Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 644

And fate zero's derivative drama "The Second World Incident Book" Seven Nights will allow Ai Lei to join the screenwriting team, but it will definitely not be the first screenwriter.

The whole project of "Kingjing" Qiye has been packaged and sold to Lin Bao.

So after all the calculations, the only project left for Ai Lei is "Magical Night" except "Tsukihime".

Of course, Ai Lei can also give a story to her completely, but without a reference object, Qiye will be more difficult to judge Ai Lei's current writing standards.

Compared with "Tsukihime", Qiye thinks "Magic Night" will be more suitable for Ai Lei.

The little girl had never been in love, so it was a bit difficult for her to write a love story.

In comparison, although "Night of the Magician" tells the story of two women and one man living together, there is not much love in it.

It is far different from the stomach medicine works like "White Album 2".

No wonder some people have said that if playing "White Album 2" is uncomfortable, then go to "Magic Night", which can effectively relieve stomach pain.

Although the elegant and fresh style of "Night of the Magician" has been loved by many people, and from the perspective of the design of the moon, "Night of the Magician" is indeed a very important part of constructing the worldview.

But from a commercial point of view, the commercial value of "Magic Night" is really one of the most passers-by in the moon series.

Of course, Qiye felt that this had something to do with the Qingzi control of Mushroom.

After all, as long as he is not well-known, no one will rob him.


In short, in the priority of Qiye, "Magic Night" has always been dispensable.

After all, there is clearly a lot of things to do behind this, but his brother Jun just digs holes and doesn't fill them, and then goes to remake "Yue Ji".

Then "Tsukihime" was reset and replaced "Magic Night" as a new generation of bouncer.

After all, it's still not making money. The game genre of galgame has already passed its hottest time.

If "Yue Ji" can reach hundreds of millions of dollars a month like fgo, he will definitely take out the finished product in a hurry, instead of fooling it with the news that "we are already doing it" as it is now.

After handing over the "Magic Night" to Ai Lei, Qiye had no more thoughts of intervening.

Anyway, the priority of this project is not high, even if Ai Lei is not satisfied with the finished product Qiye, he still has enough time for her to slowly modify it.

But looking at Ai Lei's serious look when she was in danger, she obviously thought that Qiye had entrusted a very important task to herself.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely complete this task!"

Ai Lei's eyes burst into flames called fighting spirit, and she swears loudly to Qiye.

[Perhaps you saw that it was set at the same time as fate, right?

Qiye thinks so, the little girl has work enthusiasm and Qiye is not easy to discern her interest.

"Anyway, please come on." Qiye scratched his hair, and then he looked at the two guys Johnson and Dousen who had finished eating, "You two come here, I will tell you about the afternoon scene. How to shoot."

After all the boys in the room left, Ziyuan quietly muttered to Ai Lei who was humming a little song: "You are so happy when someone gives you a piece of flesh and bone, and you say you are not interesting to them?"

"Shut up!"


In the afternoon scene, Qiye will film the battle between Macedonian soldiers and the army.

Because of the influence of the sea monster summoned by the marshal, the army that had lost San's value began to attack indiscriminately.

In order to prevent innocent civilians from being harmed, Rider opened an enchantment to draw the human army and sea monsters into his own battlefield to fight.

This scene will have a strong magical flavor. After all, you can hardly see the battle between the pikes and the planes and tanks. In the end, the pikemen won.

Wait, there seems to be "Avatar".

Then assume that nothing has been said.

Because this scene is a group battle scene, Iskander, who dominates the scene in the morning, will become the background board and exist.

Qiye Hope in this scene embodies the military qualities that the emperor showed as a military commander when he faced an enemy he had never seen before.

For this kind of large-scale war scene, Qiye and Father Li Tongchen will work together.

Qiye is responsible for the scheduling of the entire battle scene and the fiddling with the equipment of the human army, while Li Tongchen designs the details of the battle between the two sides.

This is to make the fight look more like fighting, rather than like two people playing games together.

Qiye liked Nolan's Batman trilogy very much, but even so he had to admit that the fighting scenes of the trilogy were the shortcomings of the series.

The one-on-one fights were fine, and the shaky short shots and fast editing made up for many shortcomings, but the shortcomings of the movie were exposed as soon as the people fighting.

The last group battle between police and terrorists in the third "Dark Knight Rises" is probably the black history of the entire series.

The first time you watch it, because the audience will focus on the protagonists Batman and Bain, it will not feel obvious.

But if you look closely, you will see a lot of gangsters, they are certainly not lazy, but how can the action look like a fight.

These small shortcomings will not affect the greatness of the Batman trilogy, but Qiye himself, as the director, certainly hopes that his movie can be as perfect as possible.

Especially Qiye's current scene is not a battle of equal equipment, but a cold weapon versus a hot weapon.

In the filming set of Director Baisha's proving ground, the battlefields of the two sides have basically been set up, and they waited for Qiye to give an order and then started to work.

Qiye stood on the high platform where the No. 3 camera was located and observed the layout of the set. He turned his head and confirmed to the scene note that followed him: "Is the explosion group ready?"


"Have you explained to the actors?" Qiye glanced at the explosive fuse around him, "I don't want accidents during shooting."

"Don't worry, I have made it clear to them." Chang Ji replied in a low voice, "There will be no problem with positioning or anything."

"Well, I hope they don't run around."

The scale of the explosion scene in the afternoon was much larger than that in the morning. Compared with the scene in the morning, it was a small show.

This makes Qiye a bit worrying about the quality of his opponents. He doesn't know that these group actors will not be scared by the explosion and run around, which becomes very troublesome.

It is very difficult to predict what problems the actors will have to find the scene not only with military tanks, but also with planes flying by.

"Fortunately, some details of the war can be solved with CGI. But this is also a challenge."

Qiye rubbed his face. This was the first time he had filmed a war scene with modern equipment. Although the equipment he participated in was all weapons from the 1990s, this opportunity was really rare.

"It's not just actors, but other staff should also communicate well."

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