Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 673

The most obvious counterexample is that in the last century, Stan Lee took the lead in selling Spider-Man comics without a comic review agency, which directly changed the comic review management agency from a judge who controlled the release of comics to a small transparent.

But now Jiufeng Entertainment is far from having the strength to change industry regulations, so no matter how unhappy the Actors Guild Qiye is, it can only suffer.

Although Qiye can also shoot scenes without the participation of the American Screen Actors Guild, after all, there are many related actors in the crew.

If you really want to do this, the union can't do anything with the fz crew.

But doing so at this critical stall is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

Qiye didn't want to be stared at by the union every day from now on, and was asked to stop filming for investigation if things were too serious.

Therefore, force booting is the worst strategy.

Fortunately, Qiye had arranged for Jiufeng's people to follow all the time, and as long as the union members violated the rules, they would immediately oppose the general.

And if the union really follows the process, it is estimated that there will be no way to delay it for too long, no matter how the process goes, it will take a week.

"Could someone deliberately?" Zhi whispered guessing, "After all, this union investigation is very abnormal."

Qiye let out a sneer: "Huh, it's not possible but certain."

The people in the union are not the ones who open the shantang. Even if they really protect the rights of the actor, they will not spend so much energy on this British actor.

Qiye guessed that the trade union must have been promoted by some forces, so that it would do such a thing smoothly.

As for why the labor union promised to make the first move, it is enough for the US labor union members to use fewer actors.

As for the ultimate goal behind the promotion of the actors' union, Qiye can guess one or two after a little analysis.

It is nothing more than creating trouble for the fate crew and disrupting the shooting rhythm of the crew.

You must know that the maintenance of the crew requires a lot of costs. For every day of delay in filming, the capital cost of Qiye will cost tens of thousands of dollars.

As for who the other party is, it's not hard to guess. After all, there are only six film companies in Hollywood that dare to provoke Jiufeng and have the ability to encourage unions.

Seeing that Kiryu Qiye and Fate are upset, and can't wait for revenge, there is only one family.

This kind of thing doesn't need definitive evidence, after all, Qiye is not a policeman, he only needs to know who benefits him.

Even if you misunderstand it, it doesn't matter, anyway, now that the crew has been shut down, Qiye has already suffocated her anger and needs to vent.

If it was really him, Fox would be regarded as Qiye's revenge; if not, then he would be unlucky and hit the gun himself.

Anyway, there will be a battle between Jiufeng and Fox, this time it is an outpost.

"Show me the movie project that Fox is currently shooting." Qiye told his assistant, "Give me the $50 million project, even if it is too small."

The assistant immediately sorted out what Qiye wanted with the fastest speed.

Qiye compares her memories of previous life through the project.

Even if it’s a movie on the street, there is no sense of accomplishment after tossing.

Qiye is going to cause trouble for the Fox crew. He also wants to disrupt their filming rhythm. It would be even better if they could blow a movie from the fire to the street.

Soon, a movie project quickly entered the sight of Qiye.

""Wonderful Night at the Museum"...I remember there seemed to be children in this movie..."

Qiye said to Zhizhi: "Zhi, you go to the actors' union to report that the crew of "Museum Wonderful Night" has overtime work in using child actors."


Before Qiyehua could speak, the door of the conference room was knocked open.

Shion rushed in anxiously.

"I heard something happened to the crew?!"

Facing Shion’s questioning, Qiye quickly calmed down and said, "Fortunately, Benny was just a broken bone..."

"Who cares about him! I asked you!"

Shion anxiously checked the gauze on Qiye's head, and asked concerned: "How is it, does it hurt?"


Shiji saw a strange cry and gave Qiye a thumbs up.

"You actually did it? Qiye, you are fucking awesome!"

Qiye didn't dare to show anything in front of Shion, but he still gave Siji a thumbs up secretly from behind him.

It's just that Qiye's thumb is gradually turning down.


pS: European and American union systems are very interesting crews. Depending on your position, you will have quite different perceptions of unions.

Chapter 409 Come, Hurt Each Other

The organization's actions are as capable and fast as always.

It was only the next day that he reported to the Screen Actors Guild and the Association for the Protection of Minors that Fox's "Wonderful Night at the Museum" had overtime work for underage actors.

North America has very strict requirements for minors, especially with the aid of a grading system, and many minor regulations are even harsh.

The same is true for underage labor.

According to the regulations of the Child Protection Association, the working hours of underage actors in Hollywood crews have very detailed requirements, from the total working hours per week, to the maximum number of days a week, and how many hours a day can not exceed. These have detailed requirements. .

Even the crew needs to arrange at least 3 hours of study time per day for the underage actors.

Of course, like all regulations, these contents always look very good, but in actual operation it becomes a mess.

Not to mention anything else, the terrible and noisy environment of the crew alone made the three-hour study time an empty talk.

Studying in the crew is like letting a child study in a downtown area. Only if you can learn to go in, there will be ghosts.

As for working hours, it is also just empty talk.

If it is a small number of shots, but if the proportion of children is relatively large, then if the rules are followed, the ghost knows that the crew will shoot the year of the monkey.

I have said before that children and animals are the most unstable factors in the crew. Some of the scenes that adults can easily pass, and children need a long time to pass the stage.

If you spend an hour setting up and putting on makeup for a shot, and then give the actors a half-hour feel, you can finally take a formal shot.

Now you tell me, because the working hours for minors are up, let me stop working tomorrow?!

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