Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 634

The Wharf Battle was a bit fragmentary because of the fights between multiple forces.

According to Qiye's idea, this battle in which the followers will appear on the scene will appear in the first and mid-stage of the movie.

After the characters in the early stage of the film have appeared one after another, the audience needs a scene where they can focus on their personalities and understand the contradictory relationships between the characters.

From the perspective of the script structure, this battle has a connecting effect.

"It's really a god, is there any idiot who thinks standing on the street light would be a good idea?"

While being put down by Via, Gavien kept complaining.

"After all, Junior Two is a lot of fun, maybe for Gilgamesh, standing high is a great way to play?"

Qiye replied uncertainly: "You watch martial arts movies, don't you always like to be at high places? What about the top of Huashan Mountain, the top of the Forbidden City, etc."

"They are not afraid of a trip and death."

After stepping on his feet, Gawyne sat down on the ground.

Although protected by Via, he stepped on a green-screen platform instead of a street light pole that could not even be found in the foot position.

But putting a person a few meters above the ground for nearly half an hour, both physically and psychologically plus Wayne feel very uncomfortable.

After all, my mother gave you two legs when she gave birth to you so that you can step on the ground properly.

Lily murmured: "It's not all bad. You see people always like to see people performing at high places, such as monkeys climbing ladders, flying monkeys in the sky and so on."

Gavien felt very speechless: "You treat me like a monkey!"

Without the help of special effects and background sounds, it is indeed very funny to just watch a big *** in a high place.

Fortunately, the quality of the actors on Qiye is very good, but even so, they often laugh.

A large part of the reason is because they can't always hear what Gawain said on it.

This incident itself is not funny, but as long as they think that the scene they are performing is to have a normal conversation with the guy above, it immediately becomes very funny.

The hero king stood on the street light pole and forced a lot of words. As a result, Saber below said "Pardon" and he was really happy.

If I really want to say, the wind at the seaside wharf at night in winter is basically above level seven or eight.

The only result of ordinary people standing on street lamp posts is to be blown to the ground within a second.

You can try to go to the riverside or seaside in the winter night. The existence of wind will make you hear nothing except the sound of wind if you are more than 2 meters away.

It's no wonder that Gilgamesh behaved like crazy at the dock, because from the beginning to the end, this guy had never heard of anyone, and was all alone in one-man shows.

So what was Lao Xu's mentality when he put the battlefield here?Seeing people is unhappy, so let the characters come to blow the cold wind at night?

Fortunately, this very embarrassing scene for Gavien is over, and he no longer has to hang on the high platform to suffer.

Another day of shooting is over, but Qiye did not rush to disband and get off work.

Instead, he asked Liangyizhi to convene the heads of various departments and held a short meeting.

All the participants in the meeting were the main creators behind the production crew. In addition to the two direct directors and one deputy director, Nanya, Shiki and Ori, there were also the team leaders of Li Tongchen, Mako Katsura, Shonan, and representatives of insurance companies.

Don't wonder why people with insurance companies, for a project like this that is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, the crew will apply for a third-party insurance company guarantee to reassure investors.

The purpose of these insurance companies is to confirm the process of using funds for the crew to ensure that the crew spends the money on the film.

You must know that in history, there are not one or two directors who dig public land. In 1980, the film "The Gate of Heaven" that led to the collapse of United States was acquired.

United American Corporation once accused director Michael Cimino of buying land for himself with the film budget, which caused the film cost to be more than twice the original budget.

Since then, all film companies have learned well, and third-party guarantees have become a necessary process for every big project.

Of course, for the crew, these laymen from insurance companies who don't know anything are very annoying.

Because they would ask questions about the crew's embezzlement of one dollar, so that everyone can't make a good movie.

However, this member of the fate crew does not have the habit of talking too much. As long as the crew uses funds to follow the process, he will be as good as a wooden person and will not say a word.

However, Qiye believes that if the crew does not follow the rules, this serious-faced middle-aged man is definitely not a persimmon.

"Let's plan the next shooting plan."

Qiye didn't have the habit of long talks, and when everyone was there, he went directly to the subject.

"According to the current shooting progress, if there is no accident, there should be 3 days to complete the scene of the dock. So I will arrange the next shooting plan."

Qiye distributed the two lists to everyone present: "Next, we will split the crew into two, and some people will follow me to the Baisha Missile Proving Ground for filming. Four seasons, you take another group of people to start shooting HF, is that okay? "

Because ubw is still in the promotion period, most hf actors are still promoting globally.

In fact, Lily is also in the propaganda stage, but the operation concentrates her work in Los Angeles.

Now Lily has to rush to participate in interviews with various media after finishing filming every day, or cooperate with the crew to record promotional videos.

Fortunately, Lily is now the most popular star in the United States, and the media are also very happy to visit her specially to interview her, otherwise the operation here is really difficult to arrange.

"But when the King's Army came out for the first time, weren't Saber and Gilgamesh also present? Isn't it okay for Lily not to follow?"

After seeing Lily and Gavien being divided into the HF crew, Zhi asked immediately.

"I will arrange that shot until the end, and the two of them will send it over after you are over."

Qiye didn't care much about such trivial matters, he only cared about another thing.

Qiye turned her gaze to Shiji: "You have a heavy burden here, is it okay?"

Although you are the second head of the crew, the Four Seasons has been a little transparent these days.

However, Four Seasons is not fishing, he is learning the operating mode of the big Hollywood crew.

Four Seasons nodded confidently: "No problem, I already know what to do."

"I will leave it to you. If there is a problem, he will help you settle it." Perhaps because he was afraid that Four Seasons alone would not be able to hold the place alone, Qiye left him with the second highest prestige of the crew.

In the end, Qiye emphasized to Four Seasons: "Remember, although hf is a drama with a distinctive black style, it is also a commercial work, and there must be no blackout!"


pS: Well, Michan is guilty.

Some readers have pointed out that in Chapter 375 and Chapter 376, Michan was wrong.

Regarding the pronunciation of [Tongsheng], Mi Jiang was a direct copy of the English phonetic notation on Baidu Encyclopedia at the time, but I did not expect that the phonetic notation of the English surname and first name on the Encyclopedia was reversed.

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