Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 947

Shion cursed in a low voice with a voice that he could only hear.

It's just that Shion frowned again and whispered.

Even if you didn't hear what she said, you would find her strange.

Therefore, of course the people sitting next to Shion questioned her.

"Miss Shion, what's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing."

Shion shook her head quickly. She smiled and said to the other party: "Uncle Lucas, I just got a little distracted."

Sitting next to Shion was George Lucas.

In order to build a good relationship with each other, Shion has been very diligent with each other during this period.

Because his own Jiufeng has fallen behind the relationship between Disney and Fox in the relationship with the other party.

Shion deliberately placed herself in the seat of a younger generation to communicate with each other.

Lucas still likes this cheap junior very much.

Shion has a sweeter mouth and has a good attitude towards herself.

In addition, there are many cooperation projects between Jiufeng and Lucasfilm.

From online video copyright to cooperation in the game field.

It can be said that Jiufeng has just made up for what he lacked in the development of the IP value of "Star Wars" by Lucas.

As a result, Lucas was more satisfied with Shion.

Of course, given the other party's age and status in the film industry, Shion's shouting "Uncle" is not a disadvantage.

But it is not George Lucas who cares more about Shion today, but Steve Spielberg sitting next to him.

Although he knew that the other party would come to attend the film premiere, Shion really didn't expect him to sit so close to him.

However, there is no particularly serious contradiction between Jiufeng and Spielberg.

Although when Fsn was released, the competition with "World War" made the two sides a little bit contradictory.

But that was not the main reason for the failure of "World War", nor the reason for the collapse of DreamWorks.

At best, it can only be regarded as normal business competition.

With Spielberg's good temper, this kind of trivial matter has long been relieved.

Shouldn't Warner and Michael Bay, who caused the failure of "Escape the Clone", really want to be held accountable?

So despite the curiosity, Shion didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"Mr. Spielberg is really honored to be able to attend the premiere of "The Flame of Purgatory"."

Shion smiled and greeted Lao Si.

Although the other party is no longer the boss of DreamWorks, he is still a representative of the Jewish community in Hollywood.

Spielberg's extensive connections and energy in Hollywood deserve Shion's respect.

"Nothing. Although I am old, my heart is still alive."

As a famous old fritters, Spielberg smiles at everyone.

"I have seen the upper and lower episodes of Fsn and the upper part of FZ, and I am considered a half fan of the Fate series."

"This time "The Flame of Purgatory" is released, I really want to know what the ending of the story is right away."

Shion smiled, but said nothing.

If Spielberg is really a fan of Fate, then he should have known the ending long ago.

Spielberg continued: "And James also mentioned it to me at the time. Your director Kiryu has used new technology in this "Fire of Purgatory" and the still filming "Madoka."

Shion knew that the James mentioned was James Cameron.

"I have been to James' set, if what he said is true, then he and Director Kiryu will bring a new technological revolution to Hollywood."

"Mr. Spielberg, you have a good reputation." Shion replied modestly.

Spielberg shook his head: "Don’t be humble, let’s not talk about the IMAX trend that you used to use "Goblin Slayer". Just the 3D technology you used on FZ has already seen the future of movies. ."

Speaking, Spielberg waved the 3D glasses in his hand.

Then Lao Si turned the topic to the "Fire of Purgatory" movie itself.

"I have watched movie trailers. Many of the shots and editing methods on it are very novel. These are all worth learning."

[This is probably the truth.

Shion understands why Spielberg will come to the film premiere.

He is no longer the owner of DreamWorks. If he doesn't want to retire, he just continues to be a director.

Although Spielberg has never left the front line, he must have been out of touch with the forefront of the times because of the constraints of the company's operations.

Since "Happiness Terminal", Spielberg's box office has not been particularly ideal, as evidenced by this.

That being the case, Spielberg naturally needs to continue to learn the current super hot movies.

To understand their technical applications, to observe their lens editing, and then enrich yourself with what you have learned.

Spielberg knew that this is a rapidly changing era.

If he does not absorb the new elements for his own use, he will inevitably be eliminated in the future.

But Shion thought of his own man's evaluation of the director.

"What Spielberg lacked was never the production technology, but the idea of ​​making movies."

Shion still remembers the helplessness and pity Qiye said at that time.

"The problems of Spielberg and Michael Bay are a bit similar. If you can't break away from the core framework of the previous works, then Spielberg will have to go downhill."

"Because the audience has long been tired of his tricks."

Although Spielberg's movies are far from being as fast-food as Bangbei, the North American audiences of his movie characters have long been familiar with their true affection.

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