Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 951

It is no exaggeration to say that the highest cost of a single frame in the entire FZ movie.

In the gaze of all the spectators, the Macedonian soldiers rushed to the front of the tank. They directly pointed their spears at the tank armor and slammed in the past.

If it is another movie, the audience will feel very ridiculous to see this scene.

They may even post anti-Japanese dramas or bandit titles such as Anti-De Qixia.

But it's not surprising that this scene appeared in Fate.

Because these ancient soldiers armed with spears were all followers, and the followers could do whatever they wanted.

A Macedonian soldier jumped high and pointed his spear at the gun barrel of a tank that was about to fire.

The gun barrel hadn't fully accommodated this huge gun head, and the whole thing exploded!

The shell exploded.

Flames and air waves overturned the tank.

The heavy tank armor turned into fragments, and even drove the surrounding soldiers into the air.

At the same time, the camera took the eyes of the spectator and circled the battlefield around the explosion site.

Qiye uses a bullet time lens similar to that in "The Matrix" to allow the audience to clearly see the metal shavings and the flying trajectories of the characters driven by the explosion.

And with this as the connection point, the audience was able to appreciate the situation around the battlefield.

Everyone can clearly see that the Macedonian soldiers ignored the bullets fired at them and stabbed their spears into the body of the shooting soldier.

The audience witnessed various bursts of flames and air waves on the battlefield, watching various fragments hit the surrounding modern military equipment, and eventually defeated the modern army.

A magnificent scene of various weapons and troops flying all over the sky was presented to the audience.

Qiye used a 360-degree surround lens to show the details of the battlefield like a CG exploded view of the Gunpla.

The analysis of the character's movement and stillness is presented in an accurate and gorgeous way.

Let this scene be still full of movement at the same time.

Of course, this lens technique is not Qiye original.

The use of scenes of Macedonian warriors fighting, Qiye has referenced various ancient war movies.

Among them, "Spartan 300 Warriors" is the place where Qiye draws the most.

After all, when the men in red pants were at war with the Persian army, all of them were really the same as having unparalleled skills.

This is why many people complain that "300 Spartan" is not a costume drama at all, but a lively superhero movie.

Although Zach Schneider is a director, the level of storytelling needs to be improved.

But no matter how dark the person is, he can't deny the beauty of the other party's pictures and composition.

People naturally need to learn the excellent things. After all, this kind of slow motion shot can greatly enhance the epic sense of the picture.

Of course, Qiye did not copy it completely.

In this set of shots, Qiye still added a lot of her own things.

For example, the description of sharp objects in the lens makes the picture more three-dimensional, and the IMAX3D version appears more three-dimensional.

In the composition of characters, Qiye pays more attention to the collision of power than the beauty of the characters.

In order to pave the way for future Xingyue works, Qiye needs to establish the concept of a servant for the audience.

A small Macedonian soldier is even more powerful than Captain America.

So, how powerful the heroes who were once famous in history will be.

Qiye hopes that this kind of thinking can be firmly remembered by everyone watching this movie.

Judging from the results, Qiye was very successful.

None of the audience in the theater who enjoyed this magnificent and exciting visual impact was not dumbfounded.

"This is simply, this is simply..."

William couldn't find a suitable word to describe it at all. The theater that had been quieting down because of the movie became messy again.

"Oh! Super handsome!!"

"Long live Alexander the Great!!"

There were a few spectators who couldn't control their excitement and shouted there.

But it was quickly recognized by many people.

After all, under the pressure of such an unpleasant picture, the audience needs to find a way to vent their extreme excitement.

After that, the plot made the audience more aware of what it means to be out of control.

Several fighter jets passed through the desert air and began to carry out relentless carpet bombings on Macedonian soldiers.

Although these bombings are not too dangerous for the Macedonian soldiers, they have no good way to use these fighters at high altitudes without wings.

Several Macedonian soldiers jumped up and threw their spears in an attempt to attack the fighters in this way.

But fighter jets that have been flying at high speed are far more flexible than they thought.

Although a few frames were also poked, the overall efficiency is not high.

So Iskandall, who had been sitting firmly in the rear and commanding the battle, moved.

He drove the chariot into the sky and started a chase battle with these fighters.

Coincidentally, it was when Iskander was fighting fighter jets inside his enchantment.

From the outside, Gilgamesh also drove the Ark to fight Lancelot on the battlefield.

Green and red trajectories crossed the sky, and the treasures and fighter machine guns were shot in the air.

Different from the slow motion on the battlefield just now, Qiye here all uses fast footage to give the audience a different kind of visual stimulation.

Many viewers opened their mouths and stared wide-eyed for fear that they would miss a frame.

This fight is simply indescribable!

"It's just like riding a roller coaster."

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