Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 643

Shion didn't put on any airs, she smiled and chatted with a few people.

Everyone is the main creator of the movie, and the topic they are talking about is naturally inseparable from the fz they are shooting.

"That...Miss Jiufeng." Dousen complained in a joke, "As for the relationship between Webber's character and Iskandar...Can you change it a bit? Webber shouldn't be in the setting. Is that right?"

Although Dou Sen didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what he was talking about.

Johnson also echoed: "Such a role setting will cause a lot of disgust in Hollywood, right?"

Johnson, who thinks he is a straight man of steel, certainly does not want his future positioning to be labeled as a rainbow.

Ai Lei shrugged, but said nothing.

Changing the script has nothing to do with her intern screenwriter. She just needs to watch the woman next to her and don't attack her brother-in-law's bed at night.

"This... can't do it."

Ziyuan rejected Dou Sen's proposal: "After all, I leave it to Qiye to make the movie. You have any opinions and you need to raise it with him."

Johnson and Dousen's faces immediately boasted. Isn't it just a slogan to find the violent director?

"This one……"

"Relax, Tom."

Qiye ate a hamburger and sat next to them.

"No one thinks that way. Although the relationship between Weber and the emperor seems to be a little bit basic among female audiences, it seems to normal people to be a normal relationship between monarchs and close friends."

Qiye said to two worrisome actors: "So no matter which type of audience you will be rejected, I will grasp the degree."


Dou Sen didn't know how to say it. He racked his brains to refute the opponent, but he didn't know how to explain it.

This worried Dou Sen felt that his hairline was about to move back.

"Don't worry, you see how pure the relationship between Peter Parker and Harry Osborn in the Spider-Man series is."

In fact, Qiye would like to cite an example of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series, which is the most successful commercial film project that sells CP but no one dislikes.

Otherwise, Marvel is a treasure, you can learn countless business wisdom from it.

Look at "Civil War" has been ridiculed as "Divorce", but not many people commented.

Qiye continued to talk: "Although we are doing film and television, we still sell goods in essence. So what the audience wants, we naturally have to provide what. What the audience wants to see subconsciously, we also have to satisfy them."

"So, the love relationship between our two cannot be changed like this?"

Said frustratedly.

Qiye comforted: "You have to think this way, if someone really wants to misinterpret, you can't help it. When the comics review and management agency was released, their gang didn't want to delete the ban on the grounds of Batman and Robin. Comic?"

This incident is about what happened in the 1950s and 1960s in the United States, when comics were demonized as the chief culprit of everything.

Anyway, the children are not studying well, the students fall in love early, the juvenile commits crimes, and even the sows in the village do not give birth. It is the fault of the comics.

One of the reasons for combating comics at the time was that Batman and Robin slept on the same bed, which was a hint to get involved.

How familiar with this argument can only be said that there is nothing new under the sun.

"Now this era has opened up a lot, so as long as they don't have those exact shots, their mild selling of CP will not only not be offensive, but can promote the spread of our works."

Johnson and Dousen glanced at each other, and the two difficult brothers sighed helplessly.

Qiye snorted inwardly, he felt that these two should be grateful to himself.

After all, what I did is kind enough. You must know that in the future, the two guys will sell Wang Sledgehammer and Guoda Statham, and they will be more powerful than this time.

Of course, Qiye also played a trick. If he directly mentioned it at the beginning, they would definitely have strong resistance.

So he estimated that NG had exhausted these two people several times in a row, and then made this request.

Sure enough, the effect was outstanding. In order to end the shooting earlier, both of them obediently obeyed Qiye's arrangement.

Now that the head has been opened, things become much easier afterwards.

After the two men were settled, Qiye turned to his sister-in-law.

"I have an outline of the story here. You can take a look." Qiye handed her a copy of the printed paper. "It's not a problem for you to just watch it like this. This is my homework for you. Before the filming is over, I hope you will write it into a novel."

""Night of the Magician"?"

Ai Lei read the title above with confused eyes.


pS1: Little sister-in-law Ai Lei sauce, a literary tool man!(thumb)

This is appointed by Mijiang, who approves?Who opposes?(Leung Ka Fai face)


pS2: In 1955, the United States conducted a survey on the impact of comics on teenagers, and the conclusion was the same as the original game.

Dr. Frederick Wortham from Germany and the "Innocent Temptation" written by him have become the main attack weapons against comics.

In this book, the master and the young are misinterpreted as ***, and Da Chao is set as the SS because of the S logo on his chest (because the English abbreviation SS)._

One of the most famous original lines is "Comic books are an important factor in juvenile delinquency".

Then a large number of comic books were banned, and some schools even burned comic books publicly.

However, the comics at that time were really forgotten, the grading system was not perfect, and publishers frequently appeared in comics in order to sell various restricted-level scenes. This is sure to have a bad influence on young people.

However, this kind of one-stick beating is the same no matter where it is. The United States used comics back then, and the Japanese society also treated Azhai.

Chapter 393 The Battle Between Cold Weapon and Aircraft Tank

Qiye felt that it would be better to find something for Ai Lei as soon as possible, otherwise this girl has been so nothing to do is really going to do something.

Since Qiye is ready to train Ai Lei, she must give her a project to practice hands.

Qiye originally thought that she would arrange tasks for her after meeting in Los Angeles, but looking at the posture between Ai Lei and Shion, if you let it go like this, the ghost knows what moths will come out.

As for why the task of "Night of the Magician" was handed over to Ai Lei, Qiye also had her own consideration in it.

First of all, Fate’s project is definitely not available. This kind of core project is not so great for newcomers to practice Qiye.

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