Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 946

Qiye shook her head helplessly.

The things in the interview area have been done, and Shion has disappeared.

With nothing to do, Qiye could only leave the interview area and walked into the screening hall from the side corridor.

At this time, except for the seats reserved for the crew, there are already full seats in the theater.

Everyone is very much looking forward to the screening of "Fire of Purgatory", even film critics have all been seated and waiting for the beginning of the film.

Although they look down on commercial films in their hearts, the story can't be half of it.

All of you here are people who have watched the first half of FZ. Unless you are completely disgusted with the movie, why don't you expect the content of the second half?

Qiye greeted several important people, and then walked to her seat.

He found that the seat on his right was Ryan, and Ryan was sitting on the other side with Lily.

"Oh, brother-in-law is here~"

Lily looked very happy.

"Yes." Qiye nodded.

"what happened?"

Ryan found that Qiye's eyes looked a little strange.

Qiye touched her nose and turned her head to the side: "It's nothing, just thought of something."

He didn't feel embarrassed to tell Ryan that he thought of the "Pick-up Girl" that Shion said just now.

Lily's cheeks bulged again.

Seeing her sister and Qiye immersed in the world of the two again, she felt uncomfortable instinctively.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law. Sit by my side~"

Lily patted Ryan's seat and said, "We haven't spoken together for a long time."

"Lily, stop making trouble."

Ryan warned in a harsh tone.

"Hmm... Sister, aren't you sitting next to brother-in-law? Do you want to monopolize brother-in-law?"

Lily immediately made a pitiful look, like an abandoned little milk cat.


Ryan let out a sigh, she really couldn't help her sister.

"Just this time."

Speaking of which, Ryan sat in the original seat of Qiye and gave up his seat to Qiye.

[I said you didn’t ask me if I agree?

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched slightly.

He is not sitting in this seat now, nor is he not sitting.

The so-called dilemma is probably the case.

"Brother-in-law, come over and sit now~" Lily showed a shy expression on her face, "Or, do you want to sit on my knee?"

"Baga (Lily)! What are you talking about!"

Two different voices sounded at the same time.

"Lily, you need to be reserved as a girl!"

Qiye roared anxiously.

He also took a peek at whether there were paparazzi around, so as not to hear Lily's words.

Ryan was even more direct, she directly slammed her sister's head with a violent shudder.

"It hurts..."

Lily hugged her hair and whispered.

"The pain is right, it will make your memory up."

Although Lily's words were very problematic, the embarrassment was alleviated a lot by being so disturbed.

Qiye sighed resignedly, and then sat down in the seat vacated for herself.

Lily immediately leaned on Qiye's body very happy.

Ryan grabbed Qiye's hand with a natural look.

[It can be regarded as embracing left and right in disguise...]

Qiye forced herself to ignore the strangeness coming from her arms and tried to focus her attention on the screen where there was nothing.

[Who, can you play the movie soon?

Qiye made a sincere cry in her heart.


pS: The above picture is a hilarious picture that I accidentally saw on the Internet. I sent it out for everyone to relax.o(*≧▽≦)

I have to say that human imagination is really endless.

Chapter 549 Why Didn't You Say It Earlier?[Add more]

"This kid Yanfu is not shallow~"

Shion, who was sitting in the back two rows, looked at Qiye hugging her left and right, and bit her back teeth.

Although he agreed to shoot at Ryan, the man's movements were too fast, right?

And what's wrong with Lily?

I didn't say that you can eat all sisters!


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