Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 674

How about playing fun?!

Laozi's funding of tens of thousands of dollars is so squandered?

Therefore, most crews with minor actors have more or less problems of one kind or another.

Of course, the Association for the Protection of Minors also knows such things.

The strategy they adopted is the principle of not appointing officials and investigating them.

As long as they don't receive a report, they just keep one eye open.

But if someone reports it, it will definitely be investigated to the end.

Generally speaking, it is rare for anyone to report to the Child Protection Association, especially the crews of large film companies.

As the stakeholders of the film, the crew members certainly hope that the filming will end sooner.

As for the parents of underage actors...

Generally speaking, these parents with child star dreams, as long as the crew is not to the point of abuse, they are still very tolerant to the crew.

There are so many underage roles every year, and the parents have exhausted all they can in order to compete.

How could it be possible to ruin the [bright future] of my child because of such a small matter?

Of course it is not without trouble, but this kind of trouble is caused by parents and the crew, just to increase the child's pay.

This kind of thing that can be settled with money is simply not a thing.

Only being reported to the Child Protection Association, and then investigating the crew, this is considered a real trouble.

Of course, this kind of thing that needs to be reported by real names, how can such a well-behaved child like Zhizhi charge in the front line.

He just spent money to buy two stand-in actors in the crew of "A Wonderful Night at the Museum", and the next thing is the improvisation of these two men.


You ask the lawyer from the Jiufeng Legal Department who is following them?

After we learn that the interests of minors have been violated, it is not normal for us to provide free legal aid to those who seek justice?

It is the responsibility and task of every member of the society to save an innocent minor from the dire straits. Is there any reason for this?

"What else did they say?!"

In the office of the CEO of Fox, Jim Canopoulos is listening to his subordinate's investigation report on the Child Protection Association.

From the blue veins on his clenched fists, it can be seen that Jim Ganopoulos is very uneasy.

"In addition to working overtime, they also mentioned another problem." The subordinates said cautiously, "They raised objections to several kiss scenes involving Jack Cherry (the child actor's name). They think our crew is offending The child protection law."

The protection of minors in Europe and the United States is very strict, because Europeans and Americans themselves know how much they prefer minors, so they try to close all loopholes when making laws.

At the same time, minors are also a very serious forbidden zone.


Jim Ganopoulos hammered the table hard: "Is the parent and child's forehead wrong?!"

The subordinates said helplessly: "But they insisted, because the informant said that several adult actors were emotionally wrong when shooting these scenes. They think..."

Damn it!

Jim Ganopoulos angrily threw the cup in his hand onto the opposite wall.

"I want to kill you!"

Jim Ganopoulos was like an angry bull at the moment, he kept hammering the table and repeating the same words.

Originally, he thought that the Japanese director had a shallow foundation in Hollywood, and he would definitely be busy with other things when encountering such things, but he did not expect that the other party was so familiar with the hidden rules of Hollywood.

This hit directly on the seven inches of "A Wonderful Night at the Museum."

It doesn't matter what kind of kiss scene, Fox certainly wouldn't make such a mistake.

This part of the content is just like eating a live fly, disgusting, but not fatal.

I believe that the other party also knows this situation. The other party’s saying this is just deliberately exacerbating the problem and attracting the attention of the Child Protection Association.

What they really want the Child Protection Association to check is overtime work.

However, there must be some under-age actors working overtime by the crew. After spending so long in the entertainment industry, Jim Ganopoulos certainly knows some unspoken rules in the crew.

Therefore, it is still a problem for the Children's Protection Association to investigate the crew of "A Wonderful Night in the Museum".

But it is even more impossible to refuse to investigate. If they refuse, then with the difficulty of the Child Protection Association, they are likely to use the weapon of law.

In that case, this movie is the mud that fell into the crotch.

After the loss of "X-Men 3", Fox executives have pinned all their hopes for the rest of this year on "Wonderful Night at the Museum."

If something goes wrong with this movie...

"Boss, what shall we do?"

"Let them check!" Jim Ganopoulos sat back on the boss chair angrily, "I will make it clear to the director Sean Levy, let him cooperate."

So in the next period of time, both fz and "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" both entered the stage of production suspension.

Both parties had to stop filming and wait for the results of the report from the investigating agency.

I stop, you also stop.

Come on, everyone come to hurt each other!

This is probably Qiye's view on the current situation of this matter.

Although this will not be of any benefit to the Screen Actors Guild’s investigation of the fz crew, at least Qiye’s own thoughts can be understood a little bit, so as not to be internally injured by the anger.

The pressure of modern society is so great, it is very important to maintain a happy mood.

Of course, Qiye wouldn't be so stupid that she would jump out and say that the person who stopped filming of "Museum Wonderful Night" was him, just as Fox would not stand up and say that they were the people who encouraged the Screen Actors Guild.

This matter will only lead the dead ghost, even Jiufeng will only do legal aid work.

"The crew of "A Wonderful Night in the Museum" is undergoing a joint investigation by the Screen Actors Guild and the Child Protection Association, and their crew is also shut down like us."

In the villa in Los Angeles, Shion stared at Qiye busy in the kitchen.

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