Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 660

This is why Disney will be able to successfully acquire Lucasfilm in the future because they already have a basis for cooperation.

"You see, if we can incorporate Lucasfilm, we will not only be able to get a world-class IP, but we will also be able to smash the two rivals Fox and Disney. This is simply killing three birds with one stone."

Seeing some movement on Shion's face, Qiye immediately struck while the iron was hot and said, "Even if they fail to reach an agreement in the end, it would be good for them to feel sick."

Shion nodded in satisfaction. She hid her face behind the folding fan and smiled wickedly: "Yes, you have a good idea. You are really bad enough, Director Kiryu~"

Qiye said dogmatically, "Aren't you not rejecting it? Chairman Shiyuan."


Shion knocked on Qiye's head.

"Begging, I'm going to dig the foot of the wall, won't you?"

"No, no," Qiye waved his hand and said, "You two capitalists are talking more, I will go see other people and say hello."

There will definitely be a lot of Hollywood stars attending such a party. To build a good relationship with these people will lay a solid foundation for possible future cooperation.

This is what Qiye had planned when he planned to attend this party.

Had it not been for the chat and laughter with that "Mickey Mouse" at the door just now, Qiye would have joined the party by now.

So Qiye and Ziyuan were separated.

Shion used the excuse of Marvel movie special effects to greet Lucas, and by the way test the possibility of digging the wall.

On the other hand, Qiye started looking for targets at the party to see if he could abduct one or two actors who were not particularly famous and sign them at a cheap price.

However, Qiye’s first communication was not the prey, but Orlando Bloom who invited himself to the party.

As a guest, since they have invited themselves, it is very inappropriate to not say a few words.

As one of the movie's leading actors, Orlando Bloom is surrounded by some people, but Qiye is far away and can feel that the atmosphere is not very harmonious.


"Director Kiryu."

Seeing Qiye's appearance, Bloom seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He apologized to the people around him, and then came to Qiye's side.

Qiye opened his arms and gave a strong hug to Bloom who was walking, making them look familiar.

"Congratulations on your big box office sales, Will Turner Blacksmith."

Bloom squeezed out a smile: "Forget it, you know my situation. I was the protagonist in Pirates of the Caribbean 1, but now... hey."

"This is no way. Who said Captain Jack is so attractive."

The success of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is essentially the success of Captain Jack.

Coupled with Bloom's acting skills, he can't be helped by Depp.

Bloom obviously didn't want to keep talking about it, so he turned the subject off.

"Thank you for coming to the party, and thank you for the role you gave me. Except for you and Peter, no one else would even give me a chance now."

It seems that Bloom is really not very good, and he has become a little melancholy when he was still heroic in "Lord of the Rings".

Qiye didn't have too much contact with Bloom, and he had some contact during the fz dock scene before.

Judging from the situation in those few days, Bloom was still working hard in filming, perhaps because of his background as an action actor, he was still very serious when filming action scenes.

[Maybe you can prepare a few less important roles for him?

Looking at Broome who was frustrated, Qiye suddenly had such thoughts in her mind.


pS: There is one more update tonight, but it is estimated to be later. Expect it to be closer to 0 o'clock.

They are all pots in class_(:з∠)_

Chapter 402 As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner to dig

For Orlando Bloom's idea, Qiye had recently thought of it.

Although the popularity of this elven prince has been declining due to the relationship of "The Kingdom of Heaven", it still has a certain popularity basis anyway.

Let him play a role that is not very important, and pulling a wave of popularity can be regarded as a waste of use, although Bloom is still far from the point of waste.

After all, even Keanu Reeves can use the "Quick Chase" series to rejuvenate the second spring of his actor's career. Maybe the Elf Prince can find a suitable role soaring into the sky?

There are not many other things in Qiye's hands, except for the role of the series."

Not to mention that the other party has already starred in the hands of Qiye, the Yangtze River Knights, when later filming the Knights of the Round Table movie or online drama can appear many times.

Marvel also has a lot of important supporting roles in several movies that need to be guest-starred, and one of them can be handed over to Orlando Bloom.

Of course, the protagonist is fine, unless this guy can grow another 20 kilograms of muscle, otherwise he is too thin.

Qiye didn't tell the other party about these things, but she also mentioned some of these things cryptically.

It probably means, if he can perform well in fz.

Then if there is a chance in the future, I will continue to look for him to cooperate.

Bloom immediately showed a keen interest, and immediately said that he would perform well.

If it were a few years ago, when the "Lord of the Rings" series was the hottest, Orlando Bloom would not even bother to make such a vague promise.

But now he had to look very happy, nodding and bowing to the popular director Qiye.

Don't look at Bloom being one of the protagonists of today's celebration party, but his life is not going well.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, only Orlando Bloom knows his own situation in Hollywood.

The first-tier Hollywood manufacturers will not cooperate with them, and the second and third-tier companies will only provide some bad movies to try to overdraw their only reputation.

This is the norm for Hollywood losers, not only for Orlando Bloom, but even Nicholas Cage.

Of course, Cage is more of a debt crisis.

"This is the end of chaotic investment without planning."

When Bloom mentioned Cage vaguely, Qiye sighed.

In fact, Qiye felt that Uncle Cage's debt crisis broke out too quickly. If he could wait for the development of the movie circle in the celestial dynasty, he would not have to pick up the bad Hollywood movies, just come to the celestial dynasty.

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