Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 932

They promoted the actor's greatness on various occasions, and even stated that the actor couldn't get rid of because he played the role of a clown in the play, which caused this tragedy.

He also said that "The Dark Knight", as the posthumous work of Heath Ledger, will be presented to the audience as perfectly as possible.

At the same time, expressed to the public that in order to pay tribute to this great actor, everyone should support "The Dark Knight".

Because watching this movie is the best way to mourn the actor.

Qiye is suspicious of this statement.

It is true that "The Dark Knight" is indeed a very good movie, and Heath Ledger's Joker is indeed a classic role in movie history.

As a superhero fan, Qiye likes it very much whether it is The Dark Knight or The Joker.

But the so-called posthumous claim was untenable from the beginning.

You must know that Heath Ledger's posthumous work was never "The Dark Knight", but Sony Columbia's "Magic Fantasy Show".

If it were not for the small budget of this movie, it would not be taken seriously by Sony Columbia.

Why would it be possible for Warner to dance here?

But Qiye also had to admit that this kind of propaganda effect of Warner would indeed be surprisingly good.

Propaganda with dead people is pretty rascal in every way.

Coupled with the original "Dark Knight" quality is very good, the role of the clown played by Heath Ledger is even more perfect.

Such a publicity method, for the movie "The Dark Knight", is exactly the effect of 1 plus 1 greater than 2.

Although Qiye is very confident in his own movies.

But in the face of such an invincible opponent, Qiye estimated that although his "Fire of Purgatory" could get good results.

But to defeat the "Dark Knight" and get the annual box office championship, Qiye thinks that he still has no strength.

But Qiye is not too depressed.

Although Warner’s propaganda methods are indeed a bit shameful, the quality of the "Dark Knight" movie itself is excellent.

After losing to such a masterpiece, Qiye was still convinced.

We must know that "The Dark Knight" can be ranked in the TOP5 list of favorite movies in Qiye's mind.

It is not a shame to lose to your idol.

Just how to convince herself, Qiye still feels a little depressed in her heart.

Fortunately, Ryan was comforting her, so the night of Qiye was quite pleasant.

Now that the task at the FZ novel promotion meeting has been completed, Qiye does not plan to stay here long.

After drinking the drink in her hand, Qiye greeted Shion.

Then, against the camera lens shot by the reporter paparazzi at him, he led Ryan out of the hotel.

Anyway, the relationship between him and Ryan has long been rumored to be unclean.

It's not a problem at all if two people attend an event together or leave together.

Starting from the city center, it didn't take long for the black car to park in front of Qiye's small villa.

Ryan got out of the car and walked in with Qiye.

This is not the first time she has come to this villa. She lived here for a while when she became a "couple" with Qiye last year.

As two qualified maids, Serra and Ligelit disappeared the first minute they entered the villa.

The two sisters were very self-conscious and took the initiative to make room for the men and women who were in a "couple" relationship and an employment relationship.

Ryan naturally helped Qiye take off her formal coat and then took off her high heels.

The jade feet wrapped in white silk just walked on the floor, and the first glance that people saw was full of imagination.

Although it is not Quentin's foot control or Yom's stocking control, Qiye can understand these people's thoughts at this time.

Stockings and beautiful legs, this combination is simply the ultimate enjoyment for men.

Ryan didn't care about the gaze the man looked at his legs.

They are now "couples".

She went to the stereo and chose a record according to Qiye's preferences.

As Ryan pressed the play button, the soothing piano music floated melodiously.

"Anything else to drink?" Ryan asked.

"Water is good."

Now this time is very late.

For the sake of her teeth, Qiye decisively gave up her plan to continue to consume sugar.

In addition, Qiye has never been very interested in alcoholic drinks.

So he decisively chose the most harmless clean water.

Take a sip of water to moisturize my throat.

Qiye looked at Ryan and said, "Aren't you going to live with Lily during this time?"

"Forget it, that girl might annoy me."

Ryan came over and sat beside Qiye.

"Besides, can't we live together?"

Looking at the blinking eyes, Qiye reached out and lifted her chin.

"Of course I am in favor of raising my hands and feet~"


Ryan fought for seven nights, but didn't refuse the opponent

"Ryan, you are getting more and more beautiful."

After speaking, Qiye took the initiative to kiss the two red lips.

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