Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 938

Traditional viral marketing uses various reports to prove the existence of fantasy in movies.

However, the "Fumu Daily News" website is different. The content above is all written based on the content of the movie plot, but it is presented in a publicly refuting rumor.

For example, the gas company, the first unlucky company in Fuyuki City, caused a large number of gas leaks in a short period of time because of the unsafe equipment.

There is also the FZ opening battle of the docks, which has also been interpreted as a typhoon transit.

Not only that, this fake news website also has a wanted order for a certain murderer, and some trivial lace news.

For example, Mapo tofu endorsed by a priest.

In order to make these contents more authentic, the website also made a lot of comments under the news.

From local tyrant Mr. Jin, to a knight with a big stomach, and even a certain old man who lived to be 500 years old.

Basically all the characters that appear in the story have comments.

Even the trio of Dahe and the female passerby.

This kind of gameplay naturally attracted a large number of fans to watch, and the average daily visits to the website even exceeded 100,000.

Although from the overall traffic point of view, this website is definitely not the same as the traffic of large websites such as Yahoo or Google.

But in terms of box office conversion rate, "Fumu Daily" is undoubtedly higher.

After all, people who are interested in this website are basically the potential audiences of the "Fire of Purgatory" movie.


pS: In fact, the three Oscars in 1998, 2008 and 2018 are still very representative.

From the winning candidates and the list of winners, we can clearly see the change in the Oscar trend in the past two decades.┓(???`?)┏

Chapter 545 "The Flame of Purgatory" Preview ScreeningAdd more

The time has come to the end of February, and it can be said that the release date of "The Flame of Purgatory" is getting closer and closer.

At present, Jiufeng has already held two consecutive screenings for the audience, theaters and media of "Fire of Purgatory".

Through the audience feedback collected.

The statisticians at Jiufeng found that "The Flame of Purgatory" is particularly popular among audiences mainly composed of people under 30.

The film’s positive rating in this group is as high as 96%.

This strengthened Jiufeng's determination to focus on the youth market and formulated a new publicity plan.

Later in early March, there will be a third pure audience screening of "Fire of Purgatory", which is also the last screening before the release.

Out of the consideration of publicity and expanding the impact of word-of-mouth, the last trial screening at Jiufeng decided to use online registration.

[See Moon] website specially opened the trial screening application link on the homepage and the Fate movie watching page.

Members who want to participate in the trial screening must use the [See Moon] account that has been verified by real name to apply.

"Fire of Purgatory" has been screened twice before, and the audience's reputation has begun to spread.

Although due to the confidentiality agreement, viewers who have watched the movie cannot disclose the specific plot and content of the movie.

But most of the people who have watched the movie said it was a very good movie.

A well-known film critic UP on the [See Moon] website stated in his viewing video.

Even if everyone knows the ending of the movie through FSN, there is absolutely no way to guess how that result happened until the last minute.

Although many people also said that the plot of "Fire of Purgatory" is going very dark and depressive, after watching the movie, everyone feels bad.

But these people also said that "The Flame of Purgatory" is a well-made movie.

Whether it is gorgeous special effects or wonderful plot, it can be regarded as a very good movie.

Because the main user groups of the [See Moon] website are basically young people, their preferences for movies have considerable commonality.

Therefore, when the first batch of audience reviews of "Fire of Purgatory" came out, all kinds of praise about this film were spread on the Internet like crazy.

In addition, all Fate fans have been looking forward to this movie for a whole year.

So although the large-scale premiere can be started soon, most people can't wait for these few days.

One of the most intuitive data can explain how hot "Fire of Purgatory" is at this time.

In order to get the opportunity to apply for the trial screening, the number of people who applied for real-name certification in the past three days on the [See Moon] website was 100 times the number of people certified in the entire month of January.

Even when [See Moon] opened the third trial screening registration, the server was stuck because of too much traffic for a while.

The worst is those non-Fate fans, who originally watched the movie well.

As a result, because of this incident, the webpage where they watched the video was directly stuck into a PPT.

But even so, it still failed to stop the fans' determination to see "Purgatory Flame" in advance.

Many people who didn't get the chance to screen the show began to choose their own off-board moves.


"Please let us in!"

Standing at the door of the screening theater, Asuna used the star-eyed Dafa to the staff who stopped her.

"We have been in line for such a long time, just to watch this movie in advance. So I beg you." (???)

"No way."

Although the girl in front of her was very cute, the staff refused her.

"That... that... if there is no seat, we can sit in the aisle."

Asuna showed the sweetest smile she could do.

It's a pity that the Jiufeng staff will never be deceived by Asuna's well-behaved disguise.

He directly revealed the details of the other party: "This lady, if I remember correctly, you already participated in the second screening, right?"


Asuna was suddenly dumb, she scratched the back of her head, haha ​​trying to fool her.

"Because the movie is so good, I just want to..."

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