Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 930

So after the press conference started, Qiye left a few women and chose to stand with the man Lao Xu.

According to the current propaganda of Jiufeng, Xu Yuanxuan is a talented genius script creator, and Qiye is the eyes of this genius.

Under the propaganda of Jiufeng, Kiryu Qiye and Xuyuanxuan are a perfect pair of modern Bole and Maxima.

Originally, Jiufeng wanted to choose Boya and Zhong Ziqi, but Qiye strongly refused.

What kind of joke is really going to be that way, wouldn't those lust and dying people who have been fooled by the old cheater come to find themselves desperately?

"I don't think I am Mr. Xu Yuanxuan's Bole."

In the face of the media, Qiye has always maintained absolute modesty.

He doesn't want to be the target of being sent blades by fans.

If you fans have any dissatisfaction, please go to Lao Xu.

Of course, there must be some praise for FZ and Lao Xu, otherwise, wouldn't Qiye smash her own brand?

"Mr. Xu Yuanxuan is a very good story creator. Even without me, he can quickly be noticed by everyone."

This is the truth.

"Mr. Xu Yuanxuan's stories usually take place in a fantasy world, but what he tells is the most true and moving story."

This is also true.

"I feel that I and everyone are lucky, because we can appreciate the magical works of Mr. Xu Yuanxuan."

This is bullshit.

If I really want to say, Qiye is more of an attitude of "I can't be the only one to be unlucky" when it comes to Laoxu.

Today's Fate is no longer the little IP that was unknown a few years ago.

Qiye was begging Lin Bao to make a movie.

But now, it was all Jiufeng begging Qiye to do it.

You know, if it is not the image that Qiye has always established.

Jiufeng executives would never allow him to engage in "Little Circle" without doing his job, and honestly using Fate to make money is the kingly way.

Especially after the stock exchange operation is completed, [Erque Studio] has completely become a part of Jiufeng

The IP of Fate has completely belonged to Jiufeng, so Jiufeng has spared no effort in promoting the Fate series.

Especially Fsn and FZ have good quality.

The Fate series has gradually begun to emit a brilliance far more brilliant than ever.

After all, Fate of Qiye's previous life did not have the good treatment in this life.

You should know that Xingyue has been circulating in the circle in the early stage, and it has always been spread by word of mouth.

If it were not for the popularity of the UBW theater version and the success of the TV version FZ, it is estimated that even Xingyue would not know how much commercial value his IP has.

But in this life, Fate's promotion in the media has been on par with the Harry Potter series next door.

How to measure the strength of Jiufeng to promote the Fate series?

In fact, the most intuitive thing is the popularity of the series.

Get the assistance of Jiufeng in Qiye, before shooting Fsn.

Fate's work is only a small-level (from the current situation) special drama: "Magic Girl Ilia".

Although this series has played back and forth with the hottest special drama "Kamen Rider Sora Me" of the year.

But even in the Japanese entertainment industry, it is far from hot.

After the release of Fsn, Jiufeng began to mobilize all the forces that could be launched to promote the Fate series.

Among other things, the two films of Japanese Fsn were broadcast for the second time on Japanese TV last month.

Its ratings are higher than those of the highest episode of "Magic" during the broadcast period.

And this is just the beginning. Qiye believes that when "Fire of Purgatory" is successfully released, Fate's commercial volume will be further expanded.

In fact, in the promotion of FZ novels, Jiufeng's degree of importance to Fate can be seen.

For example, in the "New York Times" special issue, the first and second volumes of FZ's novels have quietly squeezed into the ranks of bestseller lists.

Not only that, but several well-known book critics also strongly recommend this series of novels in their columns.

If it weren't for the fact that FZ's subject matter is really inappropriate, Jiufeng would even want to learn from the Warner House next door.

You should know that in order to promote "Harry Potter", Warner has set up the National Federation of Teachers and Parents, and made "Harry Potter" listed as the recommended extracurricular reading materials for elementary school students.

In fact, if it is only the first two books of FZ, the problem is not big.

But starting from the third book, the plot is really dark and a bit too much. Parents and teachers in North America will definitely not agree.

But Jiufeng somehow turned FZ into a recommended extracurricular reading for high school students.

Although the effect is definitely much worse than the primary school student's book list, it is better than nothing.

Of course, Jiufeng does more than that.

After today's event is over, Jiufeng will also arrange for Lao Xu to carry out a massive nationwide signing tour.

Lao Xu will depart from New York, travel through all important cities in North America, and return to New York before the final movie is released.

This is a huge publicity activity that Jiufeng has done in conjunction with the movie "Fire of Purgatory".

Based on past experience, if a novel can explode in North America, it will spread very quickly in other countries in the world.

Although Qiye doesn't really want to admit it, from a world perspective, North America is the vane of the world's entertainment industry.

As long as FZ novels sell well in North America, the rest will no longer be a problem.

Similarly, as long as "Fire of Purgatory" hits the North American box office, then the global box office will certainly not be much worse.

In the subsequent interview, in addition to calling the novel version of FZ, Qiye also began to mention the upcoming movie version.

After all, the core of the entire Xingyue Film and Television Universe are those movies that have invested hundreds of millions of dollars.

After all, the novel is still serving the movie.

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