, but instructed the camera crew: "Camera No. 3 shoots to the right and shoots Lancer too. Don’t move the camera too fast, it’s kind of like. The feeling of scanning slowly."

In fact, according to the script, it should be cut at this time, but Qiye saw that everyone was in such a good state and it didn't stop it.

At this time, relying on a flicker, Lancer and Saber cast hostile eyes on the chaotic Rider.

This is probably personal charm. As long as he appears on the scene, he will actively attract everyone's attention. The character of Iskandar has such charm.

Johnson's acting skills are certainly not good, but the affinity he showed when he was laughing is really pleasing.

I saw him muttering with embarrassment while pressing his temple with his fist unconsciously.

This action was very happy, but it did not damage the character's majesty.

"You... are you going to negotiate terms with me?"

I have to say that Iskandall's appearance is really confusing.

According to his current performance, no one would object to him saying he is a fool.

He always has the ability to mess up everything. In other words, the role of this character in the movie is a comedian.

These people are usually responsible for unreliable funny positioning, but when they are really needed, they will show a serious side and give people a very reliable feeling.


This time Qiye called to stop, because he couldn't help laughing when he saw Lily.

"The shot was good, let's do it again. Camera crew, change the lens angle."

Qiye motioned for Shonan and Zhi to come closer, and he told them the new camera angle arrangement.

This is not only to leave more material for later editing, but also to see if the actors can be in a better state, so Qiye will shoot more as long as conditions permit.

After taking this shot 4 times (one time because Illya laughed and NG), Qiye moved to the next scene.

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