Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Development Plan Chapter 659

What is meant by what will happen in the future?

The meaning of Robert Iger's words is very obvious. He is saying that after Jiufeng, he may not be able to support Qiye making the film.

As the heir of a century-old store, Ziyuan has a heartfelt pride in Jiufeng.

As a company handed down from his ancestors, Shion has always wanted to carry it forward.

Therefore, Shion felt unusually angry when faced with Robert Iger's provocation.

Robert Iger didn't know Shion's thoughts. As a professional manager, he only looked at the problem from a business perspective. He didn't know that he accidentally talked about Shion's unhappy things.

But Shion's anger could still be seen.

"Sorry, Miss Jiufeng I didn't mean that." Robert Iger immediately apologized, "I just think that directors like Kiryu Nanaya need a broader platform. And I also hope that I can cooperate with Jiufeng in the future. After all, Disney has a strong presence in the children's peripheral market."

Robert Egger seems to be talking about something very casual.

In his view, Jiufeng Entertainment failed for granted.

Don't look at Jiufeng Entertainment now relying on fate to open the situation, but it lacks the foundation as long as it is frustrated by one or two movies, it will be beaten back to its original shape.

In this regard, Robert Iger was not surprised.

Because DreamWorks was so dead.

The major Hollywood companies have their ups and downs, but only the six will survive.

However, Jiufeng Entertainment GG belongs to GG, and its IP copyright still has great value.

In addition to fate, which can now be included in the popular movie series, Jiufeng Entertainment also has Marvel and the right to adapt popular games including "The Saint and the Brave".

These things are very greedy things for Disney.

Robert Iger, who has already begun the strategic layout of big IP, already has a good IP is Disney's development plan. Of course, he will not let go of high-quality assets like Jiufeng Entertainment.

But for the Jiufeng Group, Robert Iger never thought it would go bankrupt.

As a native of the North American entertainment industry, Robert Iger knows Jiufeng's position in the gaming market.

With countless diehard fans, Jiufeng will not go bankrupt and be acquired no matter how bad it is.

Although the game cake is not too big, it is enough to make Jiufeng self-sufficient.

Therefore, in Robert Iger's view, Disney and Jiufeng are not without room for cooperation.

It's just that his arrogant attitude obviously made Shion feel uncomfortable, and he got Shion's glaring glaring.

Robert Iger also noticed, so he did not continue to focus on whether Jiufeng Entertainment will fail, but chose another entry point.

"I just feel sorry for Jiufeng Entertainment's IP. After all, they are all very good kids, aren't they?"

Robert Iger showed a look of concern, "Jiufeng Entertainment is now straining funds to develop fate and Marvel series separately? Isn't choosing a few IPs to cooperate with Disney a strong combination?"

Shion sneered while covering his face with a folding fan: "Mr. Iger really knows how to plan carefully, and now he is planning to plan ten years later."

"After all, the family has a big business and needs to prepare early."


The blue veins on Shion's forehead are raised.

Your Disney family has a big business, my Jiufeng is a small workshop, right?

However, at this time someone else came over to greet Robert Iger.

Shion could only make a few polite sentences with the other party, and then took Qiye to another place.

"Really pissed me off."

Shion turned his head and cursed when he came to a place where Robert Iger could not hear.

"This damn Mickey Mouse is simply too hateful, as if Jiufeng Entertainment will definitely fail!"

"No way, this is the confidence of others in the film and television industry."

Qiye didn't care too much. The Six Great Arrogances weren't a day or two. Just find a chance to fan back.

It's a pity that Disney and Jiufeng are both non-sale items, otherwise it might be able to stage a scene of a plumber taking Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse for a walk.

Similar to Jiufeng, which is the Jiufeng of the Jiufeng family, although the Disney family has lost complete control over Disney, it still has a huge influence on Disney.

The inheritance of this kind of old family will make them have an unusual obsession with the company passed down from their ancestors.

Shion is the same to Jiufeng, and the Disney family is the same to Disney.

"It's just a matter of luck." Shion was still a bit aggrieved. "What else can they do except "Pirates of the Caribbean"?"

Qiye smiled bitterly: "Well, I can't deny it."

When I was walking through the crowd in the banquet hall just now, I could hear Disney's speeches such as good luck and good luck from time to time during Qiye.

Although the taste of envy, jealousy and hatred in speech sounds more like the wailing of the loser, it can somewhat reflect the opinions of the public.

After all, the genre of pirate movies has long been outdated and can no longer die. Who would have thought that Disney's project to promote its own rides could suddenly become a first-class IP.

You know, when filming "Pirates of the Caribbean", even Disney's own senior executives were not optimistic.

Robert Iger’s old boss, Michael Eisner, even tried his best to oppose the establishment of the film. He felt that no one in the world would like a sissy pirate role.

However, it turns out that Captain Jack’s charm is unstoppable.

At the time, Michael Eisner had always opposed the "Pirates of the Caribbean" matter, which also became an excuse for Robert Iger to overthrow his old boss and succeed.

It can be said that the success of "Pirates of the Caribbean" not only shaped the classic image of Captain Jack, but also laid the foundation for the healthy development of Disney.

However, Qiye felt that it could be changed in this world.

"If Shion is really upset, you can take some necessary measures to respond."

Qiye said, pointing to the distance with her hand. Isn't that an opportunity?

Shion followed Qiye's fingers and found that George Lucas was surrounded by a group of people.

"Are you going to dig a corner?" Shion said angrily, "but isn't the film copyright of "Star Wars" in Fox's hands?"

Qiye said with a smirk: "The development of the peripheral copyright of "Star Wars" has always been a joint venture between Disney and Lucas."

Although George Lucas has the copyright of "Star Wars" in his hands, the pure copyright cannot be realized. Lucas must find a reliable partner.

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