Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 655

After a while, Qiye gently called the other party's name.


If Zhizhi is a girl, this time should be the scene of the kissing.

Unfortunately, weaving is not.

So at this time, I had to stop and change Mai Mi's actor.

When preparing, Siji was still secretly telling Qiye and other precautions for acting.

"Remember, you don't need to be active later, just passively enjoy it. She will take care of everything for you."

"This sounds familiar."

Qiye hooked her ears with her fingers, and said disdainfully: "Ah, yes. When you took me to Ginza for the first time, you said the same thing."

"Bah, don't slander me."

Four Seasons snorted: "That's what your old man said. If you are afraid, you'd better close your eyes and enjoy it quietly. Who told you to shake like a sieve at the time."

"Isn't it nervous the first time I went."

Four Seasons despised Tucao and said-"But when you choose a girl, your hands are very fast. I haven't reacted yet, so you just..."

Zhi Zhi held his forehead and reminded: "I think you two big men discussing the Ginza clubhouse in the public are a bit too much?"

"What's the matter, there are no outsiders here anyway." Qiye said indifferently.

Zhizhi pointed his thumb to the kiss substitute: "Who said there are no outsiders?"

"She must know professional ethics for a professional kiss like this."

Qiye didn't care at all.

In fact, it's not just such a kiss, but people in the entertainment industry certainly know that the mouth matters.

Unless you are as talented as Mel Gibson, but the problem is that even Gibson, his drunk talking mouth still causes him a lot of trouble.

So Qiye didn't think that this kiss would give the actor what she had just said to Shiji.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, we will end today after filming this section."

Four Seasons saw that the setting had been completed, and ended the dialogue.

"Attention everyone, it's best to pass it all at once. Especially Qiye you, don't think about taking advantage of other girls, deliberately NG several times!"

"...Don't talk nonsense! I won't do this!"

Qiye glanced at the actress who was face to face with him, hoping that Siji's words just now wouldn't cause him trouble.

I remember that when the rice rabbit became popular in the next few years, all kinds of trivial matters were magnified infinitely, and then they were accused of harassment.

"Don't worry, I won't deliberately take advantage of you." Qiye said hello to the other party, "but you have seen it too, I am always NG, so please don't mind if you come again."

The actor opposite just smiled and nodded.

Looking at the situation of the other party, Qiye thought she knew it.

This actor who acts as a stand-in for Zhiye is pretty pretty in appearance, of course, there is still a lot of gap compared with the girls that Qiye is familiar with.

And I don't know why, the other party has thick makeup on his face.

[Maybe it is freckles on the face.

Qiye thought so.

In the West, the very weird beauty of freckles is popular.

Freckles are a symbol of cuteness in the eyes of many Europeans and Americans, just as many people in Japan prefer tiger teeth.

The latter Qiye is still acceptable, as long as it is not too severely protruding.

But the former can only hehe.

Qiye certainly does not discriminate against this kind of aesthetic concept, and can only say that he is really unable to appreciate this kind of beauty.

In fact, whether it is tiger teeth or freckles, if it is the second dimension, it can still be considered cute.

But the style gap between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional is still very obvious. Some things can be called cute in the two-dimensional, but in reality it is ugly.

To give the simplest example, Qiye likes the two-dimensional forehead attribute very much. After all, Nidouzi is so cute.

But moving the forehead to the third dimension is called juvenile baldness. Most people are ugly out of the sky.

Only a very small number of people like Dou Sen can control it.

But even Dou Sen, since his hairline moved back, other characters except Loki have not shown their foreheads.

In the same way, Qiye thinks that the person in front of her should wear heavy makeup because of freckles.

[Hopefully, I won’t make me sneeze more.

As for the other party's reason for doing this, Qiye guessed it was for the camera, and the other party was asked to cover it up.

After all, the knitting face is completely clean. After changing the actors, it can't be all pockmarks, right?

Just when Qiye was thinking like this, the other party had already put his arms around Qiye's neck.

Although the makeup of the other party is very strong, the smell is not very heavy. Qiye is worried that she will be smoked and sneezes.

"Then, please advise."

The other party didn't answer, she just looked at Qiye quietly.

Qiye suddenly felt that the other party's appearance was a little strange, but he called for the beginning before he could think about the four seasons.

"All departments are ready to...Action!"

The soft lips sealed Qiye's mouth.

But Four Seasons immediately stopped.


Four Seasons was quite annoyed and said, "I haven't hit the board yet, why are you so anxious?!"

"Sorry, I'm impatient."

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