Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 939

"I'm very sorry."

The staff member shook his head again, "I can't let you and your companions in, the theater is already full."

With that said, he pointed to the long line behind Hina, at least several hundred people depending on the size.

"You are not the only person who has such thoughts. If you are treated as a special case, the scene will get out of control."

Among the people who are still in line, quite a few people are clearly not qualified for the screening, but they dream of being able to enter the cinema through soft grinding.

Once a special case is opened, the staff member will face endless troubles.

Maybe you will lose your job.

So no matter what kind of dissatisfaction the people in the line have, it is impossible to be released.

But these people in line are the best promotional material.

As early as 20 minutes ago, Jiufeng had sent someone to record this scene with a camera.

A film is just a trial screening, which has caused such a big response and popularity.

Is there any better promotional material?

Although it was regarded as a free promotional material, Asuna's final result was quite helpless.

After discovering that she could not enter the theater anyway, she could only leave the theater with Hegu and Shi Zhifeng.

However, Asuna was unwilling to return to the hotel like a bereaved dog.

So she took two followers and walked directly into the M Ji on the side.

At least here, Asuna can still see the long line.

You continue to wait outside, my old lady is eating hamburgers and drinking Coke in M ​​Ji.

Although this can only be said to be a spiritual victory with fifty steps and one hundred steps, Asuna feels that it is better than going back to the hotel in a daze.

"Okay, Asuna."

As her boyfriend, Hegu smiled and exhorted: "Anyway, haven't we already watched the movie? It's not a loss to come to the United States this time."

After Jiufeng announced the trial screening information, Asuna tried to get into the trial screening.

It happens that Asuna's father's company has a cooperation with Jiufeng in the game field. Although it is not a strategic partner, it can be regarded as a business relationship.

So Asuna asked her father to give herself three spots for the second round of screenings.

Then she took her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's friends, from Japan to the United States to participate in the screening.

But just one trial screening will not satisfy Asuna, so she finds ways to participate in the third screening.

However, the original intention of Jiufeng's third round of screenings was to understand the reaction of ordinary audiences.

Therefore, the quotas for the third trial screening are all determined through the website registration and then randomly selected.

Although the three of Asuna are usually lucky, but there are too many people who signed up for the screening.

From a probability point of view, it is comparable to drawing 4 SSRs in ten consecutive times.

As expected, none of the three were drawn.

This made Asuna feel very frustrated and unwilling to admit defeat, so today she deliberately took the two to the cinema again and tried to get in.

But it clearly failed.

"Not reconciled, I didn't understand some places, I want to see it again."

Asuna sighed lying on the table.

The trial screening of Jiufeng was held in North America. According to Americans’ habits of watching movies, the screened version is naturally an English version without subtitles.

Although Asuna's English is fairly good, the plot of the movie is generally understandable.

But some scenes and lines are still a bit difficult for Asuna.

This is why Asuna is so eager to watch it a second time.

She is really unwilling to understand her.

"Okay, Miss. The English version is still very difficult to watch. Wouldn't it be better to wait for the Japanese version to be released in Japan?"

Shi Zhifeng came to the table with a tray full of food.

"Shi Zhifeng, aren't you unwilling?" Asuna asked with a pouting mouth.

She didn't ask He Gu. Although the other party was her boyfriend, he was not a diehard fan of [Erque Studio].

As for the content related to the movie, Asuna was more able to chat with Shiori Kaede.

"I'm very satisfied to be able to participate in the second screening meeting this time. I will talk about the rest when I return to China."

Shi Zhifeng tore open the wrapping paper of a hamburger and took a big bite.

"Hurry up and eat. After having been with people for so long, you should be hungry too, Miss."


Asuna snorted unwillingly, and said to Kapoya, "Give me an Altria Burger."

"Can you just say the Big Mac directly?"

Hegu smiled bitterly and passed the burger.

Since last week, M Ji has been linked with "Fire of Purgatory".

A special FZ package was launched, and a large number of FZ characters were used in the package.

For example, Mr. Jin was printed on the paper shell of French fries, and Iskandall was printed on the paper cup of ice tea.

Not only the food packaging, but also the store decorations and tray papers of M Kee are printed with different characters in FZ movies.

But Hegu himself is not cold about this kind of thing.

After all, as a non-Fate diehard fan, he has eaten M's notes several times because of these packaging.

Just because my girlfriend wants to collect all the wrapping paper.

"Hmm~ I really want to take Altria home to raise her."

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