Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 672

So I will add it tonight, but because of the Wednesday seminar, the update will be a bit later, I hope I can understand._(:з∠)_


pS2: Regarding the typos in [Inherent Temporal Control] in the previous chapter, Mijiang has been corrected, and you can see it after refreshing.

Slippage kills people.o(╥﹏╥)o

Chapter 408

Although it was very late when he came out of the hospital, Qiye did not go to rest. He gathered all the heads of all departments of the production crew and held an emergency meeting.

Not only the crew of fz, but even the leaders of the Marvel crew next door were called by him.

"Benny will definitely not be able to continue filming in the next month."

Qiye told everyone the diagnosis result of the hospital.

Fortunately, most of Kenneth's scenes can be in a wheelchair, and Fu Fu can sit in a wheelchair to act.

As for the rest of the scenes, you can perform back and movements by acting as a stand-in, and the faceless shots can only be done by shooting the upper body.

It's just that this operation is not as convenient as normal shooting after all, and now Juan Fu Ren is still in a groggy state, Qiye has not communicated with him.

In case Juanfu himself disagrees, Qiye can only replace actors.

This is also impossible. After all, not everyone has the consciousness to continue working when the fracture occurs.

Among other things, the boss told him to work from home when the common social animal suffered a fracture. If he didn't threaten his salary, no one would be willing to do it.

Moreover, the volume of Fu was considered a work injury, and he had every reason to refuse.

However, how Kenneth's scene was filmed is already a story.

Qiye just wanted to stop encountering such things now.

So at the meeting, Qiye angrily rebuked everyone with a warning: "This time Benny was only injured and it is a great fortune in misfortune. I don't want this to happen a second time!"

Everyone nodded, and even Shonan and Shiji, who had always been hippy smiling, were very serious.

"Kevin." Qiye said to Kevin Fitch, who was sitting across from him, "You are also here. If this happens for the second time, Jiufeng will become very passive. There are already actors' unions. Asked for a thorough investigation."

The short version of Jiufeng's inadequate background in this industry is fully exposed. If it is the Big Six crew, it will be fine if there are no major casualties.

However, this time the actors' union put forward very harsh conditions for the fz crew. The specific circumstances of Jiufeng's legal department are still arguing, but it is inevitable that the crew will stop filming for a while.

This makes Qiye especially dissatisfied with the very tight schedule of filming.

In North America, trade unions are very troublesome. From different angles, people will have different views on trade unions.

Take the actors’ union as an example. After actors join the union, the actors’ union will come forward to protect their rights whenever necessary.

Especially when the crew has a situation that endangers the personal safety of the actors, they will come forward to investigate.

From the perspective of actors, trade unions indeed protect the rights of actors, especially the safety and economic rights of some small actors.

But from the perspective of the crew, Qiye really feels that these guys are really very irritable.

It's not just a problem of ass.

When it was clear that his crew was not too problematic, the union just picked him up because of his Japanese identity.

No one will have a good impression of the union under such circumstances.

You must know that under the unspoken rules of Hollywood, when encountering such a situation, as long as it is not deliberately, after the compensation agreement between the actor and the crew is reached, it will not be too prosecuted.

After all, shooting injuries and other situations is normal. You really have to keep an eye on each crew, so the union doesn't have to do anything else.

It is a pity that Qiye's identity as a Japanese has caused him to be blamed. Until now, Qiye doesn't know when he can start shooting again.

"These damn guys!"

Thinking of the face of the union representative, even Zhizhi, who had never shown his expression, wanted to hit someone.

No matter how he explained it, the other party just killed someone and was injured.

"How is the situation now?"

Li Tongchen asked, because his temper was too irritable, everyone did not let him show up when the union representatives came.

Otherwise, if the old man gets anxious and beats people into third-class cripples with a punch, then the matter is really a big deal.

The news given by the organization must be very bad: "The union recommended that the crew temporarily stop filming."

Speaking, Zhi pushed forward the document in front of him, and said angrily: "Wait for their investigation results to come out."

"Kill him a turtle grandson!"

Li Tongchen turned into a grumpy uncle on the spot, clenching his punching fist directly.

"Master, calm down, don't be like this."

Four Seasons hurriedly pulled Uncle Li, and there was a sudden jump in the meeting room.

Qiye didn't participate in the gang's mischief, he picked up the file that Zhizhi had put out and looked at it carefully.

The above content caused Qiye's brows to frown unconsciously.

If I really want to say, the actors' union is not a government department. They have no power to ban the filming of the crew. The crew can do it themselves without the union.

However, the union has the right to [suggest] actors leave the crew.

Although many actors in the crew have not yet joined the actors' union in the United States, there are also many who have joined the union.

Johnson and Yimei from the fz crew, Scarlett and Uncle Mark from hf, they are all members of the Actors Guild.

If the union really makes such a request, these actors can't refuse it.

The reason is simple. The trade union is an organization that protects their rights and interests. It is precisely because of the trade union that they can have the confidence to negotiate with the film side.

So even if they are toward Qiye in their hearts, they can only advance and retreat with the union at this time.

To mix in an industry, you must abide by the rules of the industry, even if these rules conflict with your current interests.

In fact, many private management organizations in the United States use such methods to exert influence in the industry.

For example, the MPAA, which is controlled by the Big Six, does not have any law enforcement powers as a private organization, but if any film is not graded by the MPAA, no formal cinema in North America will agree to show it.

Of course, such power may seem powerful, but if the rebels really have the strength, these institutions will be just paper tigers.

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