Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 676

Kiryu Qiye has not been a loser since the first day he became a director. Even if he eats now, he will retaliate severely in the future.

Since Fox took the initiative this time, Qiye didn't plan to let it go.

Qiye thought about it for a long time.

The easiest and most direct way to fight Fox is to sniper the other party's movie box office with the movie released here, and make the other party's hundreds of millions of dollars worth of money.

But the FZ in his hands certainly does not have this strength, after all, no matter how hard he works now, there is no way to get this movie to be released this year.

But it doesn't matter, Qiye has no movies, but there are still movies on Jiufeng.

That is the movie that has been prepared since last year-Marvel's "Iron Man".

Originally, in order to make the MCU start as good as possible, Qiye planned to let "Iron Man" be released in the summer file next year.

The light-hearted tone of "Iron Man" is very suitable for the depressed audience after watching "The Dark Knight", and the love and killing between Marvel and DC is also quite gimmick and interesting.

But now, Qiye plans to advance the schedule of "Iron Man" to the Christmas file in December 2006.

According to the information currently collected by Jiufeng, Fox has not revised the schedule of "A Wonderful Night in the Museum", in other words, the movie will still be released on Christmas this year.

In fact, the shooting part of "Iron Man" has now been completed, and post-production is in progress. If it is expedited, it will definitely not be a problem to finish it by the end of this year.

So Qiye found Marvel and explained the situation.

Qiye thought that these people would be more stubborn, but didn't expect that neither Kevin Fitch nor Avi Allard had much opinion on this matter, and even raised both hands in favor.

"As long as the movie can be completed with quality and quantity, it will be no problem to put it on the Christmas file. We will fully cooperate with Jiufeng's publicity plan."

Avi Allard kept nodding his head, as if wishing that the movie would be released tomorrow.

Qiye's reaction to Marvel was a little puzzled by the second monk, but after Kevin Fitch's explanation, he understood the reason.

In fact, Marvel is not very confident in "Iron Man", but this lack of confidence does not mean that they do not believe that their movies are wonderful and beautiful, and that they have no confidence in Batman.

Especially Marvel conservatives headed by Avi Allard, they think it is too risky to challenge DC to carry the handle in the first movie.

Although Qiye has explained what is called complementary effect, Avi Allard, whose head has been petrified, is obviously still not very able to accept this situation.

It's not enough to just adjust the schedule of "Iron Man" to Christmas.

You should know that "A Wonderful Night in the Museum" is a movie designed specifically for Christmas, so simply moving the schedule will definitely cause problems.

Therefore, Qiye deliberately approached Iron Man director Jon Feiru, proposed amendments to the film, and filmed a few paragraphs.

Among them, "Iron Man" is also a movie that is very suitable for Christmas.

It may be strange to say that, but in fact it is.

In European and American cultures, Christmas is a day of salvation.

Many traditional Christmas-related stories contain themes of change and salvation, such as the "Christmas Carol" and "Christmas Geek" that everyone has heard of.

This coincides with Tony Stark's self-redemption theme in "Iron Man".

Just add some elements related to Christmas and adjust the final battle time of the movie to Christmas. This will be a perfect Christmas movie.

Because the scope of the modification was not large, Jon Feiru immediately agreed to the Qiye proposal and soon submitted a reshoot plan.

Qiye repeatedly discussed and revised the plan with the "Iron Man" crew before asking Jon Feiru to call the crew for a make-up.

Revenge Fox is just a seasoning called Victory Wine, Qiye certainly can't make a joke about her future happy life with hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.

Therefore, in terms of the revision of the "Iron Man" script, he planned very carefully to ensure that the movie moved the story to Christmas without affecting the theme of the movie, and also ensured logical consistency.

After all, "Iron Man" is not a money-swindling gadget like "Deadpool 2" for all ages, and the modification involved is not just an extra day of shooting.

If it were not for Jon Feiru's previous experience in filming the Christmas movie "Christmas Elf", Qiye might not have made such a modification plan.

In short, no matter what the outcome of the war between "Iron Man" and "Museum Wonderful Night" is, this is something that will not be revealed until December. The current love-hate relationship between Qiye and Fox is temporarily over.

After Qiye arranged the reshooting and modification plan of "Iron Man", he himself returned to the filming of the movie he was holding.

After six days of investigation and evidence collection, the actors' union finally concluded the investigation of the FZ and HF crews on the safety protection measures for actors.

According to the findings of the investigation, the Fate crew has taken adequate safety measures for the actors. The injury of the Fu Fu is only a pure accident, and the Fate crew can continue to shoot movies.

After waiting for a week (counting the day the Fufu was injured), I finally waited for an empty fart, but this was the highest result for Qiye.

After all, you can't expect the actors' union to award the crew, can you?

In addition, the Fate crew can start filming again, and "Wonderful Night at the Museum" is still wrangling. After all, the Child Protection Association has more trouble than the Screen Actors Guild.

With the universal values ​​of not worrying about widowhood but worrying about unevenness, Qiye believes that Fox must be more angry than herself.

The enemy's anger is my happiness.

From this point of view, Qiye can still be happy.

It's just a little happiness that can't completely calm Qiye's anxiety. It's better to say that Qiye is in a state where it may explode at any time due to the one-week shutdown period.

Although this week, Qiye took the time to adjust the shooting schedule with Oriwa and Four Seasons, hoping to make up for the missing week.

But everyone knows that hope for this matter is very slim.

The original FZ plan was very tight, but now that such a thing happens, the extension is inevitable.

However, Qiye hopes that this extension will not exceed half a month.

"Otherwise, I'll take all the Fox guys."

Before Qiye resumed filming, Kazori and Shiki said.


pS1: In fact, Mijiang has always felt that the story of Steel 1 is more suitable for Christmas time than the story of Steel 3, because from the story, Steel 1 has a stronger taste for Tony's rescue.


pS2: Keep working hard today and see if you can continue to add more.

Chapter 411 Gunpowder Keg Director

On the set, all the staff are anxiously busy.

Today is the third day the crew re-entered filming, but everyone's performance was not much better than the first day.

Being put off abruptly for a week, this disrupted not only Qiye’s filming plan, but also the state of both the actors and other staff members.

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