Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 654


Four seasons immediately called to stop.

"what happened?"

Qiye raised his head to look at Siji. He didn't remember that he had made a mistake.

"Your expression is wrong."

Shiji's answer made Qiye frown: "I remember it should be fear here."

"Are you fear? The expression is artificial, it looks like you are constipated!"

Siji directly sprayed it back, and he was really not afraid of Qiye than his mouth stinks.

"Come over again!"

"Cut! Don't just focus on your eyes, but keep up with your physical performance!"

"Cut! What are you hesitating about? Forgot your lines?"

"Cut! This is your best performance? Three-year-olds are better at acting than you. Show me your expression!"

"Cut! Turn my face in place. The audience buys tickets to see your face, not the back of your head!"


For the rest of the time, Qiye basically spent the whole season's directing and repeated NG.

After tossing like this for a long time, Qiye finally passed this shot.

Of course, I am not satisfied with this result.

"The 30-second show has been NG almost 20 times, and your acting skills will be outstanding in this life."

Four seasons are still there forcing them to keep on applying makeup.

"Do you think the taciturn role is easy to play? Do you have facial paralysis at all?"

Qiye didn't reply, because he thought so from the beginning.

The words of Four Seasons can be regarded as a reminder for Qiye. If he is to direct this scene himself, he will definitely shoot the scene according to the standards of Four Seasons.

He took it for granted when he thought as an actor.

"I know."

Qiye responded with a clear answer.

"The next scene is more difficult. You need to show the struggling side of Kiritugu Eomiya, right?"

"Um...try it."

How could Qiye guarantee that she was okay? After taking the simple shots for so long before, 80% of history will repeat itself.

It’s just that no matter what Qiye’s answer is, the shots that should be taken are still to be shot. After all, the crew does not have a second Kiriji actor.

"Game 15, Act 5, Action!"

Kirisu, played by Nanaya, opened the equipment box that Maiya had prepared and began to check the equipment one by one.

As a paranoid of the big scene, Nanya added a lot of Kirishu's firepower, but all the weapons equipped with personal firepower were arranged.

Even the versatile RPG is among them.

In short, this equipment box is basically a small arsenal.

Because there are so many things, Qiye certainly cannot show them all at once.

Therefore, under the request of the script, Qiye only selected a few representative weapons to demonstrate.

A light machine gun, a sniper rifle, and the iconic Thomson Contender produced by Kichiji.

Qiye was in the Celestial Kingdom in his previous life, and in Japan in this life. Both countries have very strict gun management.

Although he knew something about weapons, Qiye really hadn't touched a gun in his two lifetimes.

In order to play the role of Kiriji, Qiye specially conducts a period of training on gun structure.

But this kind of temporary embracing is of course impossible to be very proficient in disassembly and assembly of firearms. The script requires that the assembly be completed within 2 seconds, even if Qiye's hand training is abolished.

So Qiye just picked up the gun and fiddled with it, and put it in a pose.

The shots of Kiriji's hand assembling the guns will be shot separately, and will be completed by a dedicated actor wearing Kiriji's clothes.

Among them, the Contender gun was different. Qiye did not take it out of the arsenal, but took it out of the gun pouch around his waist.

And what Qiye took out from the arms box was a small box, which contained props that were the famous origin bomb.

Qiye stared at the bullet box in her hand, a trace of movement appeared in her eyes.

He took out a bullet and placed it in his palm, then slowly loaded it into the Contender.

"Illia hasn't that Warser yet, she is obviously eight years old..."

At this time, Zhi from behind him quietly approached him and got into his arms.


pS: Class is so tired and annoying._(:з∠)_

Chapter 399

Qiye felt a slight cold in his neck, and he shrank his neck subconsciously.

This action is not much different from the surprised state of Kirishu as required in the script, so Shiji did not call to stop even though he could see it.

"Tsk, itching again."

Siji scratched his head in annoyance, he didn't like Qiye's habit very much.

This time it was not bad, if I change to another lens, I am afraid it will not be NG directly.

Zhiye's slender arms hooked Qiye's neck, forcing the other party to turn his head and look at him.

The two looked at each other affectionately, and no one spoke for a while.


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