Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Development Plan Chapter 948

The overseas audience is okay, but North America has long since stopped eating this set.

This is why Spielberg's films have occasionally good box office performance overseas, but in North America, they are still on the street.

Although Shion felt that her man's evaluation was very reasonable, she and Spielberg were unfamiliar, so there was no need to remind her.

So after dealing with each other a few more words, Shion took the initiative to end the conversation between the two parties.

Shion's reason for ending the conversation is also very simple, because the movie is about to begin soon.

Although "The Flame of Purgatory" will not officially start large-scale release until tomorrow.

However, many movie fans have long been unable to wait. They have been holding back for a year, and they cannot wait until tomorrow with peace of mind.

This is a bit similar to the box office performance of Qiye’s last life "Endgame" that exploded at the premiere.

After a year of anticipation and waiting, everyone's expectations for the movie have reached its peak.

Many viewers who have never joined the lively premiere, have chosen to watch the movie in advance of the premiere in order to understand the greedy.

As for the fans of Fate, let alone, they have already pre-purchased tickets for the premiere theater nearby.

And those fans who were lucky enough to participate in the preview also chose the second brush.

They were originally core fans, and they were very satisfied with the finished movie, and it was just normal to watch it again.

Many box office forecasting agencies believe that the first-day box office of "Purgatory" is likely to break the new record set by the upper half of FZ last year.

This time, "The Flame of Purgatory" is different from previous movies released by Jiufeng Entertainment.

This is Jiufeng's first film to be released on a global scale simultaneously.

Judging from the results, Jiufeng was very successful this time.

After spending a lot of energy and resources, Jiufeng Entertainment finally achieved the simultaneous release of "The Flame of Purgatory" in 105 countries and regions around the world.

The ability to achieve this level also proves that Jiufeng Entertainment's distribution capabilities can already be on par with the Big Six.

Ordinary movie fans certainly don't know how much effort Jiufeng has spent for this result.

All they know is that they can see the ending of FZ no later than other audiences around the world.

This is exciting enough.

But this kind of excitement is something Japanese audiences don't have.

As the headquarters of Jiufeng Entertainment, the Japanese film market is basically able to be released simultaneously with North America every time.

So being able to watch movies with North American audiences almost at the same time has long been used to Japanese movie fans.

However, they still have the excitement of watching the movie.

"Um... it's about to start."

Sitting on the king seat of the IMAX theater, Asuna was shaking her legs.

Although she was not able to play "Fire of Purgatory" at the third preview in North America, she immediately booked the earliest show in Japan after returning to China.

From the moment this young lady entered the theater, she was the focus of attention of the people around her.

Not only because of Miss Asuna's beautiful appearance, but also because of her wearing an Altria COS suit.

Although the hair was not dyed blond (not allowed at home), the metal armor was missing from the clothes.

But just this blue and white knight dress is still enough to attract people's eyes.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to bring the knight's sword in. The ticket inspector is really rigid enough." Asuna said regretfully.

Asuna felt quite good about the curious eyes floating around.

She asked her boyfriend next to her: "You said the lack of knight swords and blond hair, will they fail to see that I am in COS Altria?"

"Probably not, after all, the clothes are so conspicuous." He Gu smiled helplessly.

"However, Asuna..."


"You can't dye your blonde hair, so why not wear a golden wig?"



"Why didn't you say it earlier!"


pS1: Spielberg movies have never been technically problematic, but the core of the story has indeed remained unchanged.

It's no wonder that movies are becoming more and more popular with audiences.

Speaking of Laos's movies since the new century, Mijiang’s favorite is not "The Number One Player" but the cartoon "The Adventures of Tintin"._(:з∠)_


pS2: There should be another chapter to be added later.

I feel like the whole person is vomiting blood from the liver.

Chapter 550 Opening of "The Flame of Purgatory" [Additional]

COS at the premiere is nothing particularly strange, but it's a bit rare in Japan.

After all, Japan is a country with a strong group consciousness.

Unless you want to die socially, few people will wear COS clothes on the street like in anime.

There is it in Akihabara, but only a few places such as Akihabara.

Even if you are watching a premiere movie, unless it is a movie with a strong taste of the house, there are few people wearing COS clothes to watch the movie.

However, there is not so much attention in Europe and America.

There are not too many enthusiastic fans who come to the premiere in the costumes of their favorite characters.

For example, a certain Jiufeng fanatic.

"How is my look?"

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