Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 675

"Then it is too unfortunate. The recent Hollywood crews are really troubled."

Qiye shrugged, he cut the ingredients in his hand into small pieces and put them in the bowl.

"Why look at me with this look?"

Qiye raised her head and noticed Shion's gaze, and immediately said very innocently, "This matter has nothing to do with me. Shion, you know that I have always been a counselor for not wanting to cause trouble. This is what you said yourself."

"I know." Shion deliberately increased his tone. "You are a tortoise with an emotional head."

Qiye opened the pot of boiling water, and then threw the ingredients into it.

After closing the lid, Qiye said to Shion: "I think you should revise the wording to make it more convincing."

"What am I going to do?! You didn't shrink yourself at the end, waiting for me to fix all the little girls, and then you can sit back and enjoy the results and ascend to the sky holding our bunch of wings?!"

Although if this ending could be reached, Qiye would definitely be very happy.

But he is also a man anyway, so he still needs to have this responsibility.

"Hey, hey, my dear." Qiye quickly raised her hand and motioned Shion to calm down, "I know what you are up to, can you give me some time? I will take care of the dignified problem."

"Just one?"

Shion snorted: "Where's Sakura? Where's Lily? Where's Ryan? Where's Ilia?"

Qiye touched his nose, and he wisely chose to remain silent.

The kitchen was quiet for a while, and only the sound of Qiye cooking was left.

Qiye puts the prepared condiment cubes in the pot after boiling again.

Stir it with a spoon and put it on the plate.

"All right."

Qiye put two plates on the table, one for Shion and the other for herself.

"That's it?" Shion looked at the food in front of him, "I thought what would you eat, I didn't expect that there would be only instant curry?"

"There is no way, the materials are not enough." Qiye said cryingly.

Without being able to make a table of delicacies with both hands, Qiye also thinks that he has embarrassed the celestial traveler.

After being fed up with the combination of "vegetable salad + sandwich" for every breakfast, Qiye took the initiative to take over the cooking.

But it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Even if Qiye's craftsmanship is high, facing the refrigerator with only potatoes and carrots, he can only sigh.

The instant curry seasoning used for cooking was borrowed by Qiye from the neighbor's house next door.

It's just that Qiye didn't plan to let Shion know about this.


pS: Yes, I will add more today. At present, 2 chapters have been paid off in ten chapters.

At present, there are only 7 chapters as a reward, and there are still three chapters short. Please give me some help, _(:з∠)_

Chapter 410

Although the crew was temporarily ordered to stop filming, this does not mean that Qiye can comfortably be in the villa and the Ziyuan Hutianhudi.

Even if Qiye had this free time on her own, Shion and her busy person couldn't be with him all day.

Not to mention that Qiye herself has a lot of things to deal with.

The crew stopped and returned. Qi Ye himself still had a lot to do. He did not experience the happy life of being a decadent man lying in bed, eating and drinking.

Qiye now spends her working hours in the special effects room every day, supervising the post-production of the material that has been taken.

In fact, this part of the content should be produced in a unified manner after all the materials are taken.

Unfortunately, Qiye now has to deal with some things in advance.

This is why this guy went to the neighbor to borrow curry when he found that there was nothing in the refrigerator, instead of going out to buy vegetables and cook.

Because Qiye does not have this time.

Of course, in addition to work, Qiye still has her own private life, such as accepting frequent invitations from Shion to spend the night in her villa.

Otherwise, why would Qiye get tired of salads and sandwiches? It's not because of eating too much.

It's just that Shion took the initiative. Although Qiye had already expected it, what he didn't expect was that Shion was not only proactive, but also really dared to play.

As the exchange deepened, Qiye constantly unlocked new elements in Shion, which made him feel reluctant to think about it.

It is a pity that Ziyuan’s gentle township cannot calm Qiye’s anger. The union’s investigation is still going through the process, and the crew still cannot continue to work, making him extremely irritable.

Until now, except for Zhi and Shion, everyone else is very careful when facing Qiye, so as not to be burned by Qiye's anger.

If anyone in Hollywood can understand Qiye's mood best now, then this person must be Jim Ganopoulos, the current president of Fox.

Because the highly anticipated "Museum Wonderful Night" is also in a closed relationship, his anger is as vigorous as Qiye.

According to anecdotal rumors, Jim Ganopoulos now uses an average of four to six new cups a day, all of which are broken by his tantrum.

Things have gone so far, Fox and Jiufeng both feel like riding a tiger.

However, when both parties are on the top, no one can take the initiative to take a step back.

Fox couldn't hold back this face. He thought he was the Sixth Hollywood, who was the first to bully Jiufeng, but he had to take the initiative to stop.

This makes Jim Ganopoulos really hard to swallow this breath, he can not accept the result of Fox's surrender to a non-big six film company.

On Jiufeng’s side, it’s even more impossible to take a step back. It’s not something he did first. If the other party doesn’t retreat, but he takes the initiative to retreat, doesn’t it prove that he is a very good bully?

Both Qiye and Ziyuan believe that if Jiufeng retreats this time, they will be attacked by various means by other companies immediately waiting for them.

Only by severely cutting off the hand that Fox extended this time-at least to maintain the current tie situation, so that we can tell other companies that have ideas about Jiufeng that they are not easy to mess with.

If you want to eat the meat of Jiufeng, you have to weigh your mouth first.

The weak can't survive in Hollywood, a place where the weak can eat.

Judging from the current situation, the crews on both sides of Fox and Jiufeng intend to wait until the survey feedback is over before starting filming again.

This result is equivalent to a tie between the two sides, but such a result certainly cannot satisfy both parties, especially Qiye.

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