Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 671

Everyone still understands this simple first aid common sense. None of the crew involved in the first aid rashly moved Benny's body and lifted him out.

Everyone is not a specialized emergency responder. Moving the injured at will is very likely to cause secondary injury, which will greatly aggravate the injury.

Therefore, Qiye only cleared a path for the doctor to enter, and they did not touch the wounded Fufu.

The doctor came to Juan Fu, and while asking in a low voice, he gave emergency treatment to his wound.

Qiye stood outside frowning without saying a word, just quietly waiting for the result.

After filming for so many years, Qiye's crew has had various sudden situations, big and small, but this time is undoubtedly the most serious.

A major character's injury, even if Benny is all well and can recover smoothly, he will definitely be unable to film for the rest of the time.

But the current Qiye didn't think so far at all, he was only full of anger now.

It is inevitable that people will be injured in accidents during shooting, and some serious accidents will cause deaths.

This happened in the future "Deadpool 2". Shaggy Baez's stuntman had an accident during the filming of the chase, and eventually the stuntman died due to ineffective rescue.

However, it is inevitable that it does not mean that it can happen, and the crew can't blame for such an accident.

Soon, the doctor of the crew finished the treatment of the wound of Fu Fu, and then walked to Qiye's side.

"You are also injured, I will help you deal with it."

The doctor said and took out a mirror to let Qiye see by herself.

Qiye realized that she had also made a small hole on her forehead.

It's just that Qiye has been worried about the volume just now, and he felt a trace of pain after the doctor's reminded him.


Under the guidance of the doctor, Qiye sat on the chair beside him.

After the doctor once again urged not to move the volume, he took out the iodine and cotton and began to wipe it carefully.

"His—how is he?"

Qiye asked in a low voice while the doctor was helping herself to treat the wound.

The doctor immediately replied: "The main reason is that the right leg was fractured, and the rest were just bruises. The bones were not clear and I didn't dare to move, but just helped him stop the bleeding."

"The ambulance will be here soon, will he be fine?"

The doctor nodded: "Although the fracture is more serious, his luck is good and there is no major bleeding."

The so-called luck is good, but it is still a very serious accident for the crew.

Soon, the ambulance rushed to the studio, and Fu Fu was carried on the ambulance to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Because a lot of green-screen-wrapped cushions were used in the set, when the roll of Fu fell, it was a soft landing.

Coupled with Juan Fu's experience as a travel companion, he immediately made the correct protective posture after hearing Qiye's reminder, which did not let the matter develop to the most serious point.

According to the hospital’s comprehensive medical report, besides a relatively serious fracture on his right leg, Juan Fu also had multiple bruises throughout his body, plus a minor concussion.

Except for such a big accident, it is impossible for the crew to continue filming today.

Qiye and the others accompany Juan Fu to the hospital, and Siji Hezhi helps to maintain the order of the crew.

Said it was to maintain order, but it was only a ban on this matter and a holiday after signing the relevant agreement.

This password is not to ask the crew members to keep silent about this matter, but to unify the outside world.

It is absolutely impossible to hide such a big thing.

All major Hollywood crews will have paparazzi squatting at fixed points, and there is no way to hide the fact that an ambulance enters the studio.

In addition, because of this incident, the crew must suspend filming for a period of time these days-because there will be a series of necessary investigation procedures between the actors' union and the police to go.

If the crew keeps silent, it is estimated that the news of the death of the FZ crew will be spread all over the sky the next day, and the crew will become very passive.

Every time when the vital interests are involved, people will always act very quickly.

In the evening of the same day, the FZ crew jointly held a small press conference with Jiufeng Entertainment to make a statement specifically about the accident.

"A few days ago, the cast actor Benedict Cumberbatch had an accident due to the accidental collapse of the set stage during filming. Mr. Cumberbatch fractured his right foot and is currently receiving treatment in the hospital. For this very unfortunate thing, Our entire crew apologizes to Mr. Ben Cumberbatch. The crew bears all his medical expenses in full and hope that he can recover soon."

At the same time, the crew also promised: “At present, the crew is fully assisting the investigating agency to investigate the cause of this accident. It is the crew’s primary responsibility to ensure the safety of all crew members. For this incident, we will definitely track down individuals!”

Despite this, according to the preliminary investigation results of the police, the cause of the accident was caused by the wear and tear of the load-bearing screws of the scene, which was an accident.

After finding this, Qiye didn't have any interest in continuing the investigation, but only allowed the organization to strengthen the education of all the members of the set group and deducted all their bonuses.

When something like this happens, the set crew is also panicking.

I really want to track down which person, or pack them all out of the crew.

So for the people in the circle, it means that they are the culprit who caused the accident, and don't get in the circle in the future.

Don't talk about the results of the investigation, people are sometimes more willing to believe the gossip than the official results.

Qiye also considered this situation. After determining that it was not done deliberately, he did not continue to investigate. He didn't want to ruin his life because of this incident.

Seeing that the crew did not fire them, everyone in the set crew breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the bonus that was fined, it doesn't matter if they keep their job, not to mention that they should be fined.

It's okay for the police to deal with it, the only trouble is the actors' union.

Because of this accident, the actors' union was very worried about the safety and protection of the FZ crew, and specially sent people to conduct a very harsh inspection.

This is because he is not yet a member of the Screen Actors Guild-he has only joined the Actors Guild in the UK, otherwise the compensation for the injury to the actor could be a long time arguing.

It's not that Qiye doesn't want to give money, but that the union's participation in this kind of thing is likely to make a big talk.

In the end, after discussing with the book Fu himself, the solution provided by the two parties was that the crew contracted all medical expenses and paid an additional $100,000 to the wounded in the case of reporting insurance.

After all, it's just a broken foot. This compensation is already quite sincere, and Juan Fu is also willing to accept it.

Generally speaking, although this accident happened suddenly, it did not bring much reputation and economic impact to the crew in the end.

But now the only thing that makes Qiye’s chief creator’s brain hurt is that Juan Fu lies on the bed, so what should I do next when filming?


pS1: The good news is that Michan finally finished her homework last night.??(°▽°)?

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