Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 931

The primary and secondary of this must be clearly distinguished.

After blowing through her own movie again, Qiye chose to retreat temporarily.

Lao Xu is today's protagonist, and his continued stay here is a bit overwhelming.

"I didn't expect you to value Mr. Xu Yuanxuan."

Qiye returned to the banquet hall behind, and Ryan immediately greeted him, "You don't really want him to continue to write more stories, do you?"

"If it were you, would you go see it?" Qiye didn't pick her up.

"I'm afraid not." Ryan rolled his eyes calmly, "His story is really uncomfortable, I'll let it go."

"That's it, Lao Xu's pen is very strong, but his story will not make people happy after reading it. So after "Little Circle", I will temporarily stop for a while."

Ryan probably knew what Qiye thought.

Not only did she not feel bad, but she was very happy.

Whether it is FZ or Madoka, she is not happy after reading the story.

According to Qiye, there will be a period of time when he doesn't need to see the [Warrior of Love] again.

Isn't this a good thing?

So Ryan did not continue to question, but simply took him to the resting place on the side.

"Where is Lily?"

"That girl doesn't know where to go crazy."

After sitting down, Ryan handed Qiye a glass of juice. She still remembered that Qiye did not like to drink.

"Anyway, Lily has become a big star now, and it's getting more and more difficult to manage."

"So this is still my responsibility?"

Qiye picked up the juice, took a sip with Ryan, and replied casually.

"Yes, my well-behaved sister has now become a wild child."

Looking at Qiye, Ryan murmured.

"As an apology, I toast you."

Qiye touched Ryan with her cup.

"You are not serving wine."

Ryan said with a frown.

"By the way, I just heard that you are the most successful commercial director since entering the 21st century. Some people even call you [Box Office King]."

"It's the reporters, right? That kind of remarks are simply not true." Qiye didn't care.

Ryan ignored him and continued: "But you have won the box office championship for two consecutive years. Maybe this year you will be able to win three consecutive championships."

Although Qiye knew that this was a flattery made by Ryan as his own person, he was still very useful if there were noble aristocratic beauties to please him.

"It's hard..."

Happy to be happy, Qiye still faces reality.

After taking a sip of the juice, Qiye shook the cup and said: "It is not so easy to win the championship this year."

"Fire of Purgatory" wants to win the box office championship There is a movie that can't be bypassed at all, and that is "Batman: The Dark Knight".

If you compare the hard power of the movie, Qiye thinks that "Fire of Purgatory" can still be a battle with the popularity of Fat and the quality of the movie itself.

But "The Dark Knight" has a trump card, or a ghost card-[Joker] Heath Ledger


pS: At night, the platform server is stuck.

Every time a chapter is released, it is a torture.

Chapter 542 Do You Like Qiye?[Add more]

In January of this year, actor Heath Ledger was found dead in a New York apartment.

According to the autopsy report, the actor died of drug poisoning.

The police detected the ingredients of a variety of addictive drugs from his body.

Don't underestimate this matter, the death of Heath Ledger will greatly promote the box office of "The Dark Knight".

I once read a piece on the Internet in Qiye, saying that the heavenly dynasty has four great tolerances: "the dead are big", "everyone comes", "the big holiday" and "still a child".

Although the last one, in recent years, because of the overrun of bear children, everyone is no longer so tolerant.

But for the first three, there is still a certain market.

Especially the first type, not only the celestial dynasty, but also almost universal in the world.

The same is true in Hollywood.

For the dead, everyone will always have a particularly tolerant attitude.

Even the most inhuman academics will become extremely tolerant in this matter.

For the deceased, children and pregnant women, the academy has always taken care of multiple people.

If you can meet one of these three situations during the awards season.

Then congratulations, you will be right above the "black".

Why did Oscar award Heath Ledger the Best Supporting Actor Award when he hates superhero movies the most?

The reason is simple, the opponent will definitely not be nominated in the future.

So as an actor's last nomination, how about giving him one?

Not only will this not become a black spot for these old men, but it will become a good story.

Very rascal, but also very useful.

Since Heath Ledger's death, Warner's propaganda machine has been activated.

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